歌词 "Andalucia" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The rattlesnakes and fireflies 在响尾蛇和萤火虫

Are stranded at the border between you and me 滞留在你我之间的边界

And the static on the radio 并在电台静

Is preaching to the children of infinity 鼓吹到无穷大的孩子

We stay up late to speak in tongues 我们熬夜说方言

And redefine the boundaries of sanity 并重新定义理智的界限

Swaying to the sound of “Sister Ray” 摇曳的“雷姐”的声音

But we never knew how vulnerable we were 但我们从来不知道我们是多么脆弱者


Andalucia I know you’ve been around 安达卢西亚我知道你一直在身边

You’re crazy girl 你疯丫头

Andalucia your hands are on the wheel 安达卢西亚你的手在方向盘

But you’re slipping 但是你滑倒


The greener grass we traded 该草更绿,我们成交

For the mysteries of skinny hips and confidence 对于瘦臀部和信心的奥秘

And the literary casualties were cool 而文学伤亡酷

Because souls are hewn from vowels and consonants 因为灵魂是由元音和辅音凿成

Stabbed in the eyes by the spectacle of “Up the Beach” 通过眼镜刺伤眼睛“向上海滩”

And we never knew how vulnerable we were 我们从来不知道我们是多么脆弱者

No we never knew that 不,我们从来不知道,


Things get battered 事情变得焦头烂额

Things get shaken 事情变得动摇

Things get tattered 事情变得破破烂烂

And things forsaken 和抛弃的东西

Things get spent 事情变得花

And things get spoken 事情变得口语

Things get bent 事情变得弯曲

And things get broken 事情变得破碎


Andalucia I know you’ve been around 安达卢西亚我知道你一直在身边

You’re crazy girl 你疯丫头

Andalucia I know you’ve been around 安达卢西亚我知道你一直在身边

You’re crazy girl 你疯丫头

Andalucia your hands are on the wheel 安达卢西亚你的手在方向盘

But you’re slipping, you’re slipping 但是你滑倒,你滑倒

Andalucia I know you’ve been around 安达卢西亚我知道你一直在身边

You’re crazy girl. 你疯丫头。

歌词 Andalucia 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/andalucia/