英语人>词典>汉英 : 直观形象 的英文翻译,例句
直观形象 的英文翻译、例句


visual image
更多网络例句与直观形象相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mode of exquisite visual is a visual image thinking in comparison to understand some of the more abstract algebra problem for preliminary exploration mode, the purpose is to make the direct-viewing can better applied to high school algebra teaching


Content: This course discusses the line, plane and quadratic surface in space through algebraic methods, and aims at developing the students' ability to solve geometric problems through analytic methods and to relate geometric intuitive image with algebraic quantitative relation.


The audio-visual language has dynamic visual image quality, the comprehensive and distinct aesthetic characteristic of omni-directional information interchange.


Flowcharts also enable the designer to conceptualize the procedure necessary and to visualize each step and item on a program.


With the rise of Internet technology, resulting in WebGIS, which is not only a visual image, with the aid of diagrams features, but also through the network and services, which can get GIS data sharing and remote access, so which is a satisfactory way ,through which GIS services can achieve.


Objective To investigate the methods of making the visual pathway specimens from calvaria and skull base and provide intuitionistic experimental specimens for anatomy teaching and morphological support for the study of the structure and mechanism of the visual pathway.

目的 探讨视觉传导路标本颅顶及颅底的制作方法,为解剖实验教学提供直观形象的标本,并为研究视觉传导路的构架及机制提供形态学支撑。

The receiving circuit adopts programmable gain amplifier and filter, enables the instrument to realize the automatic filter and the automatic adjusting enlargement factor according to the echo signal's different amplitude and frequency; Having AC and DC power supply modes, the system can satisfy different situation; Having adopted the big screen TFT LCD,caused the tested wave displaying intuitively;Having designed the toucher ,which enables the system to have a human-computer interaction function, helps user operate facilely.


Current, school of vast rural area teachs equipment to return diseased circumstance to fall in report, introduce umbriferous, telerecording classroom, break through the advantage of time, space, macroscopical, microcosmic limitation with its, emersion of visual image ground is objective thing, it is one of effective education measures of " of life of " press close to.


Cold-shouldered by the heroism of young people more inclined to accept the visual image.


Three implements fence carry out various operation in the Word97 window , the most penetrating image and the simplest operating method are to make use of upper implement of means fence button.

工具栏 在Word97的窗口中进行各种操作,最直观形象和最简单的操作方法是利用工具栏上的工具按钮。

更多网络解释与直观形象相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


SPSS统计分析(Analyze)模块,有13个主命令,52个子命令:作图(Graphs)模块能简明生动、形象直观地表达统计资料. SPSS 10.0的作图功能强大,在做统计分析过程中,用户可以选用多种相应的图形,也可以直接由作图菜单中产生,并加以修饰、编辑.

body language:体态语

在日常生活中,人们常常可以不用言语,而借助于表情、手势之类的动作达到交流思想的目的,有时甚至会"无声胜有声",这就是人类的无声语言--肢体语言,即"体态语"(Body Language)的妙用.肢体是教师自身形象的一个生动直观的窗口.

complementary angle:余角

演示课本中的图 通过直观、形象演示,引导学生观察,引入余角、补角概念 2、 探索活动 活动1:通过直观、形象演示,引导学生观察,引入余角、补角概念 如果两个角的和是直角,这两个的角叫做互为余角(complementary angle) 如果两个角的和是平角,




"拟声"(onomatopoeia)或称"摹声"是英语语音修辞格的一种. 拟声作为一种修辞手段,历史非常悠久代写论文,早在公元前四世纪古希腊的斯多葛派就提出了"摹声说",用来解释人类语言的起源. "拟声"通过声音的模仿能够更加直观、形象和生动地把目标展示给听众,

pie chart:圆形图

如下表:圆形图(Pie chart)也称为饼状图或圆面分割图. 圆形图因为比较形象和直观,各部分空间大小差别容易分辨,所以常用来表示总量和各分量之间的百分比关系. 整个圆表示总量,楔形块表示分量. 有时圆形图还有数值表,


因为所谓"图式化",也就是依照"规则"(Regel)对对象的规整. "图式"与形象、意象、图象(Bild)之最重要的不同在于后者是直观所提供的,因此不具有普遍有效性,而经过"想象力的先验综合"规整过的"图式",当然比后者抽象,但比知性概念具体,