歌词 "Cubism Dream" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Cubism Dream



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

She flew across the sea 她飞越大海

We talked on a small screen 我们谈了在小屏幕上

A cubism dream à立体主义的梦想

The most beautiful squares I'd ever seen 我见过的最美丽的广场

The canvas was free 画布是免费的

A gift good mother gave to me 礼物好母亲给我

We joked at how they talked so differently 我们开玩笑说他们是如何谈论如此不同


I will never know what had rot my heart 我永远也不会知道是什么烂我的心脏

It just came and went in the dark 它只是来了又走在黑暗中

I had changed into the certain kind of man 我已经变成了某一种男人

That could break your heart with his own hands 这可能与他自己的手伤你的心脏


We were to scan our own towns 我们来扫描自己的城镇

And make good on what we found 并做好什么,我们发现

Oh, what a fool I was to think 呵呵,我是多么愚蠢想

That I could get by on a smile and a wink 那我能得到通过微笑和眨眼

I make a friend, I make you sick 我做一个朋友,我让你生病

Could you even imagine a kiss? 你能想象一个吻?

We spoke of how we talked so differently 我们谈到我们如何谈论如此不同

I spoke of how I felt so differently 我谈到了我的感觉如此不同


I will never know what had rot my heart 我永远也不会知道是什么烂我的心脏

It just came and went in the dark 它只是来了又走在黑暗中

I had changed into the certain kind of man 我已经变成了某一种男人

That could break your heart with his own hands 这可能与他自己的手伤你的心脏


So in australia, on halloween 因此,在澳大利亚,在万圣节

I proved what our love meant to me 我证明了我们的爱情对我来说

The suffering, the struggling 痛苦的挣扎

I did it for you 我也给你

I did it for me 我做到了我

歌词 Cubism Dream 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/cubism-dream/

歌词 Cubism Dream 的作者与版权信息:


Andrew Jeffrey Hamm, Kelcey Paul Ayer, Matthew James Frazier, Ryan Clinton Hahn, Taylor David Rice


Universal Music Publishing Ltd.