英语人>词典>汉英 : 石斛属 的英文翻译,例句
石斛属 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

Dendrobium Sw.
更多网络例句与石斛属相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The orchid groups with important ornamental value include the genera Phalaenopsis, Paphiopedilum, Cymbidium, Dendrobium, Vanda, Phaius, Calanthe, Aerdies, Pleione Holcoglossum, Cypripedium, Cypripedium.


The major results obtained are: PCR-RFLP method is suitable for molecular identification of Shihu; 205 compounds were isolated from 10 species of Dendrobium, including 21 new compounds, and 28 compounds isolated from genus Dendrobium for the first time. Each of the extracts and compounds were screened for anticoagulant and antitumour activities separately. The results indicated that the ethyl acetate extract from Dendrobium chrysanthun has significant anticoagulant function; the antitumour function of the 4 bibenzyl components from Dendrobium chrysotoxum is stronger than that of phenanthrene, of which the erianin has significant anti-angiogenic effect both in vivo and in vitro; components with moderate or stronger antitumour activities were found in the extracts of D. thyrsiflorum, D. chrysanthun and D. trigonopus; quality standard for 5 species of Dendrobium was drawn up use active or indicative components as control.


The main genera are Calanthe,Liparis, Habenaria,Dendrobium, Cymbidium and Bulbophyllum. Among them,there are 2 cosmopolitan genera,2 tropic genera and 2 tropic-subtropics genera. Geographical elements of this orchid flora are complex and varied.


Analysis of genetic diversity and affinity relationships among 13 species of Dendrobium Sw.


Dendrobium is a large genus of tropical orchids that consists of about 1000 species .


It is concluded that RAPD markers can be used on the studies of genetic relationships and classification of species of Dendrobium Sw.sensitively.


This paper describes the optimized method for the total DNA isolation of Dendrobium species.


But when we examined the structure of cultivar of D. huoshanense, endomycorhiza was founded unexpectedly. And in the wild type of D. huoshanense, fungi was also founded in its stems and leaves. So the author thought that endomycorhiza is not only located in the roots of Dendiobium plants, but also exists in other organs of plants, including stems, leaves. As plant produces seeds, mycorhiza could enter into the cells of seeds. When mature seeds germinate in media, the endomycorhiza enter into the roots of cultivar.


You have the wild plant to have 1,452 kinds, in which area national kind of protection to have the metasequoia, two kind ofprotections has the gingko and so on 4 kinds, three kind ofprotections 8 kinds, have the species which 石斛 and so on 1Ospecies is borders on exterminates, 6 kinds for the Chinese uniquekind, the Huangshan Mountain unique 2 kinds, the initial contact orthe plant which to Huangshan Mountain names have 28 kinds, You Yimingthe tea "the Huangshan Mountain Mao fong", the famous medicine "theHuangshan Mountain ganoderma lucidum" are renowned at home and abroad.


In this study, the genetic variations of 14 species of Cymbidium were revealed by using RAPD and AFLP markers and the genetic variations of 13 species of Dendrobium were revealed by using AFLP markers.


更多网络解释与石斛属相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dendrobium nobile:石斛

概况 石斛(Dendrobium nobile)又名石斛兰,为兰科石斛属植物. 是我国古文献中最早记载的兰科植物之一. 由于花形、花姿优美,艳丽多彩,种类繁多,花期长,深受各国人民喜爱和关注,在国际花卉市场上占有重要的位置. 当今世界上许多国家都有广泛栽培,






摘要: 石斛(Dendrobium)为珍贵药材,是兰科石斛属多种植物的新鲜或干燥茎. 石斛生境独特,多附生于悬崖峭壁和高大的乔木上,生长缓慢,对小气候环境要求十分严格,尤其是对湿度的要求较高,分布地域狭窄,资源稀少,目前已成为濒危植物.


石斛兰属(Dendrobium)原产地分布在亚洲及热带地区,品种繁多,大致可分为春石斛、秋石斛两种类型以及其它的一些野生原生种. 对于秋石斛而言,可利用温室环境改善中国台湾冬天温度较低不适其生长的问题. 若能开发出耐乙烯品种,


石斛属 ( Dendrobium)是兰科中一个最大的属 ,它包括约 1 1 0 0余种植物 ,分布于亚洲、欧洲、大洋洲等地. 在我国传统医学中 ,石斛属多种植物的新鲜或干燥茎被收做药用 ,统称石斛 ,具有滋阴清热、益胃生津、润肺止咳的功效. 在印度传统医学中 ,石斛属许多种植物也被用做草药

Dendrobium Sw:石斛属

40. 石斛亚族 Dendrobiinae Lindl. | 121. 石斛属 Dendrobium Sw. | 122. 金石斛属 Flickingeria Hawkes


19.Cymbidium,Cym.国兰全部,大花蕙兰,等. | 20.Dendrobium,Den.石斛兰属. | 21.Dendrochilum.无缩写.足柱兰属.

Orchidaceae Ephemerantha fimbriatum:流苏石斛

石斛属 Orchidaceae Ephemerantha | 流苏石斛 Orchidaceae Ephemerantha fimbriatum | 毛兰属 Orchidaceae Eria


种数在10种以上的属有羊耳蒜属(Liparis)、石斛属(Dendrobium)、毛兰属(Eria)、石豆兰属(Bulbophyllum)和兰属(Cymbidium). 海南岛兰科植物属的地理成分可划分为12个分布型和变型,其中热带亚洲成分占总属数的51.3%,热带分布属有71属,