歌词 "Famous Girl" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Famous Girl



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Verse 1:] [诗歌1 : ]

Ye would've said you're "So Amazing" 你们会一直说你是“太不可思议了”

So how could you be so "Heartless" girl 所以,你怎么能如此“无情”的女孩

"Live Your Live", take T-I-M-E “为自己而活” ,本文以T -I -M -E

"Day 'N' Night" just like KiD CuDi “天”N“夜”就像孩子CUDI

You'll think of me (You will, oh) 你会想起我(你哦)


Drake would say that you're the "Best He Ever Had" 德雷克会说你是“最好的,他曾经有过”

Rumors come and go 传闻此起彼伏

But you keep your shadow 但是你把你的影子

Everywhere you go it follows 无论你走到哪里它遵循

Can't understand; I still you (Watch the blogs talk about this one) 无法理解;我还是你(观看博客谈这个)


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Soon as I thought I found the right woman 当我以为我找到了合适的女人

There were other guys who thought the same thing about her 还有谁想到同样的事情对她的其他人

Like damn you let me down (Down, Down) 像你这该死的让我失望(羽绒,羽绒)

'Cause you're famous girl “因为你是有名的女孩

For breaking hearts 打破心


You're famous girl (girl) 你是有名的女孩(女孩)

Girl (Girl) 女孩(女孩)

Girl (Girl) 女孩(女孩)

[x3] [ X3 ]


Should've known you'd break my heart (That you would break my heart) 早该知道你会伤了我的心脏(那你会打破我的心脏)

Heart (Heart) 心脏(心)

Heart (Heart) 心脏(心)


[Verse 2:] [诗2: ]

Keri would've said my love "Knocks Her Down" 克里就已经说过了我的爱“击倒她失望”

Keyshia would've told me I was "Sent From Heaven" Keyshia会告诉我,我是“上天派下凡”

Sorry B I don't wear no "Halo" 对不起乙我不穿不“晕”

You were first to play the game though 你是第一个,虽然玩游戏

Sorry I "Bust the windows out your car" 对不起,我“胸围窗户你的车”


I might have cheated in the beginning 我可能被骗了在开始的时候

I was wrong for writing "Disturbia" 我错了写作“后窗惊魂”

But I meant it in "Forever" 但我的意思是“永远”

We were supposed to be together 我们应该在一起

And I can't let you go 我不能让你走


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Since you thought you found the right man 既然你以为你找到了正确的人

There were other girls who thought the same thing about me 还有谁想到同样的事关于我的其他女孩

Like damn I let you down (Down, Down) 就像该死的我让你失望(羽绒,羽绒)

Yes I'm famous girl 是的,我很出名的女孩

For breaking hearts 打破心


I'm famous girl (girl) 我是有名的女孩(女孩)

Girl (girl) 女孩(女孩)

Girl (girl) 女孩(女孩)

[x3] [ X3 ]


Didn't know I'd break your heart [x2] (That I would break your heart) 不知道我会伤了你的心脏[X2] (那我就打破你的心脏)


[x2] [X2]


[Hook:] [钩: ]

Many hearts we should've left unbroken 许多人心中应该已经离开不间断

Empty words are better left unspoken 空话还是留着潜

Too much pressure I wish time was frozen 压力太大我希望时间被冻结

Seems we lost our way now 看来,我们迷了路,现在

I hope your happy being famous girl 我希望你快乐成名的女孩


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

You famous girl (Girl) 你出名的女孩(女孩)

Girl (Girl) 女孩(女孩)

Girl (Girl) 女孩(女孩)

[x3] [ X3 ]


Should've known you'd break my heart (Heart) 早该知道你会伤了我的心脏(心)

Heart (Heart) 心脏(心)

Heart (Heart) 心脏(心)

[x3] [ X3 ]

歌词 Famous Girl 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/famous-girl-1/

歌词 Famous Girl 的作者与版权信息:


Rob Allen, Joseph Bereal Jr, Chris Brown, Christopher Maurice Brown, Luke Boyd, Ryan Leslie


Songs For Heart Music, Songs Of Universal Inc., Culture Beyond Ur Experience Publishing, Sony/ATV Songs LLC, Ns4life Music Publishing Inc., Notting Hill Music (Uk) Ltd., Universal Music Corp., A List Vocalz, Bughouse