英语人>词典>汉英 : 触手状的 的英文翻译,例句
触手状的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Four 25-foot-long tentacles sprout from its eyeless head, writhing around a lampreylike mouth grown to nightmarish size.


For instance, sea lilies, marine animals with feathery arms, date back more than 400 million years.


One of the five radial areas on the undersurface of the starfish and similar echinoderms,from which the tube feet are protruded and withdrawn.


Built to feed exclusively on corals like this spindly gorgonian, a translucent 1.7-inch-long (4.3-centimeter-long) Phyllodesmium iriomotense houses its branching digestive gland within tentacle-like cerata—outgrowths the animal can shed if under attack.

以细长的珊瑚为食物,一只长1.7英寸(4.3厘米)半透明的 Phyllodesmium iriomotense 就像那些断肢求生动物一样,如果受到攻击的话,它的枝状消化腺会收回到触手形的裸鳃中。

Built to feed exclusively on corals like this spindly gorgonian, a translucent 1.7-inch-long (4.3-centimeter-long) Phyllodesmium iriomotense houses its branching digestive gland within tentacle-like cerata—outgrowths the animal can shed if under attack.

图中这条1.7英寸(4.3厘米)长的海蛞蝓学名为Phyllodesmium iriomotense,专以珊瑚为食,如图中这种细长的柳珊瑚。它将它生长着枝条形消化腺的触手状露腮依附在珊瑚上,一旦遭到攻击它能蜕去这些露腮来逃生。

Built to feed exclusively on corals like this spindly gorgonian, a translucent 1.7-inch-long (4.3-centimeter-long) Phyllodesmium iriomotense houses its branching digestive gland within tentacle-like cerata—outgrowths the animal can shed if under attack.

一条1.7英寸(4.3厘米)长的学名为&Phyllodesmium iriomotense&的透明海蛤蝓专门以这种柳珊瑚为食,它的枝状消化腮可以缩藏到触手状的裸腮中,这一演化结果类似那些遇到攻击靠断尾蜕皮保命的动物。

Built to feed exclusively on corals like this spindly gorgonian, a translucent 1.7-inch-long (4.3-centimeter-long) Phyllodesmium iriomotense houses its branching digestive gland within tentacle-like cerata—outgrowths the animal can shed if under attack.

专门以这种细长的柳珊瑚为食,一只半透明的1.7英寸(4.3厘米)长的&Phyllodesmium iriomotense&将其分枝状的消化腺退入触手一样的裸腮中——一旦受到攻击,这种动物就会退到其中避难。

Built to feed exclusively on corals like this spindly gorgonian, a translucent 1.7-inch-long (4.3-centimeter-long) Phyllodesmium iriomotense houses its branching digestive gland within tentacle-like cerata—outgrowths the animal can shed if under attack.

以珊瑚为食、半透明、1.7英寸(4.3厘米)长的 Phyllodesmium iriomotense 在受到攻击时,会把它枝状的消化腺缩回到触手中——就像那些断肢求生的动物。

Creases and drips from the casting line the surfaces; elsewhere the tentacular gates have been tom off like weeds, their edges left raw.


Usually at the tip of tentacles a characteristic "hammer-shaped" structure is formed.


更多网络解释与触手状的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


外肛动物门(Ectoprocta)是动物界的一个门,该门动物通称外肛动物,因肛门开口于触手冠(lophophore)之外而得名. 从外形上看,外肛动物门和内肛动物门的动物有些相似,群体皆很大,呈枝状或匍匐状,似苔藓植物,曾合称为苔藓动物门(Bryozoa),


这里的横缢断离的现象称为横裂(strobilation). 在碟状幼体游泳生活中产生了胃水管系和触手等,胶质层发达,变态为水母. 变态前临近变态的个体称为幼水母(metephyra). 钵形幼体上同时产生很多横沟,逐渐进行碟状幼体的分离,


前端的腹面为一漏斗状的口笠(oral hood),口笠内为前庭(vestibule),内壁有轮器(wheel organ),由前庭引向位于一环形缘膜(velum)中央的口. 口笠和缘膜的周围分别环生触须(cirri)及缘膜触手(velar tentacle),具有保护和过滤作用,


个体发育中经耳状幼体(auricularia)、樽形幼虫(doliolaria)和五触手幼虫(penttactula),变态成幼参. 棘皮动物体呈辐射对称,但它们的幼虫为两侧对称,因此辐射对称是次生形成的. 一些已绝迹的化石种类中有的为两侧对称体形,



tentacled:有触手的 (形)

tentacle 触须, 触角, 触手 (名) | tentacled 有触手的 (形) | tentacular 触手的; 触手状的 (形)

tentacular:触手的; 触手状的 (形)

tentacled 有触手的 (形) | tentacular 触手的; 触手状的 (形) | tentative 试验性质的, 暂时的 (形)

Tubipora musica:笙珊瑚

笙珊瑚(Tubipora musica)由很多红色管状骨密集相连,状如笙,故名. 产于热带海洋中. (软珊瑚类)海仙人掌(Cavernularia habereri)体呈棒形,下部有长柄. 身体周围有多数水螅体,各水螅体均有触手八条. 栖于有沙的浅海,以柄部插入沙泥中.

pedal ganglion:足神经节

例如履螺(Crepidula)它们的鳃丝高度状的螺类,例如小蛇螺(Serpulorbis)可以利用足腺分泌粘液,粘液排出壳脑神经节(cerebral ganglion)位于食道背面,由它发出神经支配触手、眼足神经节(pedal ganglion)位于足中部肌肉中,支配足的运动,

thread cell:刺细胞

体腔(体肠腔)是囊状的,带有一个既作口又作肛门的开口.该开口被 带有刺细胞(thread cell)的触手围绕.腔肠动物可以以自由游泳方式 (例如水母)和定居方式(例如珊瑚虫)存在.后者可以是群集的(例 如珊瑚虫)或独居的(例如海葵和水螅).在许多腔肠动物中,