英语人>词典>汉英 : 财政关税 的英文翻译,例句
财政关税 的英文翻译、例句


revenue tariff
更多网络例句与财政关税相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Return of the financial assets or generated income of an organization or individual from a foreign country to the home country.

关税 通常是为了增加财政收入或保护国内企业免受进口产品的竞争压力而征收的进出口税。

AmCham says that the financial impact will be felt most by those American expatriates who are not tax-equalized and whose employers do not absorb the additional tax impost.


These tariffs can be of two types: revenue or protective tariff.


A revenue tariff is designed to raise money for the government.


A revenue tariff will always provide some protection, and a protective tariff will produce some revenue.


The study of financial income were laid emphasis on the foreign debt,customs duty and provincial transit duty.The foreign indemnity was still the focus of the study of financial expenses.


State finances are also being imperilled, as countries that import much of their food have started to increase subsidies paid to food producers to compensate for higher costs and scrapped import tariffs.


In some developing countries, revenue tariffs provide an important part of the government's income.


Rather than challenge dirigisme , the British and Americans are busy following it: Gordon Brown is ushering in new financial rules and higher taxes, and Barack Obama is suggesting that America could copy some things from France, to the consternation of his more conservative countrymen.


更多网络解释与财政关税相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

revenue stamp:印花税票

revenue officer 税务官员 | revenue stamp 印花税票 | revenue tariff 财政关税

revenue tariff:财政关税

商贸小辞书 2004-4-9 14:30:00 财政关税 财政关税(Revenue Tariff)是指以增加国家财政收人为主要目的而对进口货物征收的关税. 财政关税的一般征收原则是:(1)课税对象应是进口数量多,消费量大、税负强的商品,这样就有比较充足和稳定的税源;

revenue tariff:财政性关税税率,(为财政收入而征收的关税)岁入关税

revenue stock split 析产分股 | revenue tariff 财政性关税税率,(为财政收入而征收的关税)岁入关税 | revenue tax 岁入税,财政收入税,财政税收

revenue tariff,financial duties:财政关税[收入税]

财政法 finance act | 财政关税[收入税] revenue tariff,financial duties | 财政节制 financial restraint

revenue stock split:析产分股

revenue stamp 税收印花 | revenue stock split 析产分股 | revenue tariff 财政性关税税率,(为财政收入而征收的关税)岁入关税


而世界贸易组织的仲裁是,加拿大木材商虽然得到了政府的"财政好处"(financial benefit),但并未够成"补助"(subsidy),所以美国现在加收的严厉关税是没有根据的.

transit duty:过境税

(三)过境税 过境税(transit duty)又称通过税或转口税,是一国海关对通过其关境再转运第三国的外国货物所征收的关税. 其目的主要是增加国家财政收入. 过境税在重商主义时期盛行于欧洲各国. 随着资本主义的发展,交通运输事业的发达,