英语人>词典>汉英 : 苦苣 的英文翻译,例句
苦苣 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In an attempt to provide a better understanding of the diversity, evolution and spread of geminiviruses in China, 32 samples showing typical geminivirus symptoms were collected from papaya, tomato, tobacco, Euphorbia pulcherrima, Sonchus oleraceus Linn and Ageratum conyzoides in Guangxi province.


In this study, I compared cotyledon development in isocotylous European Gesneriaceae species to Streptocarpus rexii, their sister clade species with true anisocotyly. The results of cotyledon size measurement showed that European Gesneriaceae species exhibit nearly equal cell growth rate and thus maintain both cotyledons in the same size. But in Streptocarpus rexii, growth rate between macrocotyledon and microcotyledon was different thus altered cotyledon allometry growth.


Unlike other dicot plants, Old World species evolve anisocotylous trait during germination while New World species remain isocotyly instead.


Produce: Ginger, endive, raspberries, tomatoes.


Serofluid production is simple, general selection of fresh endive, alfalfa, water chestnut, such as shepherd's purse wild fermentation introduction, in the Ci Guan Sheng cover within three days later serofluid mold.


Any of numerous,mostly tropical herbs or shrubs of the family Gesneriaceae,including African violet s,the Cape primrose,and gloxinia.


As a species of Gesneriaceae, Lysionotus has high ornamental and medicinal value.


Pollen morphology of three Chinese monotypic endemic genera in Gesneriaceae was studied by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.


These gesneriads (the term used to encompass thosemembers of the Gesneriaceae or African Violet Family) are not native to thetropics like the vast majority of gesneriads. Instead, they hail from highelevation, steep alpine cliffs of the Mediterranean region.


Within Old World European Gesneriaceae species (Ramonda myconi and Haberlea rhodopensis), there appears to be a secondary loss of anisocotylous trait back to isocotyly.

特别的是旧世界苦苣苔科中欧洲苦苣苔成员(Ramonda myconi, Haberlea rhodopensis)丧失子叶不等大的现象而成为子叶等大的幼苗。

更多网络解释与苦苣相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


菊苣(Chicory) 苦苣(Endive) 芝麻菜 (Arugula) 紫蒿苣(Radicchio)一九九四年五月,美国的魔术胸罩在纽约首度登场,十天之内便卖出三千套,工厂要日以继夜加班来应付全国的需求.

endive:苦苣 (长的像咱们大白菜的菜芯,味苦)

chou fleur 花菜(北方叫菜花吧?) | endive 苦苣 (长的像咱们大白菜的菜芯,味苦) | tomate 西红柿

Achimenes hybrida:圆盘花 苦苣苔科

Achillea tomentosa 绒毛草 菊科 | Achimenes hybrida 圆盘花 苦苣苔科 | Achimenes grandiflora 大花圆盘花 苦苣苔科

Achimenes longiflora:喇叭圆盘花 苦苣苔科

Achimenes grandiflora 大花圆盘花 苦苣苔科 | Achimenes longiflora 喇叭圆盘花 苦苣苔科 | Acokanthera venenata 铁枣 夹竹桃科

Achimenes grandiflora:大花圆盘花 苦苣苔科

Achimenes hybrida 圆盘花 苦苣苔科 | Achimenes grandiflora 大花圆盘花 苦苣苔科 | Achimenes longiflora 喇叭圆盘花 苦苣苔科

Aeschynanthus parvfolius:小叶芒毛苣苔 苦苣苔科

Aeschynanthus radicans 芒毛苣苔 苦苣苔科 | Aeschynanthus parvfolius 小叶芒毛苣苔 苦苣苔科 | Aeschynanthus pulcher 大红芒毛苣苔 苦苣苔科

Cichorium endivia:苦苣

与其同属菊科的近缘植物还有苣荬菜(Sonchus brachyotus)、苦苣(Cichorium endivia)、欧洲苦苣(Cichorium intybus)、苦荬菜(Ixeris denticulata)等. 均为多年生草本菊科植物. 是一类民间初春采食历史久远的野菜.

gesneria family; Gesneriaceae:苦苣苔科

"成体演发","gerontomorphosis" | "苦苣苔科","gesneria family; Gesneriaceae" | "苦苣苔科","Gesneriaceae; gesneria family;"

Gesneriaceae; gesneria family:苦苣苔科

"苦苣苔科","gesneria family; Gesneriaceae" | "苦苣苔科","Gesneriaceae; gesneria family;" | "水杨梅","Geum aleppicum Jacq."

Primulina tabacum:苦苣苔科 报春苣苔

苦苣苔科 秦岭石蝴蝶 Petrocosmea qinlingensis 2 | 苦苣苔科 报春苣苔 Primulina tabacum 1 | 苦苣苔科 辐花苣苔 Thamnocharis esquirolii 1