英语人>词典>汉英 : 踮着脚尖 的英文翻译,例句
踮着脚尖 的英文翻译、例句


on tiptoe
更多网络例句与踮着脚尖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The next few hours, when you see Captain Beatty, tiptoe round him, let me hear him for you, let me feel the situation out.


They were met here by a servant and a church attendant with a censer, who walked on tiptoe and took no notice of them.


She thought to herself, me caring about that, after all those nights I used to lie awake, waiting and worrying. And listening. Listening to him easing the car up the driveway; listening to the creak of the floorboards as he tiptoed through the house, his shoes in his hand and the red imprint of Jillian's lips on the lobe of his ear.


"Don't you dare 'nowhere' me, young layabout," Rachel the Dragon, Mistress of Chambermaids, barked full into his face—a juxtaposition made possible only by Rachel's tiptoed stance and the boy's natural inclination to slouch, for the head chambermaid lacked nearly a foot of Simon's height.

"再敢跟我说'哪儿也没去',小懒虫。"Rachel ,被他称作龙的这个严厉的女人,是女仆的管事。她在他的脸前喝叱着。达到这样的效果是因为Rachel在踮着脚尖站着,而这个男孩又在懒散地斜着身子。因为这个女管事的身高几乎比这个男孩低一个脚。

"Dont you dare nowhere me, young layabout," Rachel the Dragon, Mistress of Chambermaids, barked full into his face—a juxtaposition made possible only by Rachels tiptoed stance and the boys natural inclination to slouch, for the head chambermaid lacked nearly a foot of Simons height.

"再敢跟我说'哪儿也没去',小懒虫。"Rachel ,被他称作龙的这个严厉的女人,是女仆的管事。她在他的脸前喝叱着。达到这样的效果是因为Rachel在踮着脚尖站着,而这个男孩又在懒散地斜着身子。因为这个女管事的身高几乎比这个男孩低一个脚。

You may not be brilliant,but you can tiptoe through a minefield better than anyone I know.


English: Baby 10 months to stand on tiptoe often is how going on?


He came back late and crept in on tiptoe .


There stands a willow,a puff of wind passes by on tiptoe,and she sways and sways silently.


In spite of this, or rather in consequence of it, he went again the following day, the 15th, after dinner, to Olmütz, and going into the house occupied by Kutuzov, asked for Bolkonsky.


更多网络解释与踮着脚尖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


ramble 漫游;四处走走 | amble 骑马或走路缓步而行 | tiptoe 踮着脚尖轻轻地走


在追捕(chase)过程中,警察击中(puncture)了他们驾驶的车的油箱,因此不得不弃车(abandon)而逃. 3. 他们来到一间房子,踮着脚尖(tiptoe),轻轻溜进(slip)屋子,发现家里人出去度假了.

the tile on the roof is her music instrument keyboard:屋顶上的瓦片是他的琴键

眼眯成一条线轻轻踮着脚尖 she narrowed her eyes in a line, and stan... | 屋顶上的瓦片是他的琴键 the tile on the roof is her music instrument keyboard. | 一步步一点点游走在爱情边缘 she wandered around on...

stand on tiptoe:踮起脚尖站着

130.table manners 餐桌礼仪 | 131.stand on tiptoe 踮起脚尖站着 | 132.dress up 盛装

Persian cat stands on tiptoe:波斯猫踮着他的脚尖

波斯猫眯着他的双眼 Persian cat narrows her eyes | 波斯猫踮着他的脚尖 Persian cat stands on tiptoe | 波斯猫守着他的爱恋 Persian cat guards her love

Persian cat narrows her eyes:波斯猫眯着他的双眼

但是他不会为你做任何改变 however, she will never alter for u | 波斯猫眯着他的双眼 Persian cat narrows her eyes | 波斯猫踮着他的脚尖 Persian cat stands on tiptoe

Persian cat guards her love:波斯猫守着他的爱恋

波斯猫踮着他的脚尖 Persian cat stands on tiptoe | 波斯猫守着他的爱恋 Persian cat guards her love | 一转眼却又看不见 and she will disappear in an instant


Hogan和Burns在东海岸实施了一次重大(magnificent)抢劫(robbery). 2. 在追捕(chase)过程中,警察击中(puncture)了他们驾驶的车的油箱,因此不得不弃车(abandon)而逃. 3. 他们来到一间房子,踮着脚尖(tiptoe),轻轻溜进(slip)屋子,


他们来到一间房子,踮着脚尖(tiptoe) ,轻轻溜进(slip)屋子,发现家里人出去度假了. 4.他们把钱箱藏在地下室(basement)没有用水泥(cement)封好的角落里后,来到街上准备购置一辆车. 5. 九点钟, 二手车市场开门, 他们买了辆噪音低,


amble 骑马或走路缓步而行 | tiptoe 踮着脚尖轻轻地走 | creep 慢慢地,悄悄地爬着走