英语人>词典>汉英 : 误差 的英文翻译,例句
误差 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
error  ·  booboo

更多网络例句与误差相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Second, the data checking and correction process, to understand the various sources of measurement error, its three main areas: equipment error (determined by the instrument itself, is an objective source of error), observation error (due to the technical level personnel a result of belonging to a subjective source of error), external influence error (subject, such as temperature, atmospheric refraction effects of external factors such as these factors are also constantly changing and difficult to control, belonging to a variable source of error).


In this paper the effects of scanning truncation error, scanning position error, random amplitude and phase error, and multiple-reflection error in near-field antenna measurement are analyzed; error equations and the uncertainty of measurement are obtained through computer simulation; compensated techniques for reducing the effects of measurement errors in near-field antenna measurement are presented and the formula and arithmetic of phaseless near-field techniques are derived.


The computation implies that the influence of truncation error of up/downwards continuation is about 0.001 m2·s-2, the maximum error is only 0.11 m2·s-2, which can be ignored in CHAMP gravity field recovery. The influence of the reference gravity field error of up/downwards continuation is less than 0.1 m2·s-2 in general, but the maximum error can reach 1.3 m2·s-2. To reduce this error, a high-precision gravity field model should be used in the up/downwards continuation.

计算表明:延拓误差中的截断误差部分影响量级约0.001 m2·s-2,最大误差仅为0.11 m2·s-2,可完全忽略;延拓误差中的参考重力场模型误差影响随参考场选取的不同而有所差异,整体而言小于0.1 m2·s-2,但最大误差可达1.3 m2·s-2,采用高精度的参考重力场模型能大大减小延拓误差影响。

3 Indicator error calibration:示值误差校准: Take turns place the standard gauge blocks with measure 10mm,20mm,30mm,40mm,50mm in the middle of plane measure heads ,adjust the gauge block position , make the center plane and measure staff axes plane touch with gently, after tranquilization, read the display result .

依次将尺寸为 10mm,20mm,30mm,40mm,50mm 的标准量块放入平面测头之间,调整量块位置,使其中心面与测杆轴线面轻轻接触,待稳定后,读取显示结果,其示值误差应在±0.5um 内为合格,否则停用修理(每次测量块时,要重新清零)。

The basic idea Is: using the standard value inserting the dynamic measuring errors which involve systematical errors and random errors, constructing the original error model which is revised at the same time and follows the variable law of the dynamic measuring errors, establishing a more suitable error model.


The emulation result shows that the error of polarizer rotation angle almost does not influence nonlinearity when elliptic polarization of laser beams exists; when the error of rotation angle of polarizing beam splitter exists, the second-harmonic nonlinearity caused by the error of polarizer rotation angle will not increase, but the first-harmonic nonlinearity will increase greatly.

仿真结果表明,当存在激光束椭圆偏振时,检偏器旋转误差对非线性误差的影响很小;当存在偏振分光镜旋转误差时,检偏器旋转误差引起的非线性误差不增加二次谐波分量,但增大了非线性误差一次谐波分量,严重影响非线性误差的大小,当偏振分光镜旋转误差为3°时,检偏器旋转误差从0°增加到5°,非线性误差从0.14 nm增大到0.97 nm。

By study of the statistic characteristics of flood forecasting errors and their confidence intervals for Nushi watershed at Sanhuajian of the Yellow River and on the basis of a comparison of the precision criterion currently used for flood forecasting with the result of the error confidence interval method, it is concluded that the error of flood forecasting is of the characteristic of skew probability distribution, and that the evaluated results of forecasting errors are different by the above two methods.

因此,本文在三花间伊河卢氏流域洪水预报的基础上研究了误差置信限及误差置信限评定方法,并将误差置信限评定结果与现行水情预报精度标准[1]评定结果进行了比较。1 现行洪水预报评定方法流域洪水预报精度评定内容包括洪峰流量、峰现时间和洪量等。洪水预报误差指标有绝对误差、相对误差和确定性系数3种。预报误差小于许可误差时为合格预报。

In this paper, some characteristic functions of the multifunctional single-flank mesh gear tester of model CD320G-D which is applying gear integrated error measuring technique, computer technique, error separation technique, fault diagnosis technique and error prediction technique, including automatic searching of profile error start point, determination of profile barrelling, separation of profile form error and profile slope error, measurement of profile error with evaluation range subtracting tooth tip, measurement of tooth topograph and statistical analysis of gear manufacture error, are presented.

阐述了综合应用齿轮整体误差测量技术、计算机技术、误差分离技术、故障诊断技术和误差预报技术的多功能 CD320G-D 型单啮仪的一些具有特色的功能。这些功能包括齿形误差起测点的自动找定、凸形齿凸形量的测定及其形状误差与倾斜误差的分离、取值范围扣除齿顶部的齿形误差的测量、齿面轮廓度误差的测量以及齿轮加工误差的大样本统计分析。

operation process and arithmetic of the two-position gyro-based north seeker are introduced.


In this study, six campaigns around Anping tide gauge, Tainan, were successfully performed and the collected GPS buoy data were processed with four types of precise ephemeris provided by IGS, including final product, rapid product, ultra-rapid product and ultra-rapid product with the use of PPP technique. Comparing the PPP results with DGPS, the differences reach 3~5 cm in the horizontal and 10 cm in the vertical with final product; 6~8 cm in the horizontal and 15 cm in the vertical with rapid product; 15~20 cm in the horizontal and 30~40 cm in the vertical with ultra-rapid product; 2~3 m in the horizontal and 3~4 m in the vertical with ultra-rapid product. In addition, the collected data were also processed by DGPS techniques using different reference stations to analyze the effect of various baselines. The results show that accuracy degrades when the baselines increase.

本研究在台南安平潮位站旁进行6次GPS浮标施测,首先利用与GPS浮标距离不同之GPS参考主站来进行差分定位,分析基线距离对GPS浮标定位成果的影响,由实验结果可得出基线越长则定位准确度越低;再以IGS提供之最终产品、快速产品、超快速产品(Ultra-Rapid product)之观测部分observed half、超快速产品(Ultra-Rapid product)之预估部分四种不同发布延迟时间的精密星历与精密时表改正资料对GPS浮标进行精密单点定位解算,与传统差分相对定位方法定位结果进行比较后,得出使用最终产品之平面方向均方根误差(Root Mean Square Error, RMSE)可达3~5公分,而高程方向均方根误差可达10公分;快速产品之平面方向均方根误差可达6~8公分,而高程方向均方根误差可达15公分;超快速产品观测部分之平面方向均方根误差可达15~20公分,而高程方向均方根误差可达30~40公分;超快速产品预估部分之平面方向均方根误差可达2~3公尺,而高程方向均方根误差可达3~4公尺。

更多网络解释与误差相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accidental error:偶然误差;随机误差

accidental error 偶然误差 | accidental error 偶然误差;随机误差 | accidental error 偶然误差偶然误差

appreciable error:显著误差,可察觉误差,可估误差

apprasial of lighting 照明效果评价 | appreciable error 显著误差,可察觉误差,可估误差 | appreciate 感謝する

error analysis:误差分析

误差分析(error analysis)主题方针的内容误差分析(error analysis)主题方针的内容误差分析(error analysis)主题方针的内容误差分析(error analysis)主题方针的内容误差分析(error analysis)主题方针的内容误差分析(error analysis)主题方针的内容

error in equation:方程内误差,方程误差

error in economic analysis 经济分析的误差,经济分析的误差 | error in equation 方程内误差,方程误差 | error in geometrical form 几何形状误差

measuring error:测量误差

测量值与约定真值之间的误差称为测量误差(Measuring error). 测量误差可按其不同特征进行分类. ㈠绝对误差和相对误差 1.绝对误差(Absolute error) 绝对误差是指测量值与约定真值之间的差值. 2.相对误差(Relative error) 有时绝对误差不足以反映测量值偏离约定真值程度的大小,

permissible error:容许误差公差允许误差

permissible error 容许误差 | permissible error 容许误差公差允许误差 | permissible error 容许误差允许误差

relative error:相对误差

2.相对误差(Relative error) 有时绝对误差不足以反映测量值偏离约定真值程度的大小,所以还要用相对误差来表示. ⑴实际相对误差:实际相对误差用绝对误差与被测量约定真值的百分比表示. ⑵示值(标称)相对误差:示值相对误差用绝对误差与被测量值的百分比表示.

true error:真误差

在测量中,n 为有限值,计算中误差 m 的方法,有: 1.用真误差(true error)来确定中误差--适用于观测量真值已知时. 真误差Δ--观测值与其真值之差,有: 标准差 中误差(标准差估值) , n 为观测值个数. 2.用改正数来确定中误差(白塞尔公式)--适用于观测量真值未知时.

mean-square error criterion:均方误差准则,均方误差准则

mean-square error criteria ==> 均方误差准则,均方误差准则 | mean-square error criterion ==> 均方误差准则,均方误差准则 | mean-square error norm ==> 均方误差范数,均方误差范数

mean-square error criteria:均方误差准则,均方误差准则

mean-square error ==> 均方误差,均方误差 | mean-square error criteria ==> 均方误差准则,均方误差准则 | mean-square error criterion ==> 均方误差准则,均方误差准则