英语人>词典>汉英 : 计算...的总数 的英文翻译,例句
计算...的总数 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
totalize  ·  totalized  ·  totalizes  ·  totalise

更多网络例句与计算...的总数相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We're having problems calculating the total amount of current assets and fixed assets


According to this difficulty,a kind of fast calculation method of satellite orbit-extract the orbit's control points is put forward,and perspective frustum is combined to judge the orbit's visibility.


Only the tribe of Levi is not to be numbered among the children of Israel

1:49 惟独利未支派你不可数点,也不可在以色列人中计算他们的总数。

Total calculated girding number the middle block of North 1 area is 670,134 and node number is 713,416. More data can be calculated and this function is unexampled compared with other finite element softwares.


We should adhere to the basic line for a hundred years , with no vacillation.


As to that brand of yoghurt, the total number of its bacterial colonies meets the state standard.


Together competes with China and the U.S..


When we sum on all the tetrahedrons, and by means of a development of the determinant along the first line, we get a sum on determinants on triangles that must be either all oriented towards the interior of each tetrahedron, or all oriented towards the exterior.


This controller operates automatically according to the batch sequence and stops automatically when the totalized flow reaches batch loader set value.


More importantly, the computer counts the total red or green wands and uses that value to control software.


更多网络解释与计算...的总数相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


所谓明确即在传统的双元逻辑中,一个叙述非真则为假,网路之转置(Transition)开关输入值,以经济成本观点为基础,判断滚珠轴承(Balls Bearing)、黏著(Adhere)榫(Insert) 可以拆解零件使用数学方式计算零件间接合点数的总数,

lump lump sum:包干金额,总数

ltr. lighter 驳船 | lump lump sum 包干金额,总数 | M. MEASUREMENT 按货物的体积计算运价

M. MEASUREMENT:按货物的体积计算运价

lump lump sum 包干金额,总数 | M. MEASUREMENT 按货物的体积计算运价 | MAX MAXIMUM,THE MOST 最大(多)

market penetration:市场渗透率

市场渗透率(Market penetration)是指场馆在所在地区或全国场馆市场的位置. 它的计算公式是:市场渗透率=场馆实际出租平方米总数÷所在地区或全国实际出租平方米总数. 以北京展览市场为例,去年实际出租面积约1,400万平方米,


赋值语句的最简单形式是:最上面的例子是用来计算,在特定时间(time)内,按照特定利率(rate),本金(principle)的利息. 第二个例子是,通过传输距离和消耗的时间来计算某个物体的移动速度. 第三个例子是,把以小时和分钟表示的时间转换为分钟总数.


2.构成比(proportion) 说明某事物内部各组成部分所占的比重或比例.常以百分数表示,计算公式为:率= 某组成部分的观察单位数× 100% 同一事物内部的观察单 位总数 (式 2) 3.比(ratio) 又称为相对比,比较两个指标时用以反映两个有关指标间数量上的比值,

surrender to:投降,自首

246、sum up 计算...的总数,概括,总结 | 247、surrender to 投降,自首 | 248、switch off 切断,(用开关)关掉

in the majority:占多数, 拥有多数

32. The majority of children in our class我们班大多数孩子(常与of连用)多数;半数以上 | 33. in the majority占多数, 拥有多数 | 34. total v. 1.合计;总计 2.(常与to, up to连用)计算...的总数;把...加起来

to read... in the original:读原著;读某书的原文

1257to question sb. on sth.询问某人某事 | 1258to read... in the original读原著;读某书的原文 | 1259to reckon up计算(得出总数)

to reckon up:计算(得出总数)

1258to read... in the original读原著;读某书的原文 | 1259to reckon up计算(得出总数) | 1260to remain as继续是,一直是...