歌词 "6 AM" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

6 AM



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Click the beat and tell 'em to repeat it 点击节拍,并告诉他们要重蹈覆辙

Tell 'em that you won't leave now 告诉他们,你不会马上离开

It is 6 am and it's only the beginning 这是早上6点,这仅仅是个开始

Tell 'em that you can't go now 告诉他们,你现在不能走


It's 6 am, not ready for the daylight 这是早上6点,没有准备的日光

6 am, let's staying here and hide 早上6点,我们住在这里,隐藏

6 am, not ready for the daylight 早上6点,没有准备好日光

6 am 上午06时


I waited all night long to hear this beat 我等了一整夜听到这个节拍

I got the nerv so bring it on 我得到了NERV所以把它

So push that beat 所以推了拍

So when I'm dancing on my own 所以,当我跳舞我自己

Just push that beat 只是推说拍

That beat That beat 击败击败


I waited all night long to hear this beat 我等了一整夜听到这个节拍

I got the nerv so bring it on 我得到了NERV所以把它

So push that beat 所以推了拍

So when I'm dancing on my own 所以,当我跳舞我自己

Just push that beat 只是推说拍

That beat That beat 击败击败


Click the beat, I need a new injection 点击节拍,我需要一个新的注射

Rhythm's so infected now 节奏是如此,现在感染

Pulsating music 脉动音乐

Damn it let me use it 该死,让我用它

Need to feel a rush right now 需要感到手忙脚乱,现在

Now now now 现在,现在,现在,


It's 6 am, not ready for the daylight 这是早上6点,没有准备的日光

6 am, let's staying here and hide 早上6点,我们住在这里,隐藏

6 am, not ready for the daylight 早上6点,没有准备好日光

6 am 上午06时


I waited all night long to hear this beat 我等了一整夜听到这个节拍

I got the nerv so bring it on 我得到了NERV所以把它

So push that beat 所以推了拍

So when I'm dancing on my own 所以,当我跳舞我自己

Just push that beat 只是推说拍

That beat That beat 击败击败


I waited all night long to hear this beat 我等了一整夜听到这个节拍

I got the nerv so bring it on 我得到了NERV所以把它

So push that beat 所以推了拍

So when I'm dancing on my own 所以,当我跳舞我自己

Just push that beat 只是推说拍

That beat That beat 击败击败


Ah ah


I waited all night long to hear this beat 我等了一整夜听到这个节拍

I got the nerv so bring it on 我得到了NERV所以把它

So push that beat 所以推了拍

So when I'm dancing on my own 所以,当我跳舞我自己

Just push that beat 只是推说拍

That beat That beat 击败击败


I waited all night long to hear this beat 我等了一整夜听到这个节拍

I got the nerv so bring it on 我得到了NERV所以把它

So push that beat 所以推了拍

So when I'm dancing on my own 所以,当我跳舞我自己

Just push that beat 只是推说拍

That beat That beat 击败击败

歌词 6 AM 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/6-am-2/