英语人>词典>汉英 : 苔藓样的 的英文翻译,例句
苔藓样的 的英文翻译、例句


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Objective To investigate the histopathological findings of primary cutaneous lichenoid amyloidosis and macular amyloidosis.

目的 总结和比较苔藓样型和斑状型原发性皮肤淀粉样变的组织病理学特点。

Any of various other unrelated plants having a similar appearance or manner of growth, such as the club moss, Irish moss, and Spanish moss.


The pattern in which lesions involute may be useful in diagnosis, the typical keratotic papule of pityriasis lichenoides varioliformis acuta for example.


Here are some ways in which you could know more about lichenoid dermatitis and an overview as to what the skin condition or problem is all about.


If you are interested in knowing more about lichenoid dermatitis, excluding asking your dermatologist about its facts, in your own way that you could understand more about it is by reading a book.


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Then, sometimes not matter how hard we try our best to deal with it, there are some circumstances that could help us avoid skin problems like pimples, warts, sunburn, and in worse cases lichenoid dermatitis.


In step with medical books, the lichenoid dermatitis is caused by Lichen Planus that is the prototype of all lichenoid eruptions claimed appropriately, Textbook of Dermatology.


Prostrate or creeping Corsican herb with mosslike small round short-stemmed leaves.


Small'.'' round short-stemmed leaves.


更多网络解释与苔藓样的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

pruritus ani:肛门瘙痒[症]

肛门瘙痒症(pruritus ani)系指无原发皮肤损害而仅有瘙痒症状的一种皮肤闰.在经过中由于搔抓可出现各种继发性皮肤变化茹抓痕血痂皮肤肥厚亦及苔藓样改变并可蔓延至会阴阴囊或阴唇.中医学称之为"痒风""谷道痒"后世医家称为"肛门痒"乃风邪作崇所致.>说:"遍体瘙

periorbital hyperpigmentation:眶周色素沉着

概述:眶周色素沉着(periorbital hyperpigmentation)为病因不清的眶周的色素过度沉着性疾病. 黑变病英文名:tarmelanosis别名:中毒性苔藓样黑素皮炎概述:焦油性黑变病(tarmelanosis)又称中毒性苔藓样黑素皮炎,是由于长期暴露于焦油及其衍生物引起的局部皮肤炎症性和色素沉着性疾病鶒.

pigmented purpuric lichenoid dermatitis:色素性紫癜性苔藓样皮炎

(三)色素性紫癜性苔藓样皮炎(pigmented purpuric lichenoid dermatitis) 常对称发生于40~60岁男性的胫前区,亦可累及大腿、躯干及上肢. 皮损为细小铁锈色苔藓样丘疹,伴紫癜样损害,可融合成境界不清的斑片或斑块. 有不同程度瘙痒. 病程常持续数月至数年.

hydroa aestivale:夏季水疱病

抓痕血痂及苔藓样改变大部分病人分娩后皮疹自然消退少数患者也可在分娩后不立即减退持续数月或数年之久皮疹泛发严重的孕妇可出现死胎5.夏季痒疹(Summer Prurigo) 有的学者认为本病是轻型的夏季水疱病(hydroa aestivale)或痘样疱病(hyd


jump over 跳过 | mosslike 苔藓样的 | propensity 倾向

perifollicular keratosis:毛囊周角化病

概述:毛囊周角化病(perifollicular keratosis)是属于肢端角化皮肤异色症的一种独立疾病. 因损害呈苔藓样;故称毛发苔藓(lichen pilaris). 是一种毛囊性角化性皮肤病. 可能为肠染色体显性遗传. 一般毋须治疗可以口服维生素A.

pruritus ani:肛门瘙痒[症]

肛门瘙痒症(pruritus ani)系指无原发皮肤损害而仅有瘙痒症状的一种皮肤闰.在经过中由于搔抓可出现各种继发性皮肤变化茹抓痕血痂皮肤肥厚亦及苔藓样改变并可蔓延至会阴阴囊或阴唇.中医学称之为"痒风""谷道痒"后世医家称为"肛门痒"乃风邪作崇所致.<<外科证治全书>>说:"遍体瘙