英语人>词典>汉英 : 知识领域 的英文翻译,例句
知识领域 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与知识领域相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/ 6. Course Objects The operating system provides an established, convenient, and efficient interface between user programs and the bare hardware of the computer on which they run.

Curricula 根据中国计算机科学与技术学科教程 2005(China Computing Curricula 2005),计算机科学与技术学科知识体系分为知识领域,知识单元和知识点三个层次,共有 14 个独立的知识领域

Christianism period is the steps that from the creation of Christianism to today , this period last to today.


"Chinese children's growth must read" to the initial reading ability and the knowledge base have yet to build up young children to read objects, including the children are most curious, most interested in understanding the mysteries of the universe, animal the world, historical records, children's fables and other types of encyclopedic knowledge, natural science, humanities, are the main areas covered, in the full and comprehensive knowledge of structure, to new ideas, new materials, new results for the selection of the standard , and strive to provide the best spiritual nourishment to our children, our future society is designed to open a new owner of the window fan to see the world, build a vessel about to sail the knowledge of marine vessels.


It is a complex process by the wide knowledge fields, the complexity illation process.


The community of STCC has been defined as a human community in which knowledge workers intercommunicate with each other and create new knowledge using the Internet technology.


A mass of interactively restricting and influencing relations are existed between these groups, which are distributed in different district and kingdom of knowledge and their thinking viewpoint, review standard and knowledge background are different;simultaneously, various interdependently relations are also existed between and in design objects and its attributes.


Because these experts are imparting information "beyond the ken " of the layperson.


Sees the versatileness and beauty of iPhone / iPod, and attempts to test the possibility of delivering quality management knowledge through this gadget.

长宏专案管理顾问有限公司看到了iPhone / iPod系列的美感高质和精巧,在成功开发出全球第一套中英文双语专案管理辅考系统后,精益求精,针对i系列平台,开发出全球第一套PMP九大知识领域有声书,藉以试探一下此种掌上机体在传递一定知识难度上的可能性。

Therefore, formalizing conceptual network among domain experts may be helpful to mine tacit knowledge.


The major concern of this thesis is about how Smith's divisions of knowledge are predicated on the careful mobilization of "ignorance",which is crucial to Smith's epistemology,as a matter of sorting the manifold in the cultural context of the Anglo-Scottish Enlightenment.


更多网络解释与知识领域相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Affective domain:情意领域

布仑(Bloom)将人类知识能力分为三大领域,即认知领域(cognitive domain)、情意领域(affective domain)、技能领域(psychomotor domain). 因此教育内容中的知识与智能属於智育领域;情绪、兴趣、信仰、态度和价值观等纳入情意领域,

Knowing the client's area:多少要了解一些客户领域的专业知识

Problems are NOT simple (try to substract the problem and establish model)./问题可能比客户想象的复杂很多,我们... | Knowing the client's area./多少要了解一些客户领域的专业知识. | Listen./学会聆...

creative commons:知识共享

2001年,在公共领域中心(Center for the Public Domain)的支持下,以美国斯坦福大学法学院教授劳伦斯.莱辛(Lawrence Lessig)为首的一批精通网络法律、知识产权、信息技术和艺术创作的专家学者共同发起成立了一个非营利性组织--"知识共享"(Creative Commons)[1].


劳斯认为,一旦我们认识到知识仅仅通过其再生产和流通而存在,冲突或斗争(conflict)的重要性就变得很明显了:斗争集中于并指向流通中的知识领域. 知识在斗争中产生和发展. 斗争需要新的更有力的技术、更精密的仪器和更精确的理论模型以剔除可能不正确的或不真实的假说;

Knowledge Discovery:知识发现

软件在数字方面的发展,很早就到了知识的层面,主要研究领域有:商业智能(BI:BusinessIntellignce)、数据挖掘(Data Mining)、知识发现(Knowledge Discovery)等.

Knowledge Discovery:知识挖掘

基于内容的视频信号(Video)与图像库检索是当前计算机视觉,图像数据库与知识挖掘(Knowledge Discovery)等领域研究的热点之一.较系统地介绍了该研究方向的现状.对于静态图像,介绍了基于颜色、纹理、形状、区域、目标特征的检索和交互式检索方法,


"公共领地"实际上就是"公共领域",因为"领地"(demesne)是"领域"(domain)这个词的诺曼第法语拼法. [20]在知识产权研究中,人们还常常使用"公地"(commons)一词. "公地"这个词和"共同财产"关系密切. 因为"对'共同财产'没有'来宾止步&#3

have an appetite for knowledge:酷爱知识 (对....有强烈的 欲望)

6.过着舒适的生活 lead a cosy life | 7.酷爱知识 (对....有强烈的 欲望) have an appetite for knowledge | 8.在科学领域创造自己的事业 make a career in science


服务器要Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows XP, 工作站(workstation)除以上外还可以用Windows 95/98. 没有列价格. 实用分类系统的主要成分是一整套对某一领域里的知识进行表述的词和术语,编制者根据该知识领域的结构将这些词和术语组成等级类目,

