歌词 "Bound To Ramble" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Bound To Ramble



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I walk for miles. 我走数英里。

Circumnavigate these lands. 绕行这些土地。

Walking blindly, 盲目地走,

Holding out my hands. 伸出我的手。

And I pass the stones 而且我通过石头

That remind me why I'm here. 这提醒我,为什么我在这里。

I follow the setting sun 我跟夕阳

And you were there. 而你在那里。


Don't you see what she done to me. 难道你不明白她对我做的。

I was running blind but now I can be 我跑盲目的,但现在我可以

And if theres just one sign 而如果那里只是一个符号

Hell you know I can see. 地狱你知道我可以看到。

Girl I was ment for you, 女孩,我是换货给你,

You were ment for me, 你是彪对我来说,

Her teachings in everyday 她的教诲在日常

And boy I know she ain't preaching 而男孩,我知道她是不是说教

But I feel the need to pray. 但我觉得有必要去祷告。


She like the ocean size 她像大海一样大小

Pounding on my shores. 敲打在我的海岸。

Knocking down my walls, 撞倒我的心墙,

opening up all my doors. 打开了我所有的门。


I'm Bound to Ramble 我不能不逛

All my days with another... 我所有的日子与另一...

歌词 Bound To Ramble 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/bound-to-ramble/

歌词 Bound To Ramble 的作者与版权信息:


John Charles Wiltshire-Butler


Family Music Pty Ltd.