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诸言 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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" Let us mix this thickened Boeotian air with the dark voluptuousness of the Etruscans; such as a reality would then extort from us a world of myths in which Uranus, Kronos and Zeus and the struggles of the Titans would seem like a relief; in this brooding atmosphere, combat is salvation and deliverance, the cruelty of the victory is the pinnacle of life's jubilation...."

具言为在 Hesiod 文字的沉闷空气中,诸神的战争似乎是一种救赎。这样的文化氛围下,现实生活中的战争似乎也是一种救赎,在胜利当中饱尝的血腥成了生命喜悦的最高点。一个暴露在战争和残忍下的世界让人感到对存在的厌恶,已至觉得存在是一种惩罚,存在等于负债。

Other scholars argue that the special commutation system in Chinese Criminal Law can be applied, or argue to differentiate the sentencing situations of "extremely huge amount" in general theft and theft of financial institutions, but such proposals are not very successful.


This three-way division of the word "Dhamma" acts as a map showing how to take the external refuges and make them internal: learning about the teachings, using them to develop the qualities that the Buddha himself used to attain Awakening, and then realizing the same release from danger that he found in the quality of Deathlessness that we can touch within.


His philosophy, captured by one of his many slogans, is flamboyantly patriotic:"Conquer English to Make China Stronger!"


So much of modern life can be summarized in that suggestive phrase of Thoreau:"Improved means to an unimproved end."


Because of many accounts of the history, talking about the traditional filial piety, the modern men see it as the feudal feculent so as to ask for absolutely rejection the filial piety. But according to my exploration, I think the traditional filial piety has some shortages, but also it has many faultless parts, if we can be fit to use, it still has some price.


Now this splendid also has many temptation societies, strong destroys the hardest defenses the strength in meditation can only be incorrigibly obstinate speaking on another's behalf!


When a program is modified a little or is optimized, incremental analysis can maintain the data flow information, which can avoid recomputing the data flow information of the whole procedure because of a little change.

引 言在编译领域中,数据流分析问题是一大类问题,包括到达定值,活跃变量,可用表达式常数传播,公共子表达式删除,复写传播等诸多程序分析和程序优化问题。

If we have not a deep experience in the things of God, if we have not a thorough knowledge of His Word, we shall be beguiled to our ruin by the errors and sophistries of the enemy.


On the conversion of super-merit wins,"the rare volume of merit by the school,"亦云: If the full universe of 3000, buddhas Tathagata, for example, sugar cane reed bamboo rice Ma, Thie-Tzuen their buddhas and so on to really Ching, if There善男子善女人, Second Long live China, often with all the entertainment, clothes lying bed eating him for the medical expenses, from all kinds of facilities, and even after灭度to close its relic from seven pagodas, 11 Baota always伎乐Zeng Xiang-Hua Gai幢幡incense and candles and oil lamps, all sorts to be, dependent悉皆realized measureless limitless uncountable Ford can not count on the Poly.佛言: Ananda!


更多网络解释与诸言相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


>(卷一百二十六)所举淳于髡等三人之言多系"反语"(irony),而寓讥诮或讽刺之意,不宜视为幽默. 东方朔若不遇汉武帝,而遇明太祖,其挑拨诸儒,必判为造谣生事;其拔剑割肉,必受到扰乱朝仪之罚. 在吾国,知道幽默的似只有吴承恩所描写的猪八戒一人.


某英人尝言曰:"功绩(Merit)与谦逊(Modest)除二字之第一字母外,别无公共之点". 格代亦云:"惟一无所长者乃谦逊耳. "彼非能行之也,姑妄言之而已;亦非欲言诸人也,聊以自娱而已. 何则?以彼知意之如此而苦痛之如彼,其所以自慰藉之道,


言破烦恼比丘者,若人能断诸漏烦恼,所有集业诸苦异熟,未来生死,能善了知,永除相本,如断多罗(Tara)树头,证不生法,是名破烦恼比丘. 言羯磨圆具比丘者,谓身无障难,作法圆满,是不应诃,是名羯磨圆具比丘. 比丘尼(Bhiksuni)者,

and take delight in proclaiming our faults:好出我等过

will borrow the name of forest-dwelling monks假名阿练若 | and take delight in proclaiming our faults, 好出我等过 | saying things like this: 此诸比丘等而作如是言

sphere of influence:势力范围

其后德人之占领胶州湾,据青岛(一八九八),以山东为"势力范围"(sphere of influence)亦属此类. 前节已言之"欧洲扩张主义"原是人类历史在"现代阶段"(The Moden Era)的时代现象. 欧洲扩张主义者之向东发展原有海陆二途. 上面诸节所述原是以西葡两国作急先锋,