歌词 "A Dream Come True" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

A Dream Come True



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I can hear your heart 我可以听到你的心脏

Pounding in my ear 敲打在我耳边

Now I feel the sound 现在我感觉声音

And the time is near 而时间已接近

I feel the taste 我觉得味道

Of all the things you do 所有的事情你做的

Now the time has come 现在的时代已经到来

I know you're a dream come true 我知道你梦想成真


You make me so complete 你让我如此完整

With the things you do 随着你做的事情

And the music's sweet 而音乐是甜的

You make me feel brand new 你让我觉得全新

I hear the sound 我听到的声音

Songs start coming through 歌曲开始通过未来

Somehow I know 不知怎的,我知道

That you're a dream come true 你是一个梦想成真


It takes my breath 这需要我的呼吸

When it sounds that way 当它听起来那样

Seems like you 好像你

Chase the clouds away 追云走

And I feel so good 而且我感觉这么好

Each and every day 每一天

And life is good 而生活是美好的

Each and every way 每路


Now I feel the beat 现在我觉得拍

Of the dancing drums 舞蹈鼓

And now I know we're 现在我知道我们

Gonna have some fun 要去有一番情趣

Now the time stands still 现在的时间静止

And the blues are through 和布鲁斯是通过

And now I know 现在我知道

What I'm gonna do 我该怎么办


Now I feel the beat 现在我觉得拍

Of the dancing drums 舞蹈鼓

And now I know we're 现在我知道我们

Gonna have some fun 要去有一番情趣

Now the time stands still 现在的时间静止

And all the blues are through 和所有的蓝色都通过

Now I know 现在我知道

What I'm gonna do 我该怎么办


It takes my breath 这需要我的呼吸

When it sounds that way 当它听起来那样

Seems like you 好像你

Chase the clouds away 追云走

And I feel so good 而且我感觉这么好

Each and every day 每一天

And life is good 而生活是美好的

Each and every way 每路

歌词 A Dream Come True 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/a-dream-come-true-1/