歌词 "Dedicated" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:HEAVY D

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Intro/Chorus: unnamed singer] [简介/合唱:无名的歌手]

Stay-ay-ay, stay dedicated 留,唉,唉,专门留

You've got to stay-ay-ay, stay dedicated 你一定要留下来,唉,唉,专门留

You've got to 你必须


[Heavy D] [重的D ]

Now this is called "Dedicated," though not a dedication 现在,这就是所谓的“专用”,虽然不是奉献

It's about an obligation in a love situation 这是关于爱情的情况的义务

Guys don't get your girls, girls don't get your guys 球员没有得到你的女孩,女孩没有得到你的人

with a, relationship full of backstabbin lies BUT 有,关系全面backstabbin的谎言但

I'm here to tow the line on all that shooting 我在这里被拖行上所有拍摄

Dedicating is the subject I'm speaking 奉献是我讲的主题

on therefore I need your undivided, attention 因此,在我需要你一心一意,注意

Sit and listen to, what Heavy D mentions 坐下来听听,什么重的D提到


[Chorus] [合唱]


[Heavy D] [重的D ]

Pretty lady, I heard about your status 漂亮的小姐,我听说你的状态

You're lookin for the boy, whose pockets are the fattest 你看着的男孩,他的口袋里是最胖

And, I also know about your bad repu-ta-tion 而且,我也知道你的坏REPU - TA-重刑

The things you so, inside of a rela-tion- 你的东西是这样, RELA - tion-内

-ship behind their backs, you use and abuse them -ship在背后,使用和虐待他们

But in the face you say that you love them 但面对你说,你爱他们

'til one day Prince CHARMING comes along~! 直到1天白马王子走来〜 !

You say to yourself you won't do nothing wrong 你对自己说你不会做没有错

Saw your opportunity, decided, to grab it 看到你的机会,决定抓住它

But first things first, you kicked your bad habit 但是,首先第一件事情,你踢你的坏习惯

Told your best friend you had the perfect life 告诉你最好的朋友,你有完美的人生

But what can never go wrong, never will sound right 但是,不能出错,绝不会发出声音的权利

You see this guy that you're with is what like you used to be 你看这家伙,你是用什么样的,你曾经是

He takes a lover undercover, destroyed your dignity 他以一个情人的卧底,摧毁了你的尊严

It used to be a joke but now the table's turned 它曾经是一个笑话,但现在表的转身

You're the one gettin dissed, so I hope that you learned 你是一个开始报dissed ,所以我希望你学到

that he was lookin for some action, some satisfaction 他是看着一些动作,有些满意

You thought it was, a physical attraction 你认为这是一个生理上的吸引

Then one day, you caught your lover out there 然后有一天,你被你的爱人在那里

When you asked him why he did it, he said he didn't care 当你问他为什么,他说他不在乎

So remember next time, you wanna act crazy 所以请记住下一次,你想疯狂的行为

what comes around GOES AROUND, pretty lady! 什么恶有恶报善有善报,漂亮的女士!

Lady, lady... dedicated 夫人,女士专用...


[Chorus] [合唱]


[Heavy D] [重的D ]

You got yourself a girlie and you should be coolin 你拥有属于自己的娘娘腔,你应该coolin

Tryin to play the role, but who are you foolin? 试着扮演的角色,但谁是你说着玩?

Your lady's not the one she knows about yo' schemin 你的女人不是一个,她知道哟 schemin

Time to wake up, pal - stop dreamin 醒来的时候, PAL - 停止作梦

Before you know it what you got gets GONE! 在你知道之前你得到了什么得到不见了!

You're sittin in the room with your head down mourn-ing/morning 你呆坐着的房间,你的头哀恸- ING /晨

time comes, who's there it ain't your girlie 时间一到,谁在那里是不是你的娘娘腔

You said that you missed her, shoulda thought about it earl-ier 你说,你错过了她,早该想到这件事伯爵-IER

Cause now you're all alone no one to play with 因为现在你独自一人没人一起玩

No one to squeeze you easy, or give your a kiss 没人挤你容易,还是给你一个吻

Kiddly kiddly kiss, kiddly kiddly kiss... Kiddly kiddly吻, kiddly kiddly吻...

There's a lesson to be learned, I hope that you're learning 有一个忠告就是,我希望你在学习

Cause if you disregard it's LOVE you will be yearning 如果你忽视它的爱,你会渴望导致

What I'm tryin to say is this, READ between the lines 我试着说是这样的,在字里行间

Don't make a commitment you can't stand behind 不要让你无法忍受落后的承诺

Cause in the long run it'll only grow worse 原因从长远来看,它只会变得更为严重

And the love that you have'll turn out to be a curse 而爱你havell变成是一种诅咒

You struggle wit'cha life, tryin to get situated 你挣扎witcha生活,试着让位于

When all you had to do is chill, and stay... 当所有你必须做的就是寒冷,并留...

Dedicated 专用


[singers ad lib to the end] [歌手即兴来结束]

歌词 Dedicated 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/dedicated-3/