英语人>词典>汉英 : 苔藓 的英文翻译,例句
苔藓 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fog  ·  lichen  ·  moss  ·  mossed  ·  fogs  ·  lichening  ·  lichens  ·  mossing  ·  muscus  ·  musci  ·  Moss

更多网络例句与苔藓相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Journal of Bryology is an international botanical periodical published quarterly on behalf of the British Bryological Society.


In this study I focuses on Minaceae's molecular phylogeny , with consideration of morphological analysis. It is really helpful for us to solve taxonomic problems of higher taxa in mosses, improve study level and technique, and establish highlights in bryology.


Journal of Bryology exists to promote the scientific study of bryophytes (mosses, peat-mosses, liverworts and hornworts) and to foster understanding of the wider aspects of bryology, such as the role of bryophytes in human affairs, and the lives of notable bryologists..


The partial LSU rDNA (28S rDNA) sequences of eighteen species of bryozoans and the complete 28S rDNA sequences of three representative species of bryozoan lineages were amplified and sequenced.

本文对常见的18种苔藓动物的LSU(28S)rRNA基因的部分序列以及苔藓动物部分类群代表种类的28S rDNA全序列进行了PCR扩增和序列测定。

From the high altitude to the low altitude, the forest type is the betula ermanii forest, the moss-betula ermanii dark-conifer forest, the dark-conifer forest, the moss-pinus koraiensis dark-conifer forest, and the Korean pine and broad-leaved climax forest.


The results revealed that in Shanghai,the epiphytic bryophytes of trees could be clustered into four quadrat groups.


Any of various small aquatic animals of the phylum Bryozoa that reproduce by budding and form mosslike or branching colonies permanently attached to stones or seaweed.


The 28S rDNA molecular phylogenetic trees showed: 1 entoprocts and phylactolaemate ectoprocts constituted a sister group, strenghthening the opinion that entoprocts should be reunited into phylum Bryozoa; 2 the cheilostome gymnolaemates was obviously non-monophyletic; 3 bryozoans itself was polyphyletic beyond any doubt, its main lineages were scattered in different positions of the lophotrochozoan trees; 4 to our great interests, the phylogenetic position of cheilostomes was between the diploblastic and the triploblastic, indicating they may play an important role during the evolution route from the diplobastic to the triploblastic animals.

28S rDNA分子系统树显示,内肛动物和被唇类外肛动物聚在一起并互为姐妹群,支持将内肛动物重新归入苔藓动物门的结论;唇口目裸唇类外肛动物绝非单系发生;苔藓动物本身也不是单系发生的,其主要类群分别位于触手冠担轮动物系统树的不同位置,特别是,唇口目苔藓动物的系统地位介于二胚层动物和其它三胚层动物之间,可能是二胚层动物向三胚层动物演化过程中的一个关键类群。

In step with medical books, the lichenoid dermatitis is caused by Lichen Planus that is the prototype of all lichenoid eruptions claimed appropriately, Textbook of Dermatology.


Results The expression of caspase-3 in lichen scleroses(positive rate was 90%) was higher than that in normal vulvar skin(positive rate was 50%) and squamous cell hyperplasia(positive rate was 59%).However,the expression of ki-67 in squamous cell hyperplasia(positive rate was 91%) was higher than that in lichen scleroses(positive rate was 60%).


更多网络解释与苔藓相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"Archigymnospermae","原始裸子植物" | "Archimedes","螺旋苔藓虫属,阿基米德苔藓虫属(C-P)" | "archipelago","群岛,列岛"


bruxism 夜间磨牙 | bryology 苔藓学 | bryophyte 苔藓类的植物


bryology 苔藓学 | bryophyte 苔藓类的植物 | bryozoan 苔藓虫类的动物


bryophyte 苔藓类的植物 | bryozoan 苔藓虫类的动物 | bubblebleb 气泡


bryophyte 苔藓植物 | bryozoan 苔藓动物 | bryozoon 苔藓

Moss Agate:苔玛瑙,苔藓玛瑙 同

moss achat 苔玛瑙,苔藓玛瑙 | moss agate 苔玛瑙,苔藓玛瑙 同moss achat | moss jasper 苔碧石,苔藓碧石


mosstone苔藓色 | mossy苔藓状 | mossycotton多绒棉

pigmented purpuric lichenoid dermatitis:色素性紫癜性苔藓样皮炎

(三)色素性紫癜性苔藓样皮炎(pigmented purpuric lichenoid dermatitis) 常对称发生于40~60岁男性的胫前区,亦可累及大腿、躯干及上肢. 皮损为细小铁锈色苔藓样丘疹,伴紫癜样损害,可融合成境界不清的斑片或斑块. 有不同程度瘙痒. 病程常持续数月至数年.


第十一章 苔藓动物门(Bryozoa)、腕足动物门(Brachiopoda)及箒虫动物门(Phoronida)苔藓动物为群体,营固着生活,外形似苔藓植物,故名. 大多数生活在温带海域,少数淡水产. 群体的每个个体(zooid)很小,不及lmm.


bryophytes 苔藓植物类 | bryozoa 苔藓动物类 | bryzoa 苔藓虫类