英语人>词典>汉英 : 等地温线 的英文翻译,例句
等地温线 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
isogeotherm  ·  geisothermal  ·  geoisotherm

更多网络例句与等地温线相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Heat flows derived from garnet, chromite/chromium-spinel and pyroxene of xenoliths, xenocrysts in Mengyin and Fuxian kimberlites are higher than 40mW/m〓 calculated from the pyroxene inclusions in diamonds, and the range of pressure is 20~40kb (equivalent to 65~130km). Metasomatism (as indicated by yimengite and lindsleyite in Mengyin) is very strong in this depth range. Lherzolite, wehrlite, and diamond-free high-Ca harzburigite around the world are derived from this depth also. The observation suggests that the low-Ca harzburigitic environment for diamond stability had been changed significantly when the kimberlitic magmas erupted. This resulted from fluid interaction with harzburigite. The geotherm of the Cenozoic lithospheric mantle beneath Eastern-North China platform is higher than oceanic one. The temperature from the interior of the Tan-Lu faults is higher than that from apart off the fault.

除金刚石中的辉石温压投点落于40m W/m〓占地温线上外,捕虏体及捕虏晶中石榴石,铬尖晶石及单斜辉石的投点均偏离该地温线,显示较高的地温特点,而且捕虏体及捕虏晶的压力范围多在20-40kb(相当于65-130km)间,该深度范围内地幔的交代作用特别发育,如蒙阴大量发育的沂蒙矿、钛钾铬石等就发育于该深度范围,世界范围内不含金刚石的高钙方辉橄榄岩、二辉橄榄岩、异剥橄榄岩也分布于该区中,一方面表明捕虏体的主要取样位置已不在金刚石稳定区中,另一方面也表明金刚石稳定的橄榄岩环境,在金伯利岩侵位并捕虏他们时已发现了明显的改造,这种改造作用主要是通过长期的熔流体与先存的橄榄岩相互作用的结果。

更多网络解释与等地温线相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


isofacies 同相 | isogeotherm 等地温线 | isogonal line 等偏线

isogeotherm:等地温线 地等温线

isogenic /等基因的/ | isogeotherm /等地温线/地等温线/ | isogeotherms /地下等温线/


isochrone 同时线;等时差线 | isogeotherm 等地温线;地下等温线 | isogram 等值线图


geigerscope 闪烁镜 | geisotherm 等地温线 | geisothermal 等地温线


geisotherm 等地温线 | geisothermal 等地温线的 | gel breaker 破胶剂


geoidal height 大地水准面高 | geoisotherm 等地温线 | geologic barometer 地质压力计


geoinduction 大地感应 | geoisotherm 等地温线;等地温面 | geoisothermal surface 地热等温面

isogeothermal line:等地温线

等属形的 isogenotypic | 等地温线 isogeotherm | 等地温线 isogeothermal line

isogeothermal map:等地温图

isogeotherm 等地温线 | isogeothermal map 等地温图 | isogon 等磁偏线;等方位线;等斜面线;等角多角形

isogeothermal contour:等地温线

"isogam map","等重力线图" | "isogeothermal contour","等地温线" | "isogonic line","等磁偏线"