英语人>词典>汉英 : 苦苣苔科的 的英文翻译,例句
苦苣苔科的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Unlike other dicot plants, Old World species evolve anisocotylous trait during germination while New World species remain isocotyly instead.


Any of numerous,mostly tropical herbs or shrubs of the family Gesneriaceae,including African violet s,the Cape primrose,and gloxinia.


In Saintpaulia ionantha, actinomorphic peloria was raised in domesticated cultivation from the zygomorphic wild type.

然而,苦苣苔科的野生型园艺植物非洲堇(Saintpaulia ionantha, African violet)原本野生型的花是两侧对称,但在人择栽培后有反转为辐射对称的变异型出现,这给予我绝佳机会探讨在同一种植物中花部对称性转换的分子机制。

The utility and systematic significance of some pollen characters in Gesneriaceae were also discussed.


This unique feature of ObCYC2 needs to be investigated by further comparative study both in expression and function in order to understand its basic function and evolutionary pathway in Gesneriaceae and related families.

因此, 需要开展更深入的实验研究分析ObCYC2的基本功能,这将有助于了解GCYC2类基因在苦苣苔科及其近缘科中的功能和进化途径。

As a species of Gesneriaceae, Lysionotus has high ornamental and medicinal value.


Pollen morphology of three Chinese monotypic endemic genera in Gesneriaceae was studied by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.


Open field survey,data collection,taxonomic research and specimens identification were employed,to confirm species and geographic distribution of the medical plant of Labiatae and Gesneriaceae in Guizhou.


These gesneriads (the term used to encompass thosemembers of the Gesneriaceae or African Violet Family) are not native to thetropics like the vast majority of gesneriads. Instead, they hail from highelevation, steep alpine cliffs of the Mediterranean region.


Within Old World European Gesneriaceae species (Ramonda myconi and Haberlea rhodopensis), there appears to be a secondary loss of anisocotylous trait back to isocotyly.

特别的是旧世界苦苣苔科中欧洲苦苣苔成员(Ramonda myconi, Haberlea rhodopensis)丧失子叶不等大的现象而成为子叶等大的幼苗。

更多网络解释与苦苣苔科的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


大岩桐(Gloxinia)又名落雪泥,属苦苣苔科球根花卉,原产南美巴西. 每梗一花,一株之上着花几朵至十几朵,有白粉、红、紫、堇青色等,花朵大,花色浓艳多彩,花期长;此外大岩桐植物小巧玲珑,花期夏季,具有很高的观赏价值,堪称室内佳品,


口红花(Aeschynanthus)、鲸鱼花(Columnea)系苦苣苔科宿根草本,原产于马来西亚、哥斯达黎加及中、南美洲等地. 在原产地的环境中,它们常以附生性蔓藤的姿态贴附树木悬垂而下. 此类植物枝叶柔美、花色鲜艳,耐阴,适合悬挂欣赏,为吊盆植物的上选,


苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)植物是一群在居家也可以容易繁殖的植物,这是她们受人们喜爱的原因之一. 即便是一片小小的叶片也可以繁殖,有趣的是这些新生的个体每一个都不同,因为丰富的变异性,让她们成为一群有趣的植物. 正因为容易繁殖,

Saintpaulia ionantha:非洲紫罗兰

非洲紫罗兰(Saintpaulia ionantha)又名非洲堇,属苦苣苔科多年生常绿草本植物. 其叶厚有如丝绒,花形俊秀,花色丰富,花期颇长,只要室温在18-23℃范围内都开花,且能适应室内空调环境,特别适合室内盆栽观赏,是点缀案头、窗台和阳台非常理想的材料,


苦苣苔科令人惊奇的不只一项,早期生物学学家,如达尔文就观察到大岩桐属(Sinningia)花冠为两侧对称,但是会转变为辐射对称现象,这样变化和繁殖力变化也有相关;现今研究庇里牛斯山Haberlea和Ramonda 二个相近的类群,前者生长於中低海拔,