英语人>词典>汉英 : 误差论 的英文翻译,例句
误差论 的英文翻译、例句


calculus of errors
更多网络例句与误差论相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The reliability based on Boolean function and graph theory and mid relevance is analyzed.


Please note that the explanation provided here and previously throughout this paper is also the correct solution to the motion and infinity paradoxes the Dichotomy, Achilles and the Tortoise, the Arrow, and their other more modern variations, originally conceived by the Greek mathematician, Zeno of Elea.


Classic rough set theory based on equivalence relation takes complete system as object of study , and divides the region into some non-intersect equivalence class; But, in the real life, because of the errors in data measuring, understanding of data, or the restriction in data collection , it can make the decision-making system incomplete, that is, value of attribution of some objects is unknown, which restrains development of the theory to practical direction.


In this thesis, we present a new operational amplifier with positive feedback technique to reduce its gain error and input parasitic capacitance, it is well suited to implement ADC with high performance.


The projects of the IGP are devided in 4 parts: Geodesy and Geodynamics, Geographic Information Systems, Theory of Errors, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing and Geodetic Metrology.


The most great characteristic of supporting vectorial mechanism theory is to collect by limited training little error that sample get can assurance collect and still keep the small error to independent test.


Relative contents of four main cellular proteins corresponding to MALDI-TOF-MS peaks m/z 4466, m/z 6455, m/z 6514, and m/z 7772 were all found to be close correlated with the concentration of melamine, although their up- and/or down-regulations showed different patterns when the concentration of melamine changed. Support vector regression leave-one-out method, with the optimized polynomial kernel function and a poly-degree of 3, was chose to evaluate the correlation between the alteration of Tetrahymena pyriformis main proteins'relative contents and the concentration of melamine in the culture medium.

支持向量机软件中支持向量回归support vector regressi(来源:A3cBC17论b1文网www.abclunwen.comon, SVR留一法预报结果表明,选用幂指数为3的多项式核函数进行建模,相对误差的平均值为7.238%,说明梨形四膜虫主要蛋白质相对含量的变化与培养基中三聚氰胺浓度变化相关。

This paper discusses some application cases of the error propagation law by the examples of trigonometrical survey, and presents that not only sum function and numeral multipling function in which there is only one independent observed value but also more complex functions which are equal in mathematics are not opposite in the process of error propagation according to the error propagation law.


In this paper, the structured and unstructured uncertainties are of primary interest, i.e., the modeling error due to the parameters variation and unmodeled modes, especially the friction and sensor dynamics, neglected time delays, etc.


It's an effective measure of fast valving in improving the dynamic stabilities of power system and preventing the overspeed of steam turbines, but the fast valving technique available can satisfy the need of modern steam turbines no more. On the basis of the new type fluid logic valve, which combines the regulating systems and safety systems happily, the steam turbine EHC based on new principle is put forward, one of its outstanding characteritics is, the fast valving is operating in a closed control loop. For the implementation of control for steam generator regulation and safety systems with nonlinear mult-operating modes, a new methodology for designing a fuzzy logic controller is proposed, which is based on the combination of"error phase plane"and"variable universe of discourse". Application of a double-mode FLC with the new methodology is presented, the validity of the design methodolody is desmonstrated by test; A new methodolody is also presented to improve the design and tuning of a FLC using variable structure control theory.


更多网络解释与误差论相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

calculus of errors:误差论

calculus of classes 类演算 | calculus of errors 误差论 | calculus of finite differences 差分法

theory of estimation:估计论

theory of errors 误差论 | theory of estimation 估计论 | theory of functions 函数论

formal homology theory:形式同调论

形式离散误差 formal discretization error | 形式同调论 formal homology theory | 形式蕴涵 formal implication

perseveration theory:持续论

perseveration 固着 | perseveration theory 持续论 | perseverative error 固着误差

Probability Theory:机率论

privte line 私用线;专线 | probability theory 机率论 | probable error 可能误差

theory of differential equations:方程式论

12127,"theory of determinants","微分方程论" | 12128,"theory of differential equations","方程式论" | 12129,"theory of equations","误差论"

theory of equations:方程论

theory of elementary particles 基本粒子论 | theory of equations 方程论 | theory of errors 误差论

theory of equations:误差论

12128,"theory of differential equations","方程式论" | 12129,"theory of equations","误差论" | 12130,"theory of error","体论"

theory of errors:误差论

天文学中的误差论 (theory of errors) 使他对统计问题发生兴趣,我们提到1915年他进入统计界因为那年他发表一篇关于样本相关系数的分布的文章. 这篇文章启始了对各种样本统计精确分布的研究,费雪在这方面颇享盛名. 以内曼和E.皮尔逊的共同论文多篇的发表为开端,

propagated error:传递误差

证明论 proof theory | 传递误差 propagated error | 传递;传播 propagation