英语人>词典>汉英 : 结核形成 的英文翻译,例句
结核形成 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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It is recommended that the L-forms should be noticed during the treatment with the antituberculosis drugs and combination treatment with antituberculous drugs to which the L-forms were susceptible, is also very important.


The distributive characteristics of Sr, Sc, K and REE such as Ce, Y are consist with Ca to some degree. Which means those elements host in Ca〓 sites of francolite. Certainly, other sites of these elements are still exist. It is sug gested that the change of mieroenvironment is the cause of the variation of Mn.


The inflammation reaction hyperplactic stage and lymphatic nodular stage are of nonspecific morphological changes and should be diagnosed with the help of positive tuberculin test and obvious increase of adenosine deaninase ; tuberculous nodular stage has a great number of epithelioid cells,and Langhans cells, caseous necrosis stage is characterized by a great deal of necrotic tissue and debris,a small number of fragmented epithelioid cells, and mainly by antiacid bacteria fibrinous hyperplastic stage is featured by a few fibrous tissue, cells and mucous oweing to hardness to get puncture, which neans tuberculous restoration,and scar formation.


The inflammation reaction hyperplactic stage and lymphatic nodular stage are of nonspecific morphological changes and should be diagnosed with the help of positive tuberculin test and obvious increase of adenosine deaninase ; tuberculous nodular stage has a great number of epithelioid cells,and Langhans cells,caseous necrosis stage is characterized by a great deal of necrotic tissue and debris,a small number of fragmented epithelioid cells,and mainly by antiacid bacteria fibrinous hyperplastic stage is featured by a few fibrous tissue,cells and mucous oweing to hardness to get puncture,which neans tuberculous restoration,and scar formation.


The inflammation reaction hyperplactic stage and lymphatic nodular stage are of nonspecific morphological changes and should be diagnosed with the help of positive tuberculin test and obvious increase of adenosine deaninase ; tuberculous nodular stage has a great number of epithelioid cells,and Langhans cells, caseous necrosis stage is characterized by a great deal of necrotic tissue and debris,a small number of fragmented epithelioid cells, and mainly by antiacid bacteria fibrinous hyperplastic stage is featured by a few fibrous tissue, cells and mucous oweing to hardness to get puncture, which neans tuberculous restoration,and scar formation.


The inflammation reaction hyperplactic stage and lymphatic nodular stage are of nonspecific morphological changes and should be diagnosed with the help of positive tuberculin test and obvious increase of adenosine deaninase ; tuberculous nodular stage has a great number of epithelioid cells,and Langhans cells, caseous necrosis stage is characterized by a great deal of necrotic tissue and debris,a small number of fragmented epithelioid cells, and mainly by antiacid bacteria fibrinous hyperplastic stage is featured by a few fibrous tissue, cells and mucous oweing to hardness to get puncture, neans tuberculous restoration,and scar formation.


The inflammation reaction hyperplactic stage and lymphatic nodular stage are of nonspecific morphological changes and should be diagnosed with the help of positive tuberculin test and obvious increase of adenosine deaninase ; tuberculous nodular stage has a great number of epithelioid cells,and Langhans cells, caseous necrosis stage is characterized by a great deal of necrotic tissue and debris,a small number of fragmented epithelioid cells


Or swelling, especially a mass of lymphocytes and epithelioid cells forming the characteristic lesion of tuberculosis.


On the other hand, Cu, Co and Ni are all present in manganese phase in the hydrogenic nodules.


Objectives To investigate the mechanism of generation of L-form of M.tuberculosis and its significance on the development,diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis. Methods M. tuberculosis was inoculated into the non-high osmotic medium with rifampin, isoniazid or ethambutol and then the L-form was observed by microscopy daily.

目的 观察常用抗结核药物对结核分支杆菌L型的诱导作用以及结核分支杆菌L型在非高渗透压培养基内的某些特性及其抗菌药物敏感性,探讨结核分支杆菌L型形成的机制及其在结核病的发生、诊断及治疗上的意义。

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hydatid disease:囊虫病

多脏器形成结核病灶 (2)处理原则 局部性结核肉尸须剔除病灶其余部分高温处理后食用 全身性结核肉尸须销毁(三)防止人畜共患寄生虫病畜肉处理 1.囊虫病(hydatid disease) 主要感染猪、牛、羊等动物 (1)病变特征 囊虫常寄生在肌肉组织中,


以肺结核最常见,但可见于全身各器官. 典型病变为结核结节形成伴有不同程度干酪样坏死. 镜下:典型结核结节(tubercle)中央有干酪样坏死,周围由上皮样细胞、朗格汉斯巨细胞加上外周局部集聚的淋巴细胞和少量反应性增生的成纤维细胞构成.


tubercle bacillus 结核杆菌 | tuberculation 结节形成 | tuberculid 结核疹

tuberculin:结核菌素 (名)

tuberculation 结节之形成; 结核之形成 (名) | tuberculin 结核菌素 (名) | tuberculoid 类似结节的; 结核样的 (形)



epithelioid cell:上皮样细胞

2、以增生为主的病变(结核结节及其特点):细菌量少,毒力较低或人体免疫反应较强时,形成有诊断意义的结核结节(tubercle)是在细胞免疫基础上形成的,由上皮样细胞(epithelioid cell)、郎罕(Langhans)氏巨细胞及外周局部集聚的淋巴细胞和少量反应性增生的成纤维细胞构成,

retropharyngeal abscess:咽后脓肿

咽后脓肿(retropharyngeal abscess)发生于咽后间隙中,多因咽后淋巴结感染化脓引起,分急慢性两类急性者多见于儿童. 慢性者少见,多系颈椎结核形成脓肿又称冷脓肿. 本节论述急性化脓性咽后脓肿.


tuberculation 结节形成 | tuberculid 结核疹 | tuberculization 结核菌素疗法

papulonecrotic tuberculid:丘疹坏死性结核疹

丘疹坏死性结核疹(papulonecrotic tuberculid)亦称丘疹坏死性皮肤结核(tuberculosis cultis papulonecrotica),临床特点是在四肢伸侧出现散在性丘疹,中央坏死,可形成溃疡及瘢痕,病因及中医辨证见硬结性红斑.