英语人>词典>汉英 : 积累误差 的英文翻译,例句
积累误差 的英文翻译、例句


accumulated error
更多网络例句与积累误差相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on the optimal data partitioning algorithm, only the accumulated error from the past frames is taken into account, and the complexity and performance of the causal optimal data partitioning algorithm are studied.


Then according to the characteristics of the embedded MPEG-4 surveillance system, a rate-based optimal data partitioning algorithm is presented, in which the accumulated error and the data partitioning distortion are not taken into account completely.


Solar automatic tracking system according to the local latitude and longitude of automatic detection day and night, and the application of solar radiation and brightness of the environment compared to the automatic tracking system makes the accuracy, reliability, in the course of sunny real-time detection to keep the correct time and angle data, due to seasonal changes and eliminate the accumulated error.


In addition, there was some difference in cycle between self – generating sine signal and the actual electrical network, so the great accumulated error and non synchronous error will be presented after several cycles.


The improved voltage model of rotor flux is proposed in the paper. It eliminates the influence to actual system function in the voltage model of rotor flux for the proper drift problem and cumulative error of pure integral calculus tache.


The thecretical analysis is done for the problems of the integral initial values, the accumulated error and the excursive error induced by numerical integrals. It is found that these errors possess characteristics of lower frequencies and they can be treated as the low frequency noise.


On the other hand, the dynamics in the mean motion resonances in the main asteroidal belt (the Kirkwood gaps and also accumulations of asteroids in definite region) is still not well understood.


Stepper motor is a kind of electromechanical component that is driven in step angle or line displacement by electric pulse signal. Because of having the advantage of easy open-loop control and no accumulating error, stepper motor is being applied widely in many fields.


Stepping motor is a kind of electromechanical component that is driven in step angle or line displacement by electric pulse signal. Because of having the advantage of easy open-loop control and no accumulating error, stepper motor is being applied widely in many fields.


Stepping motor is a kind of electromechanical component that is driven in step angle or line displacement by electric pulse signal. Because of having the advantage of easy open-loop control and no accumulating error, stepper motor is being applied widely in many fields.

论文 页数:54 字数:22722摘要:步进电机是一种将电脉冲信号转换成相应的角位移或线位移的机电元件,具有易于开环控制、无积累误差等优点,在从多领域获得了广泛的应用。

更多网络解释与积累误差相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accumulated error:积累误差

accessory of limited interchangeability,有限互换附件 | accumulated error,积累误差 | accumulated time difference,累积时差

accumulated error:累积误差;积差

accumulated error 积累误差积差 | accumulated error 累积误差;积差 | accumulated growth 累积生长物

accumulated error:积累误差积差

accumulated error 积累误差 | accumulated error 积累误差积差 | accumulated error 累积误差;积差

accumulated error pulse:溜

accumulated error 累积误差,积累误差 | accumulated error pulse 溜りパルス | accumulated fatigue 蓄积疲劳

accumulative error:积累误差

accumulative carry 累加进位 | accumulative error 积累误差 | Accumulative Hours or Hours Accumulated 累计时数

accumulative carry:累加进位

accumulation 积累 | accumulative carry 累加进位 | accumulative error 积累误差

cumulative error:积累误差

cumulative effect 累积效应 | cumulative error 积累误差 | cumulative error 累积误差

accumulated discrepancy:累积不符值

accumulate 积累 | accumulated discrepancy 累积不符值 | accumulated error 积累误差

accumulation of rounding error:舍入误差积累

accumulation of risks 风险积累 | accumulation of rounding error 舍入误差积累 | accumulation of rounding errors 舍入误差积累

accumulated time difference:累积时差

accumulated error,积累误差 | accumulated time difference,累积时差 | accumulative raingauge,累积雨量器