英语人>词典>汉英 : 透亮的 的英文翻译,例句
透亮的 的英文翻译、例句


perfectly clear
更多网络例句与透亮的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I am a drop of dewy water and I live a happy life since cloud mother sent me to the lake.


No one will see anything but true blue in it.


Whitehaven is purewhite silica next to a crystalline turquoise sea.


Pinking up means that the nipples turn a bright hot pink.


PONI skin health research centre, with advanced skin care technology and causes skin pigment, successful research and development of a "'8 'black-suppression, the corresponding treatment and conditioning" technology, not undermine, not suppressed, does not damage the ecology of the skin Under the circumstances, the skin pigment formation of a smart decomposition, hypnosis pigment cells, skin in a relatively short time, reaching Suji elegant, Whitening Source lucent effect, lasting effect, the relative safety of similar products increased 68 percent.


These submarine archipelagoes are bathed in the warmest of waters, and the designs of life are fashioned like tapestries.


Vitamin E is an essential element for anti-oxidant which brightens and whitens skin color, provides you a lighting, smooth, brilliant skin. Its easy to you to have a beautiful face.


As I sat in my usual nook, and looked at him with the light of the girandoles on the mantelpiece beaming full over him- for he occupied an arm-chair drawn close to the fire and kept shrinking still nearer, as if he were cold- I compared him with Mr.


As I sat in my usual nook, and looked at him with the light of the girandoles on the mantelpiece beaming full over him — for he occupied an arm-chair drawn close to the fire, and kept shrinking still nearer, as if he were cold — I compared him with Mr Rochester.


Sequins and beading are especially festive as long as you don't overdo it.


更多网络解释与透亮的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


对於著重自然、安宁、流行风格,本季彩妆运用空气刷 (airbrush) 方式赋予肌肤古铜色的效果,运用大地色系,腮红利用金色、橙色,眼影强调眼神明亮感、透亮,唇彩营造水漾效果,再把指甲修出完美的形状覆上透明晶亮护甲油,将细致效果延伸到全身.


claw n.爪, 脚爪v抓 | brightly lit 通体透亮 | dark grave 幽暗的坟墓



end plate:终板

椎体上下缘的致密线状影为终板(end plate),彼此平行,其间的透亮间隙为椎间隙(intervertebral space),是椎间盘(intervertebral disc)的投影. 在侧位片上,椎体也呈长方形,其上下缘与后缘成直角. 椎弓居于后方. 椎管在椎体的后方呈纵行半透明区.

glassine paper:透明纸

[摘要]半透明纸(glassine paper)即具有不完全透过光线特性的薄纸. 其中的"半透明"不是一个定量的概念.即并非只透过一半的光.而是定性地反映其具有不完全透光的特点. 从外观上看.该类型纸酷似毛玻璃.呈浅灰白色而又有透亮感.能够依稀看见包装内装物的形状.

glassine paper:半透明纸

半透明纸(glassine paper)即具有不完全透过光线特性的薄纸.其中的"半透明"不是一个定量的概念,即并非只透过一半的光,而是定性地反映其具有不完全透光的特点.从外观上看,该类型纸酷似毛玻璃,呈浅灰白色而又有透亮感,能够依稀看见包装内装物的形状.因此,

intervertebral space:[椎间隙]

椎体上下缘的致密线状影为终板(end plate),彼此平行,其间的透亮间隙为椎间隙(intervertebral space),是椎间盘(intervertebral disc)的投影. 在侧位片上,椎体也呈长方形,其上下缘与后缘成直角. 椎弓居于后方. 椎管在椎体的后方呈纵行半透明区.

the following day:次日的

the following day oblivion, 次日烟消云灭, | the following day 次日的 | of transparent snow, 雪花晶莹透亮,


三款诱色情迷眼影: 铜褐晶玉(Topaz), 香草(Vanilla)与梦幻(Dream)所组合而成. 一款诱色情迷胭脂: 罗曼史(Romance)垂延欲滴的梦幻色系,塑造时代都会女性的晶透亮眼,薄透的光泽,若隐若现,更添神秘风采. 如丝绸般的丝滑质感,

epiphyseal line:骨骺线

骨骺板(epiphyseal plate)和骨骺线(epiphyseal line):是干骺端和继发骨化中心之间的软骨的投影. 儿童期显示为一较宽的透亮带,称骨骺板(盘);随年龄增长,骨骺板逐渐变窄,以至表现为一透亮线,称为骨骺线. 在正位X线片上,椎体呈长方形,