英语人>词典>汉英 : 示威运动 的英文翻译,例句
示威运动 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
manifestation  ·  rally  ·  rallied  ·  rallies  ·  rallying

更多网络例句与示威运动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bob Dylan performed with folk singer Joan Baez at the nineteen sixty-three March on Washington.


In ancient Greece, Lysistrata initiated a


Motion demonstrations, especially when fast motion is involved, suffer from stroboscopic artefacts.


She put on many surfboarding demonstrations for the Europeans and open their eyes to the "new" sport.


The civil rights movement and the anti–Vietnam War protests of the 1960 s morphed into the campus demonstrations, violent antidraft protests, and women's liberation movement of the 1970 s. In a particularly transforming event of the times, National Guardsmen opened fire on student protesters at Kent State University in 1970 , following a rock-throwing incident, and killed four students.


Chatroom users will be required to register with their real names after an internet campaign mobilised 10,000 people to join a protest march By Jane Macartney Anonymous online postings are to be banned by a city in China, after residents mounted a successful internet campaign against proposals for a huge chemicals factory.


ULTRA-ORTHODOX \ 极端正统犹太教徒 Members of Neturei Karta, an ultra-Orthodox anti-Zionist movement, protested Tuesday in Jerusalem against Israel's parliamentary elections.

致力于反犹太复国主义运动的极端正统犹太教组织Neturei Karta的成员周二在耶路撒冷示威,抗议以色列议会的选举。

Later, I resigned from external affairs in 1965 and became involved in the anti-Vietnam War protest movement.


The government went for the jugular of the road hauliers yesterday when the home secretary, Jack Straw, warned that drivers face losing their operating licences if they break the law in demonstrations this month to try to force a reduction in petrol prices.

Jack Straw 先生在昨天严重批评道路运输业者,并警告驾驶者们如果试图在这个月以示威运动强制降低石油价格,他们会违反法律而失去驾照。Jack Straw )昨天警告,倘若运输业者因要求石油价,而在本月将举行的示威中有违反法律情事,将遭到吊销驾驶执照。一般认为,政府此举已攻击运输业者的要害。

In a series of rallies across Colombia and abroad, demonstrators called for an end to hostage taking and for peace moves between the government and the main guerrilla group opposing it, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia.


更多网络解释与示威运动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Anti-War Movement:反战运动

anti-virus software 防毒軟體 | anti-war movement 反戰運動 | anti-war protest 反戰抗議示威

antiwar demonstration:反战示威运动

打铁forge iron | 迅速发展enjoy significant expansion | 反战示威运动antiwar demonstration

constituent assembly:国民代表大会

尼共(Mashal)认为这一提议完全忽略了恢复民主运动的一个关键要求,即普选产生独立草拟宪法的国民代表大会(Constituent Assembly)[3]. 多半民众将这次协议的签订看作尼外交的重大失利. 愤慨的尼共(Mashal)组织示威,要求废除丧权辱国的尼印协定.

demarcation line:划界线

defuse 使除去危险性 | demarcation line 划界线 | demonstration 示威,示威运动


demonstrate 证明,演示,作示威运动 | demur 反对,犹豫 | denude 剥下,脱去,剥夺


manifestation 显示、表现、示威运动 | marital 婚姻的 | matriculation 录取入学、入学考试


raleigh 英国的政治家 | rallentando 音乐逐渐缓慢的 | rally 示威运动


英国争取妇女投票权的斗争运动中包括许多非暴力策略,例如联合抵制(boycotts)、不合作(noncooperation)、有限地破坏财产、公民不服从行动、群众游行示威、自愿入狱(filling the jails)和扰乱公共庆典.

peace demonstrations:和平示威

the demonstration of a machine 机器的操作示范 | peace demonstrations. 和平示威 | Demonstrationist n. 示威运动参加者


英国争取妇女投票权的斗争运动中包括许多非暴力策略,例如联合抵制(boycotts)、不合作(noncooperation)、有限地破坏财产、公民不服从行动、群众游行示威、自愿入狱(filling the jails)和扰乱公共庆典.