英语人>词典>汉英 : 破坏地 的英文翻译,例句
破坏地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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If too much of an effort is made, arbitrarily and prematurely, to abolish these things, the local tyrants and evil gentry will seize the pretext to put about such counter-revolutionary propaganda as "the peasant association has no piety towards ancestors","the peasant association is blasphemous and is destroying religion" and "the peasant association stands for the communization of wives", all for the purpose of undermining the peasant movement.


To destroy or deface willfully or maliciously.


The damage assessment of structures is based on the earthquake damage criteria and damage model. The author in the text, through the existing description of earthquake damage criteria and damage model, believes that the actual earthquake damage can be showed by the dual damage criteria on the basis of deformation and energy.

结构的地震破坏评估是建立在地震破坏准则和破坏模型基础上的,本文在对己有的地震破坏准则和破坏模型进行评述的基础上,认为基于变形和能量的双重破坏准则可较好地反映结构的实际震害,并根据倒塌极限状态方程提出了改进的 Park&Aug。

The deformation and failure model of tunnel induced by ground fissure is tensile failure, and tunnel cracks mainly appear in the footwall of ground fissure, but tunnel located in the hanging wall is basically good, which is just adverse to that the damage of buildings or structures on the ground surface caused by the ground fissure mainly in the hanging wall.

地裂缝作用下隧道变形破坏模式为拉张破坏,且隧道衬砌开裂主要出现在下盘距地裂缝14.0 m范围内,而位于上盘的隧道衬砌基本完好,这与地裂缝活动引起土体和地表建筑物的变形破坏主要发生在上盘刚好相反。

Moreover,a new type of specimen assembly is designed so that microscopic observations of fracture at different stages of the tensile failure process can be performed.


The thesis toke problem of deformation and destroying of the earth mass as it's invention, integrated the earth mass's existing environment, ingredients and macrostructure, discovered mechanism of deforming and destroying, made clear the relationships between those.Through outdoors samples, indoors examination surface wave testing and audio wave testing ,do some research on physical, mechanical, chemical, disintegrative and dynamics property of stuff of earth mass and proposed four kinds of earth mass's stuff formed type;under the guidance of theory of dominant structural surface and adopting precision measurement of structural surface, proposed three dominant kinds of structural surface assembling;based on those , proposed four types of earth mass's deformation and destroying, carried out rationed estimation of stability on four types, then definite the characters of deforming and destroying and controlled relation between environment , stuff, macrostructure and deformation and destroying of mass earth, and breakthrough ordinary principle about soil's deformation and destroying, further proofed the theory of earth mass cybernetics's popularization


The deformation and damage principles of long cylinder colliding with ground were studied in this paper.


Somehow he knows that if our huckstering civilization did not at every moment violate the eternal fitness of things, the poet's song would have been given to the world, and the poet would have been cared for by the whole human brotherhood, as any man should be who does the duty that every man owes it.


The first guard line is a proactive intrusion response method based on intrusion graph, which can make proactive reactions in the forepart in order to prevent the final attacking goals from realizing, furthermore, to protect systems security. The second guard line is an intrusion response method based on damage containment techniques. This guard line will contain damaged data quickly and precisely, then release correct data contained mistakenly just now, which can maintain basic service functions for legal users even though intrusion response has been disabled.


At a certain range, habitat loss and its spatial structure can benefit the control of the epidemic disease, which indicates the possibility of using human disturbance in habitat as a potential epidemic-control method in conservation.(6) Not only the quantity of habitat loss but also the spatial correlations of patch types caused by nonrandom habitat loss affect the invasion and transmission of disease. More fragmented landscape (high amount of habitat loss, low clustering of lost patches) hinders the parasitic infection, which also indicates that whether the spatial heterogeneity benefits or hinders the invasion is dependent on the considered ecological process.(7) Two components of the spatial heterogeneity (the amount and spatial autocorrelation of the lost habitat) form a trade-off in determining the host-parasite dynamics.(8) Within a certain range of habitat loss, host can counterbalance the positive and negative effects, and shows a rising tendency.(9) The epidemic is more likely to break out in the prey-predator system if only a small amount of habitat loss.(10) A highly aggregated distribution of species is a common behavioral strategy when dealing with habitat loss or other environmental stresses.(11) The parasite-host/prey-predator eco-epidemiological systems have the similar mechanism with the intraguild predation systems, and the predator acts as the intraguild predation, the infected prey acts as intraguild prey, and the susceptible prey acts as shared resource.(12) Species at the highest trophic level are no longer affected the most by habitat loss, which depend not only on the biological mechanism but also on the external environmental disturbances.


更多网络解释与破坏地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


德里达强调的是"解构"同"破坏"(destruction)的关系. 但是,德曼认为"解构"更多地揭示出了文本中存在的某种事实,至多是一种阅读的辅助方法,其目的与"破坏"相去甚远. 换言之,德曼强调"解构"仅仅是一个简洁而有效的词语,


destructive 破坏的 | destructively 破坏地 | destructor 破坏者


destructive /破坏的/毁灭的/有害的/ | destructively /破坏/狼狈地/ | destructor /破坏者/爆炸装置/垃圾焚毁炉/

destructively:破坏地; 狼狈地 (副)

destructive distillation 分解蒸馏; 干馏 | destructively 破坏地; 狼狈地 (副) | destructiveness 破坏性; 毁灭性 (名)

flagrant violation:明目张胆地违反;公然破坏;严重违反

flagging of fishing vessels;渔船挂旗;; | flagrant violation;明目张胆地违反;公然破坏;严重违反;; | flagrante delicto;当场;作案现场;现行犯;;

And purest faith unhappily forsworn:纯洁的誓约令人遗憾地被破坏

3.And needy nothing trimm'd in jollity, 平庸之辈却用锦裘华衣来装... | 4.And purest faith unhappily forsworn, 纯洁的誓约令人遗憾地被破坏, | 5.And gilded honour shamefully misplac'd, 显赫的头衔被可耻地胡乱...


indescribably 不可名状地 | indestructibility 不能破坏 | indestructible 不能破坏的

To harm irreparably:弄坏,糟蹋:把...无可挽回地伤害

10.Pandora's box潘多拉盒子, 灾难之源 | 12.To harm irreparably.弄坏,糟蹋:把...无可挽回地伤害 | 13."You will ruin no more lives as you ruined mine"你不会再象破坏我的生活一样破坏其他人的生活了

murder the King's English:破坏英语的纯洁性, 说不正确的英语

in plain English 用浅显的英语; 说得通俗些, 直率地说, 坦白地说 | murder the King's English 破坏英语的纯洁性, 说不正确的英语 | murder the Queen' s English 破坏英语的纯洁性, 说不正确的英语


indestructible 不能破坏的 | indestructibly 无法破坏地 | indeterminable 不能决定的