英语人>词典>汉英 : 集体化 的英文翻译,例句
集体化 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
collectivization  ·  collectivize  ·  collectivized  ·  collectivizes  ·  collectivizing

更多网络例句与集体化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The third chapter is on the Soviet Union's collectivizational campaign, including the background, reasons and characters of collectivi zational campaign, comprehensive collectivizational campaign and characteristics of the Soviet collective farm management system, the evolution of the Soviet collectivizational farm.


After that we can talk of collectivization.


In 1928, forced collectivization of farms was initiated.


This problem manifests itself not only in the matter of determining the organizational forms of collectivization.


He had launched his country along the course of collectivization.


The period was characterized by efforts to achieve industrialization, collectivization of agriculture, and political centralization.


Air, water, and land pollution, for example, are seen as the result of collectivization of ownership.


I have attempted to examine the relationship between the economic success or failure of two agricultural cooperatives, their social and economic organization and the members' attitude toward collectivization.


Modernity in its early stage and industrialization determined the expressive forms of the giant social groups in collectivization and construction, hence a collectivized society with its individual members.


Because of the low efficiency of economy collectivization, collective property rights can"t last for a long time and central government has to communicate with community and peasants. Rural community collective property rights become subjective through balancing benefits by formal or informal trading. With the changes of political and economical environment, the contradiction of rural community property rights between fair and efficiency become more and more serious. Collective lands and collective enterprises advance to privatization gradually. There are two kinds of country collective property rights in the history of its evolution, one offer community common good and the other satisfy peasants" private demand. The collective property rights institution improvement brings efficiency because it privatizes the latter. Because of the limit of industrialization and civilization, land is still the last social welfare of peasants, so rural community must attain the collective property rights to control the pressure of population. Also community has to get money from collective economy.


更多网络解释与集体化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

collectivist:集产主义者 (名)

collectivism 集体主义 (名) | collectivist 集产主义者 (名) | collectivization 集体化 (名)

collectivity stage:集体化阶段

continuous process production 连续加工生产 | collectivity stage 集体化阶段 | clan control 小团体控制


可以写篇文章试试AER. 假设你说的就是计划经济,苏联的计划经济不是"彻底漠视了私有产权的积极意义",而是根本没有私有产权. "新经济政策"结束之后,随着"集体化"(collectivization)的完成,几乎所有的工业和土地都归了国家(集体).

collectivization:集体化 (名)

collectivist 集产主义者 (名) | collectivization 集体化 (名) | collector 收藏家; 征收者 (名)

Agriculture Collectivization:农业集体化

烟台农业:agriculture in Yantai | 农业集体化:Agriculture Collectivization | 农业应用:Agriculture Application


collective security集體安全 | collectivize集體化 | colliery煤礦


collectivize 集体化 | collectivize 集团化 | collectmoneyraisefunds 筹集

collectivize:使之成为共同的, 集体化, 集团化

collectivization | 集体化 | collectivize | 使之成为共同的, 集体化, 集团化 | collectomania | 收藏癖


Great Leap Forward 大跃进 | collectivized 集体化 | community 共同体,社区


collective farming 集体农业 | collectivisation 集体化 | colloid 胶体