英语人>词典>汉英 : 露出水面 的英文翻译,例句
露出水面 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
broach  ·  broached

更多网络例句与露出水面相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I struggled to keep my head above the water.


If you can keep your head above water, you won't drown.


You want to see the bathing suit come out of the water.


I was still only waist deep when I came close enough to make out the bristly whiskers on the manatee's muzzle as it thrust up out of the sea.


Antennae shorter ,6-9, end 3-4 was a hammer-like, on hydrophobic hair, his head above water, the air from the tentacles around the access, hidden in the abdomen under the elytra for breathing.


He half rose out of the water, waving his cap and shouting loudly.


It was hard to think about anything except his legs,seeing how much they were forced upon his attention by their position under his nose as he sat in this ridiculours bath;they hung out at one end while his body protruded from the water at the other.it was only the middle portion of him,from his waist to above his knees,which was submerged,and that was bent almost double.hornblower found it irritating to have to take a bath in this fashion,although he tried not to allow it to irritate him,and he strove desperately to dismiss from his mind recollections of thousands of more confortable baths taken on the deck of a ship,under a wash-deck pump which threw over him unlimited quantities of stimulating sea-water.he seized his soap and flannel,and began viciously above the surface,and as he did so water slopped in quantities over the side on to the polished oak floor of his dressing-room.that meant trouble for a housemaid,and in hornblower's present mood he was glad to cause trouble.


I have me my summer vacation in a town last year.since whose are there.some of my relations,there have a good view for the mountain and river,I think it's a great place be to rest,one day when i ride my bike on the small path,this river catch my eye for very clearly but like very deeply,becauese i can't see the end of the water,then.some chap shouting make me look at,they catch a a short boy and thow he in the water with a heavily,waiting for a moment yet the boy not up the water,i'm very worry and jumping in the river,i want float out but some watergrass be enteine my leg and the body is deeper at every movey,i don't know past how long time,i feeling one small hand help me break up the watergrass and push me to the surface of the rive,after that i just kown they are hvae a playing who can sit in the swim and make a long time in deep water,but i want cry for the joking,becauese i couldn't swim but i have a forget.


According to those who claim to have seen it describe the people, it's like the snake head and long neck, the general extended water 1 m high, people see more of the huge monster is back, it was said to be two back, it was that is three back; sometimes it suddenly above the surface, water from its rib like abdominal like waterfalls plunge down, it quickly submerged into the lake, the lake set off a while storms.


The disease fish is restlessness、difficulty in breathing 、swimming around on the water or mad swimming,Caudal fin upper lobe exposes on the water surface and commonly known as "raising disease".


更多网络解释与露出水面相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

awash anchor:锚初露水面状态

award 授予 | awash anchor 锚初露水面状态 | awash anchor 锚露出水面

awash anchor:锚露出水面

awash anchor 锚初露水面状态 | awash anchor 锚露出水面 | awash at low water 低潮时适淹


electric ray 电鳍 | elver 幼鳗 | emergent aquatic plant 露出水面植物

wedge of emersion:船倾斜时露出水面的楔形部分

wedge of damage water 破损进水楔形 | wedge of emersion 船倾斜时露出水面的楔形部分 | wedge of immersion 船倾斜时浸入水中的楔形部分


与以往重心过高而又笨重的"克拉克"船和"卡拉维尔"船不同, 盖伦船的首舱和尾舱较低,使整艘船露出水面的高度降低;船尾由圆形改为方型,船型比较狭长,航速较快,并且具有较好的迎风航行性能. 直至帆船时代结束,大型帆船(Galleon)一直是军舰的标准设计形式.


南海诸岛共230个岛、礁、沙、滩,按其离海面的位置可分为:滩(bank),位于水下较深的珊瑚,呈广阔的台状;暗沙(shoal),由滩向上生长,距水面较近;礁(reef),位于水面下高潮和低潮之间的珊瑚;砂洲(sand cay)和岛屿,露出水面之上,


其他的大岛是利帕里岛、萨利纳(Salina)岛、菲里库迪(Filicudi)和帕纳雷阿(Panarea)岛. 该群岛为海底山脉中露出水面的一些山峰,其中萨利纳岛海拔962公尺(3,156呎). 这里从古代起就以地震和火山活动著称,希腊人认为该群岛是风神埃俄罗斯(Aeolus)的家乡,


南海诸岛共230个岛、礁、沙、滩,按其离海面的位置可分为:滩(bank),位于水下较深的珊瑚,呈广阔的台状;暗沙(shoal),由滩向上生长,距水面较近;礁(reef),位于水面下高潮和低潮之间的珊瑚;砂洲(sand cay)和岛屿,露出水面之上,

change sides:(改变立场)投到对方去

split one's sides with laughter 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮 | change sides (改变立场)投到对方去 | clear side [航海]露出水面部分


emersion 出现,脱出,再现 | emersed 露出水面的 | demersal 居于水底的