英语人>词典>汉英 : 食 的英文翻译,例句
食 的英文翻译、例句

a word used in a person's name · bring food to
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The article in recent years the research progress of disease of oral cavity of TP prevention and cure makes one overview. The compositive TP of the basic research 1.1 TP of 1 TP is the floorboard that phenolic apperception of a kind of many hydroxyl closes matter, 25% what hold tea dry weight about, its are main component includes to express gallnut of gallnut catechu element gallnut of element of catechu of gallnut of acerbity ester, watch, watch catechu element is acerbity element of catechu of ester, watch, express gallnut of gallnut catechu element among them acerbity ester content is highest, occupy the 80%[1] of catechu element about, fighting oxidation with its unique element structure, fight the position with fight the respect such as tumor to have choppy, significant. The 1.2 TP absorption in oral cavity and metabolization Lee [2] is measured normally inside a hour after healthy person is chewing green tea Xie Huo contains juice of gargle green tea, content of the TP in saliva is very high, after observing green tea passes salivary enzymatic hydrolyze, TP is slow release and in oral cavity;Yang of local play action [the salivary level after 3] checked 6 volunteers to drink tea, chroma of the TP in making clear the saliva after drinking tea as a result is serous TP pH indicator 2 times, and the salivary TP concentration that contains gargle tea solution a few minutes to be able to produce higher level, and TP can be absorbed through oral cavity mucous membrane.

本文就近年来TP防治口腔疾病的探究进展作一综述。1 TP的基础探究1.1 TP的组成TP是一类多羟基酚类化合物的总称,约占茶叶干重的25%,其主要成份包括表没子儿茶素没子酸酯、表没子儿茶素、表儿茶素没子酸酯、表儿茶素等,其中表没子儿茶素没子酸酯含量最高,约占儿茶素的80%[1],并以其独特的分子结构在抗氧化、抗突变、抗肿瘤等方面占有重要的地位。1.2 TP在口腔中的吸收和代谢Lee等[2]测得正常健康人在咀嚼绿茶叶或含漱绿茶液后的一个小时内,唾液中TP含量很高,并观察到绿茶通过唾液酶水解后,TP缓慢释放并在口腔局部发挥功能;Yang等[3]检查了6位志愿者饮茶后的唾液水平,结果表明饮茶后唾液中TP浓度是血浆TP浓度的2倍,而含漱茶溶液几分钟即可产生更高水平的唾液TP浓度,且TP可通过口腔黏膜吸收。

The ecdysis index of controlled larvae was 3.323 by 30d, while 2.933-3.038 for the treated. The transgenic Betula platyphylla could reduce the feeding of larvae. With the increase of the time of feeding, the difference of food taken between the controlled and treated became larger. The food of controlled larvae taken was 0.105293-0.13750 grams than that of the treated by 3 d. and 0.529094-0.64103 grams by 21d.


Tiny insectivore discovered in Canada 小型食虫恐龙化石在加拿大出土 A Canadian researcher has discovered what is believed to be North America's smallest dinosaur, a 70 million-year-old chicken-sized beast that was also unusual for its diet of insects.


Are many methods of iron, iron supplementation has食补and agents,食补simple, convenient, and more generally just eat iron rich food can, such as seaweed, liver, seaweed, black fungus, such as, for example, for every 100 black fungus grams of iron 185 milligrams a day, as long as 10 grams can Auricularia.


If there is no signs of anemia, iron supplements without making a special drug,食补it, such as egg yolk, lean meat, fish, liver, seaweed, black fungus, millet, dark green dishes; and should promote the iron absorption of food material such as vitamin B2, C (fresh vegetables, fruits contain). 2, should be specifically calcium and vitamin D, and more sun.


Your baby height and weight are good to illustrate the growth and development of good. 2, summer afternoon sun dipped on every half an hour. 3, children lack the treatment of anemia:(1)食补: egg yolk, lean meat, fish, liver, seaweed, black fungus, millet, dark green leafy vegetables, etc.; and to eat more to promote iron absorption of vitamins B2, C (fresh vegetables , fruit contains).


Iron deficiency anemia, iron supplementation should be addressed to the baby:(1)食补: lean pork, fish, liver, seaweed, black fungus, millet, dark green leafy vegetables, etc., and should promote the iron absorption of food substances such as vitamin B2, C (fresh vegetables, fruits in the aquifer has)(2) 10% ferric ammonium citrate mixture :1-2 ml / kg / day, in three suits.


GUIDELINE FOR CHANGING YOUR CAT'S DIET 猫咪的换食指南 Introduce by gradually substituting your cat't food with an incresing amuont of MEDON over a perriod of 7 consecutive days.


From the results, the prevalence rate of having chewing betel quids habit in their lifetime was 13.2%(men 26.3%, women 0.4%), and 9.8% were current chewers. It was estimated that about 24,000 adults in Chiayi City ever had the habit of betel quid chewing. Among them, most were technical workers(26.4%). For those who had the habit of betel quid chewing, there were 52.5% abusers. Such behavior was related to sex, age groups and martial status. For men above 50 years old, they more easily became abusers. Occupation and education were not related to abuse.


Central eclipse 中心食 A central solar eclipse occurs when the Moon's shadow axis touches Earth; a central lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth's shadow axis touches the Moon.


更多网络解释与食相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Anorexia Nervosa:神经性厌食

4.神经性厌和神经性厌-贪综合征 神经性厌(anorexia nervosa)是一种精神内分泌疾病,因体型或其他感觉缺陷的心理导致严格控制饮甚至顽固拒,出现极度营养不良、青春期发育停滞、女性闭经,男性第二特征不发育,促性腺激素和性激素均下降.

anthropophagi:食人族, 食人肉者

anthropopathy | 神(或动物、 无生命物)与人同感论 | anthropophagi | 人族, 人肉者 | anthropophagite | 人的野蛮人

insectivore:食虫动物; 食虫植物 (名)

insectifuge 驱虫剂 (名) | insectivore 虫动物; 虫植物 (名) | insectivorous 虫的; 虫动植物的 (形)

insectivorous:食虫的; 食虫动植物的 (形)

insectivore 虫动物; 虫植物 (名) | insectivorous 虫的; 虫动植物的 (形) | insectology 昆虫学 (名)

pyrogallol red:焦性没食子酚红

pyrogallol 焦性没子酚,焦性没子酸,没子酚,连苯三酚 | pyrogallol red 焦性没子酚红 | pyrogallol tannin 焦性没子鞣酸

Herpestes urva:食肉目 灵猫科 食蟹獴

肉目 灵猫科 小灵猫 Viverricula indica | 肉目 灵猫科 蟹獴 Herpestes urva | 肉目 灵猫科 花面狸 Paguma larvata


虫目(Insectivora)是一类小型动物. 虫目是真兽类最原始的成员. 虫目动物在中生代上白垩纪地层中就已出现. 通常认为肉目、翼手目、啮齿目都是由早期的虫目分化出来的. 基本就是鼩鼱类、鼹鼠类和刺猬类,寿命一般不长,鼩鼱只能活6周,


贝的 molluscivorous | 草类;植(物)的 phytophagous | 草牙 herbivorous tooth

粉顏蚜蠅 Syrphidae 食蚜蠅科:Mesembrius sp

Ischiodon scutellaris 短刺刺腿蚜蠅 Syrphidae 蚜蠅科 | Mesembrius sp. 粉顏蚜蠅 Syrphidae 蚜蠅科 | Paragus crenulatus 鋸盾小蚜蠅 Syrphidae 蚜蠅科

黑帶食蚜蠅 Syrphidae 食蚜蠅科:Episyrphus balteata

Dideopsis aegrotus 斑翅蚜蠅 Syrphidae 蚜蠅科 | Episyrphus balteata 黑帶蚜蠅 Syrphidae 蚜蠅科 | Eristalinus arvorum 棕腿斑眼蚜蠅 Syrphidae 蚜蠅科