英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 The Rumour 中的所有曲目
专辑 The Rumour 中的所有曲目:

The Rumour


类型: album

[English]The Rumour

[English lyric] This is the last time I'll look across this table And try to face a feeling I don't even recognize This is a sad hand That reached across and touched you When all we'd built ...

[中文对照] 这是最后一次 我会看对面这个表 并尝试去面对一种感觉,我什至不认识 这是一个悲哀的手 跨达到并感动你 当所有我们希望在我们周围构建传来轰然倒地 ...

[English]Love And Let Live

[English lyric] Two lovers watch the news They've got more than love to lose As they lay there under cover Do they really know each other There's a whisper in the air Don't you feel a little ...

[中文对照] 两个相爱的人看新闻 他们有比爱情更失去 由于他们的掩护下躺在那里 难道他们真的知道对方 还有在空中耳语 难道你不觉得有点害怕 赌注太高 ...

[English]Can't We Talk It Over In Bed

[English lyric] Harsh words are spoken Promises are broken Old wounds are opened And love walks out that door Too proud to make up You're ready to break up Too late you'll wake up And love ...

[中文对照] 难听的话都讲 承诺被打破 旧伤被打开 与爱走出那扇门 太骄傲弥补 你准备好要分手 太晚了,你会醒来 与爱走出那扇门 宝贝,啊,亲爱的宝贝 ...

[English]Let's Talk About Tomorrow

[English lyric] Life A gift we cannot take for granted We gotta live it right We are the parents of our planet We've touched the moon and built the final gun If war was food we could feed ...

[中文对照] 生活 送的礼物,我们不能想当然 我们住得是正确的 我们为我们的星球的父母 我们已经触及月球并建立最终的枪 如果战争是我们的食物可以养活每一个人 谈论孩子 ...

[English]It's Not Heaven

[English lyric] Here's your lunch money You better hurry for the old school bus Did you clean your teeth this morning I know you hate it when I start to fuss Here's the letter for your teacher ...

[中文对照] 这是你的午饭钱 你最好快点旧校车 难道今天早上你清理你的牙齿 我知道你恨它,当我开始大惊小怪 以下是这封信的老师 你的晚餐是在冷冻 在微波五分钟 ...

[English]Get Out

[English lyric] Someone's in the kitchen Trying to cook me up some trouble Someone's in the kitchen Trying to stir me up inside He's been itching to try and burst my bubble All this friction ...

[中文对照] 一个人的厨房 想做饭给我一些麻烦 一个人的厨房 试图里面把我叫醒 他一直渴望尝试爆我的泡沫 所有这些摩擦是杀害我的胃口 滚出去 - 如果你不能把它 ...

[English]Big And Strong

[English lyric] Strong man strangles universe - he drowns the stars Blinded by the mission of a thousand wars He's fit and dominant - no wonder why He loves the battle cry Strong man is ...

[中文对照] 坚强的人扼杀宇宙 - 他淹没的明星 由千战争使命当头 他健美的优势 - 难怪 他爱的呐喊 坚强的人是幸存者 - 他住砸向 在血腥的地下小木制十字架 ...

[English]Car Games

[English lyric] Have you seen them Playing car games Revving up your heart Before the lights change Have you been there And not been aware That you are the victim Of a highway love affair Thru ...

[中文对照] 你见过他们 玩赛车游戏 转速你的心脏 灯光变化之前 你一直在那里 并没有意识到 你是受害者 公路恋情 直通你的窗口 有一个陌生人 正确的巡航你身边 ...

[English]Walk Through Fire

[English lyric] Darling don't you ride so fast Don't you want to try to make this thing last Tell me how can I prove I'd walk through fire I know you've had a very hard time No I don't know ...

[中文对照] 亲爱的你不骑那么快 难道你想尝试做这件事情最后 告诉我,我怎么能证明 我穿越火海 我知道你有一个非常困难的时刻 ...

[English]Tutta La Vita

[English lyric] Twice in a lifetime if you're really really lucky You may discover why you were brought here Tutta la vita you try to find your destination You search for the truth, you try to ...

[中文对照] 两次在一个千载难逢的,如果你真的很幸运 你可能会发现你为什么被带到这里 Tutta LA VITA你试图找到你的目的地 您寻找真相,你尽量使通信 ...