英语人>词典>汉英 : 露出 的英文翻译,例句
露出 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bare  ·  basset  ·  outcrop  ·  protrusion  ·  reveal  ·  barer  ·  bared  ·  bares  ·  outcropped  ·  outcrops  ·  reveals

come out · show up
更多网络例句与露出相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A pale moon shone through fog.


He gave me a reluctant smile.


He finally gave a reluctant smile.


All of this erupted from a fierce scrim of incantatory facial gestures, eyebrows divebombing his big nose, his lower lip jutting to show lower teeth but never upper ones while he oraculated to a reporter.


The new special edition "FM S.H.E" take the network broadcasting station as a concept, for 3 people the new special edition and the broadcasting station begin broadcasting put on "the official spot", Ella puts on the variety small foreign-style clothing rarely, deep V reveals the young ditch, refuted "the tack milk" by the genuine materials saying, Hebe also has no time to let, but also often stood does smiles bends the waist salutes, revealed the gutter ditch.

新专辑"FM S.H.E"以网路电台为概念,3人为了新专辑与电台开播而穿"正式一点", Ella 难得穿上花色小洋装,深 V 露出乳沟,以真材实料反驳"小钉奶"之说, Hebe 也不遑多让,还不时站起来搞笑地弯腰致敬,露出小沟沟。

It was hard to think about anything except his legs,seeing how much they were forced upon his attention by their position under his nose as he sat in this ridiculours bath;they hung out at one end while his body protruded from the water at the other.it was only the middle portion of him,from his waist to above his knees,which was submerged,and that was bent almost double.hornblower found it irritating to have to take a bath in this fashion,although he tried not to allow it to irritate him,and he strove desperately to dismiss from his mind recollections of thousands of more confortable baths taken on the deck of a ship,under a wash-deck pump which threw over him unlimited quantities of stimulating sea-water.he seized his soap and flannel,and began viciously above the surface,and as he did so water slopped in quantities over the side on to the polished oak floor of his dressing-room.that meant trouble for a housemaid,and in hornblower's present mood he was glad to cause trouble.


She peeled off the fishnet robe, to reveal a bathing costume that would have turned heads even in Rio de Janeiro, as it totally exposed her buttocks.


For women, it is OK to show some of toe, as long as its in a high-heeled strappy sandal. But for men, it is best not to show your toes at all.


For women, it is OK to show some of toe, as long as it's in a high-heeled strappy sandal. But for men, it is best not to show your toes at all.


For women, it is OK to show some of toe, as long as it's in a high-heeled strappy sandal. But for men, it is best not to show your toes at all.


更多网络解释与露出相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Basse Oil-Measures 无油砂岩组 | basset 露出地面;矿层露头;露出 | bastard box 不合格的阴螺纹

chop up:(地层等)突然露出 [喻]割断(历史等)

chop out (地层等)突然露出 [喻]割断(历史等) | chop up (地层等)突然露出 [喻]割断(历史等) | chop round 风突变

cut up rough:[口]发怒 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架

cut up well 死时留下巨款 | cut up rough [口]发怒 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架 | cut up nasty [口]发怒 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架

cut up rusty:[口]发怒 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架

cut up nasty [口]发怒 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架 | cut up rusty [口]发怒 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架 | cut up savage [口]发怒 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架

cut up savage:[口]发怒 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架

cut up rusty [口]发怒 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架 | cut up savage [口]发怒 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架 | cut up stiff [口]发怒 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架

emerge v.1:(从里面或隐藏处)出现,浮现,露出; 2.(尤指调查后)显露,露出真相

embassy n.大使馆 | emerge v.1.(从里面或隐藏处)出现,浮现,露出; 2.(尤指调查后)显露,露出真相 | emergency n.急救,紧急状况

to lay bare:露出;揭開成語英美片語成語

67575露出商業國際貿易exposed | 67576露出;揭開成語英美片語成語to lay bare | 67577露出缺失;露馬腳;失言成語英美片語成語to give the (whole) show away

outcropping:露出 显露出

drain 排走 排水 | outcropping 露出露出 | sync 同步


dries 低潮露出的浅滩干出 | dries 干出低潮露出的浅滩干出 | drifiting test 扩孔试验

display the cloven hoof:露出原形, 现出本性

betray the cloven hoof 露出原形, 现出本性 | display the cloven hoof 露出原形, 现出本性 | show the cloven hoof 露出原形, 现出本性