英语人>词典>汉英 : 稚嫩 的英文翻译,例句
稚嫩 的英文翻译、例句


puerile and tender
更多网络例句与稚嫩相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

FROM the premature talk of green shoots to—at last—an anaemic crop, Britain's economic recovery has been a long time coming.


This is not an easy team to inspire from the front, given the callow midfield that operates behind him.


Studying or singing coloratura has a course from the juvenility t o the mature deepen endlessly,and from the roughness to the perfecti on beautify endlessly,which profound with end,which variety extreme ly and unfathomable if we can benefit a little bit from it that would be good.


Yes ah, the young have no time, I should learn how to meet the next phase of life, if one day, in the curtain call of the stage, I was tired.


The endearingly beautiful and soft snow-white down of the chicks make them appear tender and frail, requiring the protecting eye of the mother hen.


The " inside the course of study that does not have fine goes regular ", unexpectedly for profit the biggest change and not hesitate the prospective envenom to him nation, not hesitate allow puerile motherland flower suffer injury, does professional morality where?


Eleven years later, those wild plays have become steady plays, the flashiness has turned to functionality, the gauche has become the great.


For Episode III, he won't have the fresh-faced young Padawan look.


Old Faithful老忠实喷泉:The most famous gayer in Yellowstone National Park, erupting more than l00 feet in the air about every 73 minutes.


And the sky of the sky of a tree called life ...


更多网络解释与稚嫩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Home Alone:小鬼当家

看着纳斯里这张稚嫩的面孔,不禁让我想起当年主演"小鬼当家"(Home Alone)的童星麦考利-克金(Macaulay Culkin). 可如果你想把天真单纯等形容词按在纳斯里身上,可就看走眼了. 因为目前他正在约会法国网球女星格洛文(Tatiana Golovin,

Count Basie:贝西伯爵

音色稚嫩朴实的歌手......雪莉.霍恩(Shirley Horn)老牌爵士钢琴女歌手......贝西"伯爵"(Count Basie)是摇摆(Swing)时代最有代表性的一位爵士大师......斯坦.盖茨(Stan Gaez)是爵士乐史上首屈一指的白人爵士大师......除了以上作品,

California Dreamin:加州梦想

此碟便是将2002年第一季选秀中脱颖而出的佼佼者所演唱的一些经典曲目融于一炉,其中包括"加州梦想"(California Dreamin')、"你让我觉得像个真女人"(You Make Me Feeli Like A Natural Woman)、"尊重"(Respect)等,选手的演唱稍嫌稚嫩,

You small hank delicately:你稚嫩的小手

你珍珠般的脸盘 Your pearly face | 你稚嫩的小手 You small hank delicately | 你是樱桃,是蜜桔 You are a cherry an orange


雏菊(Common Daisy)花语:活泼(Lively)小小的稚嫩的花儿自由自在地舒展着,雏菊拥有一张天真快活的脸. 在罗马深神话里,她是森林妖精"贝尔蒂斯"的化身--你要问森林妖精是什么?就是精力充沛的淘气鬼哦!


白鹭在水面上一下下扇动洁白的翅膀快乐地舞蹈,长尾鸭(Long-tailed Duck)降落在湖面上击起串串水花,苇莺(Reed Warbler)在稚嫩的枝头随风摇曳,黄雀(Siskin)炫耀它那婉转亮丽的歌喉,鹞鹰(Harrier)纹丝不动静止在空中,

The Sixth Sense:鬼眼

的灵感.而女主角的出现以及她身份的扑朔迷离,也是跟"鬼眼"(The sixth sense)有着异曲同工之妙.而电影的节奏从刚开始的校园爱情剧,到后面故事的展开到后面的紧张的高潮,可以说是非常之流畅.虽然穿插着整部电影的爱情线索在某些方面看来稍显稚嫩,

Jerry Sloan:(斯隆)

杰里--斯隆(jerry sloan)钻研了一辈子的挡拆,他真的会束手待毙吗?善泳者溺于水,果真如此吗?让我们看看,姚麦合壁究竟是真的牛气冲天还是不过是吹出来的牛皮,顽强而坚韧的爵士,将是一块不错的试金石. 活塞vs魔术:稚嫩的魔兽,韦伯的救赎,

I am full of remorse. I just refuse to invest in amateur theatrics:我非常的懊悔,我只是不想用我稚嫩的演技

I am full of remorse. I just refuse to invest in amateur theatrics|我非常的懊悔,我只是不想用我稚嫩的演技 | to convince you of my sincerity.|... | That's not how I came off the assembly line. I'm sorry....

Cast all your feare into the sky:而那些稚嫩的恐惧,让我为你丢向天际

Go, I will give you wings to fly 上路吧, 我会给你飞翔的羽翼 | Cast all your feare into the sky 而那些稚嫩的恐惧,让我为你丢向天际 | Kiss me good-bye, love is mystery 吻别我,还有那些已无缘再表白的爱意