歌词 "Love Without A Net (You Keep Falling)" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Love Without A Net (You Keep Falling)



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Climb the stairs, take his hand 拾阶而上,把他的手

Take his word, there's a place to land 拿他的话,有土地的地方

So you weigh the risk of another fall 所以,你的体重的另一个下跌的风险

But you heed the moon when you hear her call 但是你听从明月当你听到她的电话

And up on the roof and out on the ledge 并在屋顶和列于窗台

You let go to love, and you step off the edge... 你放手去爱,你走下边缘...


Oh...you keep falling you give your love away 哦......你不断下跌,你付出了真爱

Oh...you keep falling in love without a net 哦......你继续谈恋爱不净

You use your heart to break your fall 你用你的心脏打破你的秋天


Like a dream lights go down 如梦灯光暗下

Crowds below never make a sound 下面从来人群发出声音

And you want to run but you need to fly 并且要运行,但你需要飞

And you fall again, but you close your eyes 并再次下跌,但你闭上眼睛

And up on the wire, alone on the stand 和上线,独上立场

You let go to love, but there's nowhere to land 你放手去爱,但有无处土地


Oh...you keep falling you give your love away 哦......你不断下跌,你付出了真爱

Oh...you keep falling in love without a net 哦......你继续谈恋爱不净

You use your heart to break your fall 你用你的心脏打破你的秋天


Love's no gift, love will end 爱的礼物没有,爱情将结束

You learn to fall and you learn to bend 你学会了下降,你要学会弯曲

And your diamond wings break like glass 和你的钻石的翅膀折断像玻璃

You jump again just to see what happens... 你又跳只是为了看看会发生什么......


Oh...you keep falling you give your love away 哦......你不断下跌,你付出了真爱

Oh...you keep falling in love without a net 哦......你继续谈恋爱不净

You use your heart to break your fall 你用你的心脏打破你的秋天

歌词 Love Without A Net (You Keep Falling) 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/love-without-a-net-you-keep-falling/