Danse Caribe
You were a shameless child 你是一个无耻的孩子
Bandied by stiff cross currents 由硬质交叉电流大肆散播
Anything but mild 任何东西,但温和的
Yes and no just simply weren't 是的,没有只是单纯的不
Invented yet 发明出来
Oh yes oh no 哦,是哦,不
Then one day you'd had it 直到有一天,你会了吧
Exiled your close advisors 放逐你的亲密顾问
Ousted your dog-eared rabbits 推翻你的狗耳兔
You're through with pacifizers 你是通过与pacifizers
You're through with pacifizers now 你是通过与pacifizers现在
Here we go mistaking clouds for mountains 在这里,我们去误将云的山
Here's the thing that brings the sparrows to the fountains 这里,带来了麻雀到喷泉的东西
Here's the thing that makes you run for the highlands 这里是让你运行高地的东西
Here we go mistaking clouds for mountains 在这里,我们去误将云的山
Autonomy 自治
歌词 Danse Caribe 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/danse-caribe/
- Desperation Breeds...
- Danse Caribe
- Give It Away
- Eyeoneye
- Lazy Projector
- Near Death Experience Experience
- Lusitania
- Orpheo Looks Back
- Sifters
- Fatal Shore
- Hole In The Ocean Floor
- 推荐歌词
- XO
- Poppin For Some
- Ships Don't Disappear In The Night (Do They?)
- I'll Be The One
- Gonna Be Alright
- Let's Roll
- Magnificent
- Any Direction
- The Last Time (I Get Burned Like This)
- Between My Legs
- My Soul To Lose
- Mystic Rhythms
- Amigas Cheetahs
- Callin' Baton Rouge
- Stop!
- Architects & Engineers
- Do I Know You?
- I Left My Heart In San Francisco
- Steal That Car
- Skin & Bones
- "Danse Caribe" lyrics are property and copyright of their owners."Danse Caribe" lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only.
- 歌词 "Danse Caribe" 的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权。仅供教育目的且仅限个人使用。
- 歌词 "Danse Caribe" 的中文对照翻译版本由本站整理完成,仅供学习参考,对于其中的错误本站不承担任何责任。