歌词 "Age" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:CROCE, JIM

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I've been up and down and around and 'round and back again, 我一直在上下左右和轮,然后再返回,

I've been so many places I can't remember where or when. 我去过这么多地方,我不记得在何时何。

And my only boss was the clock on the wall and my only friend 而我唯一的老板就是墙壁上的时钟和我唯一的朋友

Never really was a friend at all. 从来没有真正的朋友都没有。


I've traded love for pennies, sold my soul for less, 我已经换爱便士,卖了我的灵魂少,

Lost my ideals in that long tunnel of time. 失去了我的理想,在时间的长隧道。

I've turned inside out and around about and back and then 我原来里面出来,对周围和背部,然后

Found myself right back where I started again. 发现自己的右后卫,我又开始了。


Once I had myself a million, now I've only got a dime, 有一次,我自己一百万,现在我只带了一毛钱,

The diff'rence don't seem quite as bad today. 该diffrence似乎并没有那么糟糕今天。

With a nickel or a million, I was searching all the time 随着镍或一百万,我正在寻找所有的时间

For something that I never lost or left behind. 的东西,我从来没有丢失或遗留。


I've traded love for pennies, sold my soul for less, 我已经换爱便士,卖了我的灵魂少,

Lost my ideals in that long tunnel of time. 失去了我的理想,在时间的长隧道。

I've turned inside out and around about and back and then 我原来里面出来,对周围和背部,然后

Found myself right back where I started again. 发现自己的右后卫,我又开始了。


And Now I'm in my second circle and I'm headin' for the top, 而现在,我在我的第二圈,我航向“的顶部,

I've learned a lot of things along the way. 我学到了很多沿途的东西。

I'll be careful while I'm climbin' 'cause it hurts a lot to drop, 我会小心的,而我climbin 因为它伤害了很多滴,

When you're down nobody gives a damn anyway. 当你失意人给出了一个该死的反正。


I've traded love for pennies, sold my soul for less, 我已经换爱便士,卖了我的灵魂少,

Lost my ideals in that long tunnel of time. 失去了我的理想,在时间的长隧道。

I've turned inside out and around about and back and then 我原来里面出来,对周围和背部,然后

Found myself right back where I started again. 发现自己的右后卫,我又开始了。

歌词 Age 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/age-1/

歌词 Age 的作者与版权信息:


Jim Croce, Ingrid Croce


Denjac Music Company, R2m Publishing