歌词 "Diamond Day" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Diamond Day



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Verse 1:] [诗歌1 : ]

Ahhh, the smell of piss 小便唉唉,气味

I don't know why but you feel alive 我不知道为什么,但你觉得活着

When it's half past 5 and you take a leakage 当它是过去的一半5 ,你需要泄漏

The man in the mirror looks back to speak his - 在镜子的人回顾说他的 -

Mind - find it sane to wonder 心灵 - 找到理智的怀疑

Nothing's clearer. Why am I here? 没有什么更清晰。我为什么在这里?

Do I have a use or am I a number? 我有一个用还是我多少?

Did he make me when he made the thunder? 难道他让我当他做了雷声?

And if so why? 如果是的话,为什么?

Who? When? How? 谁?什么时候?怎么样?

And why should I think this now? 而我为什么要相信这个吗?

And why do I need these eye ñ brows? 为什么我需要这些眼睛ñ眉毛?

Cows make milk, milk is useful 使奶牛的牛奶,牛奶是非常有用的

We make shit that is used to kill so 我们做狗屎用来杀了那么

What's the point of us being here!? 什么是对我们在这里点!?


[Hook:] [钩: ]

It started off as a diamond day 它最初是一个菱形的一天

I saw myself in a hazy way 我看到自己在一个朦胧的方式

What's the point of me in this world? 什么是我在这个世界上的意义呢?

You can venture about the place 你可以大胆牵挂的地方

It seems shit stares you in the face 看来狗屎盯着你的脸

Guess sometimes you never can tell 想有时候,你永远无法知道


[Verse 2:] [诗2: ]

Go to unearth the answer 去发掘答案

Strange that I've never been a chancer 奇怪的是,我从来就不是一个chancer

But things look darker, time to scarper 但事情显得较暗,时间scarper

I don't think twice when I grab my parker 我不三思而后行,当我抓住我的帕克

And slam the door don't turn a shoulder 而且摔门不转肩

I can't get old be none the wiser 我不能让老人无人明智

And close my eyes at night 并闭上双眼在夜里

Just never knowing quite 只是不知道挺

What the fuck we contribute to constitute 什么他妈的我们贡献构成

The wrongs we do and still be plain sailing 委屈我们仍然一帆风顺

Top the food chain and 顶部的食物链,

Still bloody complaining 还是血淋淋的抱怨

I set my course for Truthville 我把我的课程Truthville

The truth-will surface maybe, (maybe) 事实上,将表面可能, (也许)


[Bridge:] [桥: ]

I left without my a to the z 我离开没有我对于z

So what do I say to my head 那么,我说我的头

I'll never find the answers I'm looking for 我永远也不会找到我要找的答案

I'm sure, I must just look unsure 我敢肯定,我要进去看不清楚


[Hook:] [钩: ]

It started off as a diamond day 它最初是一个菱形的一天

I saw myself in a hazy way 我看到自己在一个朦胧的方式

What's the point of me in this world? 什么是我在这个世界上的意义呢?

You can venture about the place 你可以大胆牵挂的地方

It seems shit stares you in the face 看来狗屎盯着你的脸

Guess sometimes you never can tell 想有时候,你永远无法知道


[Verse 3:] [诗歌3 : ]

I'm strolling, (he's strolling) 我漫步, (他漫步)

The scenery is rolling 风景滚动

I stop (he stops) 我停下来(他停下来)

Who's that talking? (Who's that talking) 那是谁说话? (那是谁说话)

To the left I see a cornfield 左边我看到麦田

To the right I see some cows 在右边我看到一些牛

In front I see a set of doors 在前面我看到了一组门

I think these things are metaphors 我觉得这些东西都是隐喻

For what? Don't ask the question 为了什么?不要问的问题

I talk to the cow for an ounce of sense then 我跟牛的感觉一盎司,然后

Don't look back head through the doors 不回头头通过门

I'm back in my bathroom in the mirror 我回到我在浴室的镜子

Staring, I've solved the common mystery 盯着,我已经解决了常见的奥秘

Of why we have a history, epiphany 为什么我们有历史,顿悟

And now this piss seems bliss to me 现在这个小便好像幸福给我

Cows make milk but what's it for 奶牛产奶,但什么是它

And corn tastes shit if you eat it raw 和玉米的味道狗屎,如果你吃了生

But we're so fucking clever 但我们太他妈的聪明

Went and put the 2 together 去,把2一起

(Went and put the 2 together (去了,把2一起

Went and put the 2 together) 去,把2合)

And that's the point of us in this world 这就是我们在这个世界上的点


[Hook: x2] [钩: X2 ]

It started off as a diamond day 它最初是一个菱形的一天

I saw myself in a hazy way 我看到自己在一个朦胧的方式

What's the point of me in this world? 什么是我在这个世界上的意义呢?

You can venture about the place 你可以大胆牵挂的地方

It seems shit stares you in the face 看来狗屎盯着你的脸

Guess sometimes you never can tell 想有时候,你永远无法知道

歌词 Diamond Day 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/diamond-day/