英语人>词典>汉英 : 礼教 的英文翻译,例句
礼教 的英文翻译、例句


feudal code of ethics · feudal ethical code · feudal ethics and rites
更多网络例句与礼教相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Formed from the Anabaptist movement in the 16th century; noted for its simplicity of life.


Formed from the Anabaptist movement in the 16th century


By that time, he was already a Baptist minister, a husband, and a father.


This paper investigates the distinct character of HouRen Motif -- passive pursuit and feminine temperament and multi-angle analysis the cultural origin that caused this character's formation: developed farming civilization and the feminine consciousness came into being from it ; the gregarious consciousness of Confucian culture and life pursuit that people seeks value orientation in temporality world and ethics network; the passive of value evaluation of morality; the conception that doing something in accordance with denomination restricted by etiquette caused by patriarchal clan system and classification order, the conception of moral commensuration with authority.


Black Dancer is an explosion of pure passion and desire, which we witness on a daily basis, but which is as taboo in polite society as open mention of a taste for sexual deviancy.


Xiang Lin-sao written by LuXun is the tragic image of working women who was op- pressed by feudal ethics.Xiao Cao in"Grass"、the Widow in"Remarries" written by XuJie,Shua- ngXi's wife in"Insane woman" written by Xu Qin-wen,these figures are the same with Xiang Lin-sao,who is the victims by the old cultural confuciansm.


Come mainly from 3 aspects talk , say the typical case of 3 kinds of different fate female, pass lateral, longitudinal, near current contrast way overall anatomy, demonstrate source in the unfortunate experience of different position female, have so explained feudal system and courtesy religion rotten with crime, and it will inevitably perish fate, make youth man female from is pleasant to the eye hope , can find clearly just firmly belong to own road, actually their way out also have only one -- resist .


This paper was divided into the four areas-(1) the pictorial examples of rites and analogy of esthetics (2) romantic space and analogical desire (3) behavior and desirous loop (4) the space of pastime and sisterhood-to discuss the possibility of agreement in co-existing gender, desire and hierarchy caused by the movement of the boundary of female/body.


In order to protect Buddhism, Buddhism scholars introduced Li into Buddhism' s theory, changing the philosophy, ethics, religion preachment and regulations of India Buddhism.


The female consciousness in Han dynasty had lost the primitiveness of the primitive time, and the contradiction between the free spirit and Confucian ritualism embodied in the female consciousness of the age of The Book Of Poems resulted in the victory of Confucian ritualism in Han dynasty.


更多网络解释与礼教相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


安那其主义(Anarchism)即无政府主义. 毋庸讳言,青年巴金正是一位无政府主义的坚定信仰者. 无政府主义思想及其理念,在辛亥革命前后进入中国,从政治上反对宗教、国家形式和政府,从思想文化上激烈反对传统礼教. 它在马克思主义传入中国之前,


可轻易找到您想要的文章与如何定义与型塑各教派如:马丁路德(Lutheran), 新教徒(Reformed), 英国教徒(Anglican), 长老教会(Presbyterian)、浸信会教友(Baptist)与再洗礼教(Ana


⒁在这篇文章里,我并没有兴趣提倡"裸体主义"(nudism),我只是指出肉体暴露一件事并不是什么不得了的事,更不必用礼教的眼睛来大惊小怪. 一个钢琴家,可以表现他的指法;一个运动家,可以表现他的体魄;一个美人,为什么不能表现她的肉体?


崔莺莺的双重性格主要是表现在对儒家礼教的服从和勇於冲破礼教束缚的两方面上;而霍小玉的双重性格却要比崔莺莺更复杂和多元化 (pluralistic) 一些. 第一,她接受过儒家的教育,但自从流落民间后,她就变成了一个到处抛头露面,


孔子:Confucius | 礼教:ritualism | 仁:benevolence

wall painting:壁画

这是两汉的墓室(coffin chamber)壁画(wall painting),是上古绘画遗存中更为珍贵的,题材主要取之于礼教和神仙、天上与人间的同形的观念. 艺术作风上倾向于追求整体动势、不求细节模拟的粗线条,

