英语人>词典>汉英 : 秀场 的英文翻译,例句
秀场 的英文翻译、例句


show time
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One that ceremony we also launched our new themed weekend brunch at the lighting up ceremony called BIG BLUE is Le Meridien She Shan's unique immersion into a world of surprise and bedazzlement.

圣诞点灯仪式也推出全新主题周末早午餐-BIG BLUE周末早午餐,给人带来无限遐想的周末早午餐将换上新的色彩,高贵典雅的蓝色装点,精致可口的蓝色菜肴,蓝色魅影让您徜徉在蓝色的海洋,带给您前所未有无与伦比的美食体验,一系列特色主题活动为您呈现充满激情和欢乐的缤纷秀场

This is a show, basically a dance with death - one wrong move and the Matador, the top bullfighter, could become impaled on the horns of the bull.

这是一个秀场,基本上是一个舞蹈与死亡-其中一个错误举动和斗牛士说,最高b ullfighter,可以成为i mpaled对犀角的牛市。

Clad in her leopard-skin shrug and dark sunglasses, Ruth has conquered French clubland from the Cannes Film Festival to the top Paris nightspots with a mix of old-school hits, electrobeat and bling-bling style.


Marni: The test of a designer's true popularity is the number of industry professionals who turn up to her show wearing her clothes, and by 10 a.m., as the audience assembled in Consuelo Castiglioni's edge-to-edge coats, egg-shaped dresses, quirky sweaters, and clumpy heels, the gathering looked like a Marni convention.


While the women's range forges on into spectacular new territory, with the show as an opportunity to present what amounts to a manifesto, the men's is so subtle (and consummately wearable when it hits the shop floor) that it just lies there on the catwalk—unless it's given an incongruous little stylist's twist.


Alexis Mabille is the new boy in Paris, stepping onto the runway during the couture season for the second time with a buzz and a glamorous audience (including the grand Italian couturier Simonetta, high-ranking friends from LVMH, and lots of pretty girls) around him.

对于巴黎而言Alexis Mabille是个初生牛犊,但是在他秋冬高级定制时装秀场观众席上却是星辉熠熠,包括了意大利时装大师Simonetta,LVMH集团的高层友人以及众多美艳的女孩们。

Satchels of carry-on proportions lent a jet-set air at Marc Jacobs, Chloé and Givenchy, where Riccardo Tisci outfitted Naomi Campbell in an L.B.D. and not one but two black holdalls.

手提着的大提包给Marc Jacobs, Chloé的秀场增添了旅行的气氛,Givenchy的设计师Riccardo Tisci给Naomi Campbell穿上了经典的小黑裙,而且提着不止一个,而是两个黑色拎包。

In stage of false eyelash, general is compared with thick eyelash compare exaggerated dress to reflect more clothing modelling, on the market for some comparison of dense, design stage of false eyelash also is very rich, some still on top of the drill, decorate the false eyelash stage design and modelling are paying more attention to the false eyelash, shows more colorful, also used to make false eyelash paillette, television drama of makeup look is generally conforms to the character, so might be your own customized or make false eyelashes.


He once again drew on a particular New York community for inspiration—this time, its artists. The reference points were wide and random enough to encompass the colors of Edward Hopper, a vintage-feeling V-neck tee Miljanic took from a photo of Thomas Hart Benton, and the kind of slouchy worn denims he imagined AbEx icon Jackson Pollock wearing. Pollock's style was also grist for Adam Kimmel's mill several years ago.


As he arrived at the showroom, stagehands were checking the large loftlike hall where Prada presents her shows.


更多网络解释与秀场相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Antony Hoffman:安东尼.霍夫曼

摄影大师安东尼.霍夫曼(Antony Hoffman)与女主角林志玲探讨角色演绎和镜头形象摄影大师安东尼.霍夫曼(Antony Hoffman)手持摄像机,记录下的不仅是时尚秀场的艺术风尚,更是奔驰GLK灵动实用的车身造型和个性超凡的设计风貌.


通过观察和访谈,她发现成功的提案者往往是那些被决策者划入三种基本类型的人,作者将 他们分别称为"秀场主持"(showrunner)、"艺术家"(artist)和"新手"(neophyte).




每晚6时以后,在河口(frith)街的传奇爵士圣殿RonnieScott'sJazzClub都有爵士乐的现场演出,其中不乏世界顶级爵士大师来此献艺. 门口的海报会给出当月每晚的表演嘉宾的安排. 虽然只是一个cafe式的小型秀场,但现场演奏气氛颇佳,

Dior HOMME:迪奥男装

威登( Louis Vuitton)到 迪奥男装( Dior Homme)品牌,设计师们摆脱了西装和领带的束缚,让服装舒适、耐穿. 从秀场表现来看,下一季流行多层叠搭的设计,款式上以休闲马甲、高腰夹克、阔腿裤为主;颜色上将流行纯白色和一系列浅色调,

Jean Patou:让.巴杜

25岁的卡尔-拉格菲尔德 (Karl Lagerfeld) 上演了他的第一个让-巴杜 (Jean Patou) 秀,不过卡尔的处女秀遭到很负面的评价. 1959年2月. 卡尔-拉格菲尔德 (Karl Lagerfeld) 第二次秀场则收到了一些欢呼声. 但之后的几季秀场始终没有听到好评.

Maggie Cheung:张曼玉

点击图片,进入下一页点击图片,进入下一页 张曼玉(Maggie Cheung)现身2010年巴黎春夏时装周,出现在品牌Christian Dior的高级时装秀场. 她一身黑衣亮相,风姿不减.


通过观察和访谈,她发现成功的提案者往往是那些被决策者划入三种基本类型的人,作者将 他们分别称为"秀场主持"(showrunner)、"艺术家"(artist)和"新手"(neophyte).


Materials 面料世界 | Catwalks 时装秀场 | The Magazine 时尚传媒

field of force:力场

他所说的道家思想中有科学或原始科学的一面,很重要的内涵就是指"道"的整个思想也就是力场(field of force)的思想[3]. 而一生致力于基本粒子研究并获得1949年度诺贝尔物理学奖的日本科学家汤川秀树,也曾声言"他正在对三十多种基本粒子背后的基本物质到底是什么为难"时,