英语人>词典>汉英 : 稍酸的 的英文翻译,例句
稍酸的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The fenchyl hypochlorite is used for fair bleach, and the perborate is used for detergent. Other ester, such as the fenchyl benzoate is a kind of perfume fixative, the fenchyl butyrate is dressing agent, and the fenchyl isobutyrate has slightly fruity, sweet herbal and vetiver base odor.


Development period of the parasitoid pupa from the 5th instar larva fed on MSB was significantly longer. Length of cocoon of MSB treatment was significantly shorter than the control. However, no obvious differences were detected in the development periods of egg to larva, cocoon mass size, wasp emergence rate, sex ratio, longevity and forewing length of wasp between KMD1 and the control. 3. Amino acid content in the haemolymph of SSB after fed with transgenic rice Although there were no changes on the components of amino acids in the haemolymph of SSB after fed with two transgenic rice lines, there were some changes on relative contents of amino acids.

取食KMD1 36h后0天,20种氨基酸中除天门冬酰胺、丝氨酸、苏氨酸和甲硫氨酸外,其它16种氨基酸的含量都高于对照,其中组氨酸、甘氨酸、苯丙氨酸、异亮氨酸、赖氨酸差异达显著水平,谷氨酰胺、脯氨酸差异达极显著水平,与氨基酸总量表现一致的变化趋势;取食KMD1后1天,除天门冬酰胺、谷氨酰胺和赖氨酸高于对照外,其它17种氨基酸均较对照低,但仅丝氨酸、苏氨酸和色氨酸与对照差异显著;取食KMD1后3天,绝大多数氨基酸含量的变化与取食KMD1后0天的趋势一致,除丙氨酸和色氨酸比对照稍低,其它18种氨基酸均高于对照,其中精氨酸、缬氨酸差异显著,丝氨酸差异达极显著。

Antimonate calcium precipitates in the cell wall of hyphae grown for 5h in pH 6. 8 medium containing 2mmol/L EGTA was reduced a little.

在含有2mmol/L EGTA的pH6.8介质中培养5h后的菌丝,最顶端细胞壁焦锑酸钙沉淀稍有减少。

Potassium, natrium determines it is good that use ion chooses electrode indirect method it is better also with indirect method to determine at calcium of direct way;, it is next occasionally phosphor of; of law of azotic arsenic Ⅲ determines use phosphor molybdic acid is ultraviolet law outcome is better it is better with result of law of personal candy kinase that; blood sugar determines; urea determines use Niao enzymatic ultraviolet anhydride of better; flesh uses rate law result enzymatic law outcome is better; albumin determines, it is vanadium acid next alkalescent phosphoric acid of oxidation law; is enzymatic determine outcome of fluid of use AMP amortize is better; amylase determines law of thing of enzymatic standard background and iodic colorimetric law coefficient of variation all bigger, former a bit small, latter of percent of pass is tallish, each lab can try to choose according to his condition.


The driest style, using the least sugar, is called extra-brut, but the bulk of the region's production is the very slightly sweeter brut.


The quantity ratio of four main esters in Taishan Tequ is reasonable, the content of caproic acid and acetic acid is comparatively higher in Taishan Tequ, the content of n-propanol is also a bit high, and the content of aldehydes is suitable.


The find oneself with the normal principal part that plays an activity should be bouncy, physical strength is abundant, longing enters an activity, there is tired feeling of exhaustion and muscle acid a bit after practicing every time, but can restore very quickly through resting, if feel spirit is depressed, Mondayish, giddy, easy impulse and ache of local and articulatory muscle fatigued and weak, coma, bosom frowsty, be discouraged, abdominal distension, bellyacke, the undesirable symptom such as disgusting even vomiting is belonged to unusual.


All animals were individually fed with a constant concentration and hay for 8 weeks. Results showed that VB12 production from cobalt in lambs was similar when using cobalt sulphate and cobalt chloride, and was significantly higher (P.05) in cobalt sulphate than in cobalt acetate. However, VB12 production significantly decreased in cobalt oxide treatment compared with other forms of cobalt sources. The relative bioavailability of cobalt sulphate, cobalt chloride, cobalt acetate and cobalt oxide was 100%, 95.66%, 89.50% and 22.56% respectively.


Human milk-fed children in the not complementary ago yellow or golden yellow, paste it, and sometimes a little thin or with green, has acid odor, 2-4 bowel movements a day, if the original stool once a day, suddenly added to 4-5 times, and an increase in water should be considered pathological, as is usually 4-5 times a day, children generally good, weight gain, is a normal phenomenon, plus food supplement will be cut after the stool is basically one -2 times / day.


Farther off the thin-lipped critic was brimming over with a benevolence which had an unpleasant aftertaste, as of milk turned sour.


更多网络解释与稍酸的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Effervescent tablets:泡腾片

泡腾片(effervescent tablets)是指置于水中,可因产生二氧化碳而快速崩解的片剂,应含遇水发生反应而产生二氧化碳的辅料,常用碱金属的碳酸酸盐或碳酸氢盐,并与酒石酸或枸橼酸合用,枸橼酸应用较广泛,碱与酸的比例可由化学反应式求出,但枸橼酸应稍过量,

royal jelly:王浆

产品描述: 蜂王浆(royal jelly)是幼龄工蜂的王浆腺分泌出来的,专门喂养蜂王和婴儿期工蜂的淡黄色的浆状物质. 具有酸、涩、辣味、稍甜及特殊的香气. 蜂王浆是至今人类发现的最好高浓缩全营养保健食品. "达康"牌蜂王浆是采集后立即进...


体分区稍轻的地方得到含有水解酶的颗粒分区,并以可进行水解(lyso)的小体(some)这个意义而命名为溶解体(lysosome). 溶酶体中的酶是酸性磷酸酶、核糖核酸酶、脱氧核糖核酸酶、组织蛋白酶、芳基硫酸醋酶、B-葡糖苷酸酶、乙酰基转移酶等,


sub- 稍、略、微 | subacid 略酸的 | subacute 略尖的


subacid 略酸的 | subacute 略尖的 | subangular 稍有棱角的


主要含二十碳戊烯酸(EPA)和二十二碳已烯酸(DHA). 其降低血脂的作用机理尚不十分清楚,可能与抑制肝脏合成VLDL有. 鱼油制剂仅有轻度降低TG和稍升高HDL-C的作用,对TC和LDL-C无影响. 主要用于高甘油三酯血症. 常见副作用为鱼腥味所致的恶心,

hexamethylene diamine:己二胺

尼龙66是己二胺(hexamethylene diamine)及己二酸(adipin)之聚合所成,尼龙6是己内酚胺(caprolactam)之聚合所成. 尼龙66的融点比尼龙6高,拥有极佳之耐热性,价格虽比尼龙6稍贵,但弹性佳、吸水率低之故,在纺织用途上,