英语人>词典>汉英 : 厌食 的英文翻译,例句
厌食 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
anorexia  ·  asitia  ·  apocleisis  ·  bdelygmia

off one's feed
更多网络例句与厌食相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The anorectic girl says in her heart,"It's rather me who should disappear than you, my dear dad."


It will be important to understand these networksas the pharmaceutical drive to develop specific anorectic agentsmay have repercussions for pubertal and reproductivefunction.


Results: The infected penaeid shrimps showed a rapid reduction in food consumption, lethargy, a pink to reddish-brown coloration and a loose carapace with white spots in succession, followed by ultimate death. The characteristic features of moribund shrimps were empty stomach, a pink to reddish-brown coloration, white spots on a loose carapace and swollen cephalothorax. The relative content of WSSV DNA in blood increased rapidly after the infected shrimp showed its first symptom of detestation of food.

结果:斑节对虾感染白斑症病毒后,依次表现出厌食、不活动、体色变红、甲壳出现白斑、反应迟钝直至侧卧死亡;濒死对虾的典型症状为空胃、红体、甲壳白斑、甲壳下水肿及甲壳易剥离;感染对虾出现拒食后,其血液中白斑症病毒 DNA的相对含量急剧增加。

Former if drink, smoking, herion becomes addiction to wait, latter includes game, devouringly, anorexia, job, shop, clean addiction becomes addiction to wait, network strong interest also attributes this one kind.


Children ----- anorexia, monophagia, pica, ulcer in mouth, low IQ, pygmyism, immunity inefficiency, agenesis


Clinical signs in penguins included anorexia, behaior changes, depression, regurgitation, ataxia, recumbency, and seizures, and some penguins did not hae any clinical signs.


The Milan Foundation will make a donation to the Association for the Research in Anorexy and Bulimia, and related disorders (for information in Italy call toll-free 800.16.56.16 or visit the site at www.bulimianoressia.it ).


And they systematically studied the effect of the activate spleen-energy law on digestive and absorptive function, it is confirmed that the activate spleen-energy law have significant regulation effect on the action and secretion of gastrointestinal tract. Recently, we established the juvenile rat model with anorexia by imitating the major cause of children and found that the CCK-8S concentration in hypothalamus and periphery blood of the anorexy model was obviously increased .We also found the appestat that the spontaneous discharge frequency of LHA neurons was decreased and the spontaneous discharge frequency of VMH neurons was increased.


Children are sexually molested and mutilated with thought-form so they can become anorexic or bulimic or drug addicts.


When anorexic and bulimic women see images of overweight women, an area of the brain, the medial prefrontal cortex, lights up in a functional MRI. This region is associated with identity and self-reflection.


更多网络解释与厌食相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


anonaine 番荔枝碱 | anorectic 厌食的;食欲缺乏的 | anorexia 食欲缺乏;厌食


anorectal | 肛门直肠的 | anorectic | 食欲缺乏的,厌食的 | anorectum | 肛门直肠(部)


微软公司21日紧急关闭了西班牙4个宣扬厌食的博客. 博客为那些渴望苗条的少女提供诸如"试试吸烟"和"如果你的胃咕咕叫,就用力捶它"之类的"妙招",教她们如何挨饿. 经常浏览这类博客的少女崇拜那些骨感名人,如维多利亚.贝克汉姆,还用"我的朋友Ana"代替英文中"厌食"(Anorexia

Anorexia Nervosa:神经性厌食

4.神经性厌食和神经性厌食-贪食综合征 神经性厌食(anorexia nervosa)是一种精神内分泌疾病,因体型或其他感觉缺陷的心理导致严格控制饮食甚至顽固拒食,出现极度营养不良、青春期发育停滞、女性闭经,男性第二特征不发育,促性腺激素和性激素均下降.

anorexia; anorexy:厌食

\\"神经性厌食症\\",\\"anorexia nervosa\\" | \\"厌食\\",\\"anorexia; anorexy\\" | \\"不定向演化\\",\\"anorthogenesis\\"

anorexia; anorexy:厌食,食欲缺乏

神经性厌食症 anorexia nervosa | 厌食,食欲缺乏 anorexia,anorexy | 食欲减退剂 anorexigenic drug,anoretic drug


营养性虚弱 inanition | 厌食;食欲不振 inappetence | 先天性差错 inborn error


不显性感染 inapparent infection | 无欲望,厌食 inappetence | 无关节的 inarticulate


SitophiluszeamaisMotsch玉米象(粮食害虫) | sitophobia厌食;畏食 | sitostane谷甾烷


营养苛求生物 fastidious organism | 厌食 fastidium | 禁食 fasting