英语人>词典>汉英 : 贝里根 的英文翻译,例句
贝里根 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Among the candidates are two Oscar veterans, two newcomers (Mulligan, a Brit beguiler in her first starring movie role, and Sidibe, who had never gone for so much as an audition before testing for Precious) and the wild card: Bullock, who matches Jeff Bridges for likability but has never been nominated for an Oscar before.


Two Catholic priests, brothers Daniel and Philip Berrigan, were arrested for stealing and burning draft records.


M. Pei, Formosa Plastics giant Wang Yung-ching, newspaper Baron King tiwu, former Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew, the Royal family of Thailand and the United Nations and the Asia-Pacific, Europe and America for decades by the museums, art museums, higher education institutions a wide range of collections.


Lindsey Graham, the Republican senator, Alan Greenspan, the former chairman of the US Federal Reserve, and James Baker, Ronald Reagans second Treasury secretary, are in favour.


Sura 49: blaming the profession of the Bedouin Arabs as insincere, chiding the deputation which called out rudely at Mohammed's door, and exhorting believers against distrust and uncharitableness among themselves.

苏拉49 :责怪专业的贝都因阿拉伯人诚意,里根的要求派遣了穆罕默德粗暴的大门,并敦促信徒对信任和彼此之间的uncharitableness 。

So the current rumors of a struggle for the president's mind among the Big Four - Mr. Baker, Mr. Clark, Michael Deaver and Edwin Meese - are not new, just more public.


Also from New York were the Chromes and the Backhyssons and the Dennickers and Russel Betty and the Corrigans and the Kellehers and the Dewars and the Scullys and S.


更多网络解释与贝里根相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


格里.穆里根在自己的作品里坚决维护酷爵士(Cool Jazz)的原则,无论是乐曲的引子还是结束段都独具匠心,对位法合奏(Ensemble)让格里.穆里根和查特.贝克的独奏显得得心应手水到渠成,涵蓄温婉中,描绘着加利福尼亚海岸迷人的阳光与美丽的哀愁.

John Barry - Theme form Goldfinger:约翰-贝瑞《金手指>

Arranged by Carmen Dragon 卡门-德里根 改编 | 9. 254 John Barry - Theme form Goldfinger 约翰-贝瑞> | Arranged by Richard Hayman 理查德德-海曼 改编

Graham Beckel:葛拉罕.贝克尔

史都华特.里根 Stuart Regen | 瓦莱里亚.戈里诺 Valeria Golino | 葛拉罕.贝克尔 Graham Beckel

Gerry Mulligan:格里.穆里根

查特.贝克的初期名奏,可以从格里.穆里根(Gerry Mulligan)的四重奏原作中听到,但他本人在四重奏里的演奏也十分出色. 这张太平洋(PACIFIC)唱片公司的十英寸盘,作为转盘式录音为期最早,其清新得近乎笨拙的吱吱咯咯的音色和句节法自有打动人心之处.

Nancy Reagan:南希.里根

这首歌由摩城唱片的老板贝里-戈迪(Berry Gordy)亲自率众创作,由迈克尔-杰克逊和哥哥杰梅因-杰克逊(Je......>杂志采访了史蒂夫-旺德(Stevie Wonder)、惠特尼-休斯顿(Whitney Houston)、蒂娜-特纳(Tina Turner)、南希-里根(Nancy Reagan)、杰西-杰克逊(J

Reagan , Ronald:里根

里贝罗 Ribeiro, Clovis Leite324 | 里根 Reagan, Ronald148,172 | 李普赛特 Lipset, Seymour martin10


11、>(TaxiDriver)关键词:马丁.斯柯西斯罗伯特.德尼罗、黑色电影点评:谈起黑色电影,就不能不提它,黑帮大佬罗伯特.德尼罗也曾年轻过. 这部电影让里根差点丢了老命. 记住这不是吕克.贝松的>.

Whittier College:怀蒂埃尔学院

一些喜爱戴黑色晰蜴表带的卡蒂埃表(Cartier)的上层阶级认为,摩根图书馆为了招徕项目资助者,便授予他们"研究员"(Fellows)的称号,而不是捐资者理查德.尼克松获得优异成绩的加州怀蒂埃尔学院(Whittier College)和罗纳德.里根的我这里指的是大卫.H.贝内特先生,