英语人>词典>汉英 : 骥 的英文翻译,例句
骥 的英文翻译、例句

a thoroughbred horse · a person of virtue
更多网络例句与骥相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Are all the objects being presented, the same as the Plastic Raincoat here, in which there was an inanimate object hanging on a blocky wall, quietly and unattractively, but behind the image, it was the existence of human life.


Of cangue of the leaf that press moth ten comrades arms divides whole family road with respect to go to the countryside.


It froms skill 20 Yu year, work looses Bu world every nation, foreigner points Ji Suo Tu, come China look for draw .1998 year Belgium premier Lv Ke on November 7. Virtue A Na comes China access, very buy Mr. do "Chanticleer picture "A treasure up, and reveal oneself belong to chicken .1996 year to media, China art institute your letter, want to invite it for academician, Mr. because is not seeks fame and fortune, then not give should .2005 year have work attend Tokyo display and auction in September.


Authors finished some tests for several ship types in order to promote the development of the lines fairing.


Vergara J M%Fernandez-Palacios H%Robaina L The effects of varying dietary protein level on the growth,feed efficiency,protein utilization and body composition of gilthead sea bream fry Fisheries Science , 1996,null

钱雪桥%崔奕波%解绶启%薛敏养殖鱼类饲料蛋白需要量的研究进展水生生物学报, 2002,(4)杨国华%李军%郭履夏花青鱼饵料中最适蛋白质含量水产学报, 1981,1

Xunzi said: Qi Ji, leap, not 10 steps; Rosinante 10 drive, power in dismay.


Qi Ji, vice-minister of housing, told a press conference that banking regulators were working on a plan to introduce Reits to stimulate the sagging Chinese property market, part of a larger effort by Beijing to support the domestic economy.


Leon Duguit,the father extolling the jurisprudence of doctrine social joint of private right an d liberty,filialy preached the theory of syndicalism advocated by Benito Mussolini when he was in power.


Chen Wenji maybe too difficult to learn the vanguard of using the world, or is just not willing to do so. He said I am not usually willing to emphasize excessively my own standpoint, to have too obvious tendentiousness.


JANSEN E%SIOHOLM J Reconstruction of glaciation over the past 6 Ma from ice-born deposits in the Norwegian Sea Nature , 1991,null

陈隆勋%刘平%周秀%汪品先青藏高原隆起及海陆分布变化对亚洲大陆气候的影响第四纪研究, 1999,4

更多网络解释与骥相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Denis Diderot:狄德罗

题 名/责任者/语种: 狄德罗哲学选集/(法)狄德罗(Denis Diderot)著;江天,陈修斋,王太庆译.-2版/中文


本报讯(特约记者彭)戛纳时间13日19时30分,由杜琪峰执导的香港电影>(ELECTION)在电影宫进行全球首映. 近两千人的大厅被挤得满满的,影片刚开始放映时有掌声,但放映结束后,观众对这部电影并未给予热烈回应.


村,与所有中国传统乡村社会一样,女人的称谓是附着于家庭的,出嫁的女人在娘家姓氏前冠以夫家姓氏,如称为"张刘氏"、"杨李氏"等等,原来在娘家的名字多半不再使用,这是一个无名(nameless)化的过程(Watson, R.

scar tissue:瘢痕组织 ?骥

scar 瘢痕 | scar tissue 瘢痕组织 ? | scarp 倾斜面


scar tissue 瘢痕组织? | scarp 倾斜面 | scatter coefficient 分散率


2.Lyon [英格兰人姓氏] 绰号,来源于古法语及中世纪英语,含义是"狮"(lion)4.Lyon [爱尔兰姓氏] 盖尔语姓氏的英语形式,来源于别名,含义是"矛"(spear)法国著名法学家狄.


1957-1958年,顾震潮、叶笃正、陶诗言等研究的"东亚大气环流"在国际著名杂志大地(Tellus)上分三次发表. 1979年,周秀在国际大地测量和地球物理联合会(IUGG)十七届年会上任该组织的大气辐射委员会委员,巢纪平任气候委员会委员.

cicatricial tissue:瘢痕组织 ?骥

cicatrice 疤痕 | cicatricial tissue 瘢痕组织 ? | ciliary band 纤毛环

My chariot drawn by steeds of race divine:乘骐骥以驰骋兮

Why should I not have changed my former style? 何不改乎此度. | My chariot drawn by steeds of race divine 乘骐以驰骋兮, | I urged; to guide the king my sole design. 来吾道夫先路!


陈(Susan Will Chen)选编的文集<<菊花>>(Chrysanthemums)里有更精湛的冯才作品英译. 这部文集非常出色,并且大部分选目都是新的. 这部文集用幽默、戏剧性的语言演绎了文革的悲剧. 在冯才编的文革小说之前,张欣欣和桑烨编的<<北京人>>很有名,