英语人>词典>汉英 : 精简 的英文翻译,例句
精简 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与精简相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They have to downsize, says Mr Abed .


This project proposal will draw up the short-term, mid-term and long-term research plans in nine years based on the capacity of the fire lab of ABRI in Tainan and the each term covers three years. One or two research topics will be planed in each year. The planned topics will focus on studying the structural behaviors of SRC and steel composite structures in fire and investigate the important parameters affecting the mechanical behaviors in fire. The most economical experiments will be designed during nine years. This research will invite Prof. Michael D. Engelhardt from the University of Texas at Austin to participate in some research topic planning for international collaboration.


They are going to abridge that dictionary.


As for the rest, the Tories talk airily about the savings magically to be had from slashing bureaucracy and quangos, and from curing the country's social ills.


And I've fought to simplify it, and I have proposals to simplify it.


And I've fought to simplify it, and I have proposalsto simplify it.


Three point registrations and ICP (Iterative Closest Point Algorithm) algorithm are used to register for multi-view data. The angle-and-chord's algorithm is advanced which is based on chordal deviation algorithm for data sampling. The method is proved to be effective and right by some examples.


But it also means streamlining the clunky, all-pervasive state-owned enterprises, and, more generally, tackling the scourges of corruption and red tape.


Behind the scenes, Jobs also streamlined the product line, reduced the head count, consolidated distribution, and slimmed inventory.


This method uses all noisy datapoints directly to implement triangulation and dispenses with smoothing and datareduction process, which may lead to loss of geometric character. Moreover, thismethod is of lower complexity than other triangulation and the amount of vertexes inmesh can also be calculated, so we can control the size of mesh in advance. At last, apractical example is given to prove its effectiveness.


更多网络解释与精简相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

abridgment of response:反应的精简

abridged learning 简括学习 | abridgment of response 反应的精简 | abridgment of table 简化表格

thin client:精简型电脑

轻薄简洁为卖点 与近些年涌现的朴实无华的上网本相比,使用谷歌Chrome操作系统的PC应该会更加轻薄,更加简便,价格也更便宜. 为迎合这一迹象,一些分析师已经开始使用"精简型电脑"(thin client)及"网络计算机"(Web appliance)等词语形

compact version:精简版本

compact 压缩;紧凑 | compact version 精简版本 | comparer 比较器

ethernet network:以太网卡驱动 建议精简

Display Adapters 显卡驱动 没有新版驱动笔记本电脑建议保留 | Ethernet Network 以太网卡驱动 建议精简 | Modems 调制解调器驱动 建议精简

natural language:自然语言朗读 要Speech Support配合,建议精简

Microsoft Agent Windows助手 Office别针,瑞星那狮子,建议精简 | Natural Language 自然语言朗读 要Speech Support配合,建议精简 | Parent Controls 家长控制 建议精简

RISC ReductionInstructionSetChip:精简指令集芯片

RISC ReducedInstructionsSetCode 精简指令集编码 | RISC ReductionInstructionSetChip 精简指令集芯片 | RL ReferenceList 引用列表

RISC ReducedInstructionsSetCode:精简指令集编码

RIS RemoteInstructionSystem 远程教学系统 | RISC ReducedInstructionsSetCode 精简指令集编码 | RISC ReductionInstructionSetChip 精简指令集芯片

SideShow SideShow:功能 需要专门硬件,建议精简

Shell event sounds VISTA系统声音 建议保留 | SideShow SideShow功能 需要专门硬件,建议精简 | Sound Recorder 录音机 建议精简

Snipping Tool:截图工具建议精简

Paint画板建议精简 | Snipping Tool截图工具建议精简 | Speech Support语音合成支持建议精简

Modems:调制解调器驱动 建议精简

Ethernet Network 以太网卡驱动 建议精简 | Modems 调制解调器驱动 建议精简 | Printers 打印机驱动 建议精简(或者按品牌保留)