英语人>词典>汉英 : 自由地的 的英文翻译,例句
自由地的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与自由地的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results shown that 12-molybdophosphoric acid did play inhibition in radical reactions, and the mechanism was conformed as electron capture theory.


The Internet is by ineurope computer interconnected, have to count on different areas and different countries, different nationalities are put their own cultural freedom to login to the site, you think freely enjoy all kinds of information services.


As he was running towards her apartment, he kept hearing a roar in his ears:" You must let it go free; you must let it go free."


Apoluo {ap-ol-oo'-o} from 575 and 3089;; v AV - release 17, put away 14, send away 13, let go 13, set at liberty 2, let depart 2, dismiss 2, misc 6; 69 1 to set free 2 to let go, dismiss, 2a a petitioner to whom liberty to depart is given by a decisive answer 2b to bid depart, send away 3 to let go free, release 3a a captive i.e. to loose his bonds and bid him depart, to give him liberty to depart 3b to acquit one accused of a crime and set him at liberty 3c indulgently to grant a prisoner leave to depart 3d to release a debtor, i.e. not to press one's claim against him, to remit his debt 4 used of divorce, to dismiss from the house, to repudiate.

相关经文回前一页 630 apoluo {ap-ol-oo'-o}源於 575 和 3089;;动词 AV - release 17, put away 14, send away 13, let go 13, set at liberty 2, let depart 2, dismiss 2, misc 6; 69 1 使自由 2 让其离去,解散, 2a 申诉人被给予确定的答覆可以自由地离去 2b 令其离开,遣走 3 还其自由,释放 3a 指被俘之人,亦即松绑且准允离开,被给予离去的自由 3b 宣判被告之人无罪且还其自由 3c 任由犯人由牢中离去 3d 豁免一个人的债务,亦即免去其所欠人的,免了他了债 4 用以指离婚,被由家中遣走,离婚。

Rather it is to highlight the freedom of these Lenten disciplines the freedom we have for doing them, and the freedom we find in using them.


In this paper, I introduce the development of the Press Freedom, interpret the concept of the Press of Freedom in detail. I also put forward my Promethean understand when I analyse the connection and difference among the Freedom of Press, the Freedom of Speech and the Freedom of Journalism.


Therefore, on the basis of objective description of corpus example, this paper study and analyze the condition of "free form" and "bound form" of the verbal phrases such as "V + Particle + N"、"V+ complement"(including:"V+ trend complement","V+ result complement","V+ extent complement" and "V+ action-measure complement )、"V TO V"、"V+ adverb+ V"、"V of V "and "V+ D".At the same time, from the semantic and pragmatic perspective this paper discuss the conditions and causes from "bound form" to "free form",concluding that particle dynamics、exclamation at the end of the sentence、adverb and follow—up of the language and so on can act as the conditions from the bound verbal phrase to the free verbal phrase. The main reason for these conditions is rich in the amount of the sentence, making semantic self—contained; Finally, this paper simply describes the theoretical and practical significance of the phenomena of "free form" and "bound form in the aspect of verbal phrase; at he conclusion of the article, the author of the text further sum up the content and coverage and raise her own views of the text of underdevelopment and the questions yet continuing to study.


In a free manner; without restraint.


The thesis is writed, setting its base on the three traditions ( publicanism and liberalism and mentalism) and referring to the ideal lines of positive liberty and negative liberty, it analyses the course of transfer of liberalism theory and the theoretical essential in some works of its typical writer; reviews the statements on economic freedom by Marx.


God's freedom grounds human freedom. Therefore, correct understanding of the will and freedom within Scotistic thought requires the consideration of divine perfection and acts of choice.


更多网络解释与自由地的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at liberty:自由地

只要他没有违反禁止他怎么做的特定法律,也没有侵犯他人的权利,他就可以自由地(at liberty)按照自己的方式谋生. 这一自由(liberty)包括和愿意与其交易的人进行交自由作为一种法律关系(或者是宽泛和种属意义上的"权利"),

cleanly and free:清楚和自由地

She is so driven, she's always mine 她是如此的迫切,她一直都属于我. | Cleanly and free, 清楚和自由地, | She wants you to be 她祈望你


笔者认为,无论学生在何种学习层面上,教师都应该组织学生作两方面的操练,例如:在小学生学英语的最初阶段,教师教This is...和That is...等句型,除了让学生跟教材或教师编的这种句型材料反复练读外,还应让他们自由地(freely)用这类句型来介绍其



liberally: adv.1:慷慨地 2.开明地,公允地 3.自由地

draw on: v.借鉴,利用 | liberally: adv.1.慷慨地 2.开明地,公允地 3.自由地 | methodology: n.1.(学科的)一套方法 2.方法论(学) 3.教学法

permissively:许可地, 自由地

mixed number representation 混合数字表示 | permissively 许可地, 自由地 | positive vetting (对涉及国家安全岗位的议员进行的)正面调查


unconventional 非传统的 | unconventionally 自由地 | unconverted 不改的


allocution 训谕 | allodial 自由地的 | allodial 自主地的


allodial 自由地的 | allodial 自主地的 | allodiumalodium 自主地


allodial /自主地的/自由地的/ | allodium /自主地/ | allogamy /异花受精/