英语人>词典>汉英 : 眼端的 的英文翻译,例句
眼端的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与眼端的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Started production and sales of surgical eyeless needles of 18-8 SS drilled-end type.


The sensitization system of an ommatidium included 11 retinular cells, of which four located at the distal part of the ommatidium; seven formed the proximal main part of the retina. The two parts are some one on top of another.


5Um〓. The surface area of the compound eye is about 21. 044mm〓. An ommatidium composed of cornea, four corneagenous cells, four cone cells and retinular cells.


The main components of every ommatidium of compound eye were completed in the larval stages. An ommatidium composed of cornea, four corneagenous cells, four cone cells and retinular cells. The sensitization system of an ommatidium included 11 retinular cells, of which four located at the distal part of the ommatidium; seven formed the proximal main part of the retina. Their structures are different.


Methods The superior oblique muscle at the scleral insertion in 18 cases (22 eyes) was measured during the recession procedure of superior rectus.


Results: Calvaria of pterygium were separated very easy from laminca elastica anterior. No turbidity of influence sight came forth postoperative other 12 eyes central cornea, in addition to 1 eye central cornea was destroyed by pterygium.


The neurosecretory somata were located onthe proximal surface of the medulla terminalia of the eyestalk.Three types ofneurosecretory cells were distinguished on the basis of size, morphology,distribution,form of outgrowth and ultrastructural feature.


According to the zooplanktonic species composition and it's distribution in the coral reef lagoons from Nansha Islands, these zooplankton may be distinguished into three groups


The increase of the area of the compound eyes in Cherax quadricarinatus is mainly caused by the increase of both the number and the area of the ommatidia.


The results showed that compared to participants of other three groups, neglect patients produced significantly more errors, longer reaction time, and greater number of saccades. They started their search to the left or right of the middle and employed inefficient search strategies. In particular, neglect patients performed worst when the target appeared on the far-left visual field.


更多网络解释与眼端的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

far-end crosstalk:远端串音

此一HDMI 1.3介面静电保护元件与过电流保护参考设计是由泰科电子与全球高速介面设计及测试领导厂商之一的Efficere Technologies所共同开发,其阻抗 (TDR)、资料眼图(Data Eye)和远端串音(Far End Crosstalk)等均能达到或超过HDMI 1.3规格

Snake Eyes:蛇眼/天眼追凶

>(Snake Eyes)是1998年由布莱恩狄帕玛(Brian De Palmer)导演,美国著名影星尼古拉斯.凯奇主演的惊悚类犯罪题材电影,全片由三名目击者罗生门般的说词交织而成,而这个充满了阴谋的悬案,端赖观众与尼可拉斯凯吉一起来抽丝剥茧,


为2个由上皮细胞特化而成的透镜细胞(corneagenous cell)所产生.每个个眼的透镜表面特称小眼面(corneal facet),多呈六角形.晶体也透明,由4个大的晶体细胞(cone cell)形成.受纳器也就是小网膜(retinula),由7或8个视觉细胞(retinular cell)构成.每个视觉细胞近端部延长,

topping lift block:千斤索滑车

topping lift bail 连接在千斤索拉端的三角眼铁 | topping lift block 千斤索滑车 | topping lift bull rope 千斤索升降绳


11、锤状(capitate)类似球杆状,但端部数节突然膨大,末端平截,形状如锤. 例如瓢甲等的触角. 复眼由若干个小眼(ommatidia)组成,小眼的表面一般呈六角型. 在各种昆虫中,小眼的形状、大小以及数目变化很大. 如某些介壳虫雄虫的复眼由少数几个圆形的小眼组成,


loquitur 开始说话 | loral 眼端的 | loran 导航系统


沟齿鼩科(Solenodontidae):第二下门齿有深沟,前足大,5趾具强爪,尾细长,几乎无毛,鼻吻特别细长,眼小,耳壳显著,本科仅1属2种. 海地沟齿鼩(Solenodon paradoxus)金毛鼹科(Chrysochloridae):体形如鼹,无耳壳,眼小隐于皮下,尖的鼻吻端部有革质鼻垫,


loquat 枇杷 | loquitur 开始说话 | loral 眼端的


后端的一圈纤毛在口后环行,或纤毛密生成小膜状. 轮盘有运动及取食的功能,除轮盘外,体表无纤毛. 顶区具有脑后腺的开口,脑后腺能分泌粘液,但其功能不详,顶区还有眼点(图7-5),其数目、位置因种而定,有的种还有触须(palps)具感觉功能.

Sea of Marmara:马尔马拉海

+ '''马尔马拉海'''(Sea of Marmara)是[[世界]]上最小的海,面积仅1.1万平方公里. 马尔马拉海从东北眼端经[[博斯普鲁斯海峡]]通[[黑海]],西南经[[达达尼尔海峡]]通[[爱琴海]],其余的被[[土耳其]]包围. 是[[黑海]]-[[地中海]]-[[大西洋]]的必经之地.