歌词 "Bleed" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Someone is talking 有人念叨

But it's not conversation, 但它不是对话,

Sounds more like a voice in my head. 听起来更像是在我的脑海声音。

It says 它说,

'I live in nightmares “我生活在噩梦

I'm the new god of panic 我慌乱的新神

And I'm waiting for you to come home to me. 而我在等你回家给我。


'So boy, welcome to sleep “所以男孩,欢迎睡觉

I'm gonna make you, make you, make you bleed.' 我要让你,让你,让你流血。 “


I could be dreaming 我是在做梦

But then maybe that's fatal. 但也许这是致命的。

There's nowhere to hide in your dreams. 有无处在你的梦中隐藏。

I'm so uneasy 我很不安

I'm shaking and nervous. 我全身颤抖和紧张。

I'm alone in my room and I'm scared of it. 我独自一人在我的房间,我害怕它。


So, don't let me sleep 所以,不要让我睡

It's gonna make me, make me, make me bleed. 这会令我,让我,让我流血。


My mother told me 我的妈妈告诉我

'Don't believe in ghost stories. “不信鬼故事。

There's nothing to hurt you in here.' 没有什么可以伤害你在这里。 “

But she was wrong 但是她错了

And now it's come back to haunt me. 现在它的回过头来困扰着我。

It says it won't leave me alive for long. 它说,它不会让我活不下来。


I don't want to sleep. 我不想睡觉。

It's gonna make me, make me, make me bleed. 这会令我,让我,让我流血。

歌词 Bleed 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/bleed-7/

歌词 Bleed 的作者与版权信息:


Gary Webb


Numan Music Ltd.