英语人>词典>汉英 : 痿 的英文翻译,例句
痿 的英文翻译、例句

flaccid paralysis · motor impairment
更多网络例句与痿相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Have dinner guests, and the host to talk about Luffa Flaccidity Yang, leek impotence.


In conclusion, we suggest that the mechanism of knee OA is: flaccidity of base and arthralgia of superficies, the deficiency of liver and kidney is the root cause, followed by blockade of meridians. In dealing with knee OA, LiXiJianBu Tang matching TongLuoRouXi manipulation is highly effective, safe and free of side effect.


Type 1; ordinary type; 2,(take a long time to work and television-type); III,(white-collar, no serious training-type activities) IV, serious; type (68 yuan is not Baoyou Fei), 2 (88 yuan is not Baoyou Fei), 3 (128 million), IV (288 yuan), 5 Diego Jiaoxin 100: Zishen with water, drop imaginary fire, Shugan Mingmu, and other functions, can control high-pressure, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia, poor disease Flaccidity Foot Reflexology Diego, used his left hand and heart massage Youzu heart, heart with his right hand left foot massage heart of the 100 "on the Zuxin Fitness for "believing that it could" down with hot, strong physical body."


Knee Flaccidity weak enough, more than Lek urine, vaginal itch under the wet,uneasy movement, high blood pressure.


Lin Qianliang concluded the curative effects of tea as following aspects, namely: Help less sleep, tranquilize the nerves, brighten eyes, fresh brain, quench thirst, promote the body fluid, clear heat, relieve summer heat, expel the poison, promote digestion, keep fat off, break wind, eliminating dampness, relax the bowels, dispel phlegm, expel pathogenic wind from body surface, consolidate the teeth, cure the heartache, cure furunculosis and paralysis, relieve hunger, benefit physical strength, prolong life and others.

林乾良教授将茶的疗效归纳为以下几个方面,即:少睡,安神,明目,清头目,止渴生津,清热,消暑,解毒,消食,去肥腻,下气,利水,通便,去痰,祛风解表,坚齿,治心痛,疗疮治,疗饥,益气力,延年益寿及其他。科学研究表明,普洱茶除了和其他茶类一样具有以上功能外,现代研究证实在以下几个方面疗效更为突出: 1。

Efficiency: Oral rose essential oil has extremely strong penetration, and can instantly penetrate into channels, relieve nerves with powerful functions in rejuvenating skin, dredging blood vessels, purifying and improving the quality of blood, regularizing incretion, strengthening ovary functions, preventing gynaecological diseases, delaying menopause, resisting hypochondrium, fading dull and yellowish tone, improving sexual desire, and can provide fragrance for human body and make skin tender, white, ruddy, pure and young after frequent use as the top oral product for ladies.


The results showed that the content of ursolic acid in Hedyotis diffusa Willd was 0.896 %, which was the highest in the three medicines,and that in Eriobotrya japonica L indl was 0.843%,which was a bit low,that in Ligustrum lucidum Ait1 was 0.436 %, the lowest in the three.


Uses in Yin deficient positive Yuan, cards and so on wet dream backache, the blood deficiency and related debilities kidney empty, the dizziness annoyed, loses sleep the multi-dreams, the waist foot atrophy weak one.


KOAs that have clinical symptoms were "primary symptoms even and second symptoms acute", and in treatment the primary symptoms and second symptoms shoud be relieved at the same time, the first important is to relieve the second symptoms, then take an eye on primary symptoms.

导师许书亮教授认为膝OA为&本虚标实&、&本标痹&之证,有症状的膝OA 仍&标急本缓&,治疗上应标本兼顾,以治标为主但始终兼顾其本。

Hematemesis, hemoptysis, lung carbuncle, diabetes, fever Jin injury, constipation and other symptoms.


更多网络解释与痿相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

gradual emaciation:人渐消瘦

黄瘦 withered yellow complexion and emaciation | 人渐消瘦 gradual emaciation | 人误吞马蝗入腹 accidental swallowing of leeches


Tuberculosis 肺痨 | Emphysema 肺胀 | The Lung w ithering 肺

flaccid tongue:痿软舌

121 舌态 tongue condition | 122 软舌 flaccid tongue | 123 强硬舌 stiff tongue

Flaccidity Syndrome:(痿证, Wei Zheng)

43. Bi Syndrome (痹证, Bi Zheng) | 44. Flaccidity Syndrome (证, Wei Zheng) | 45. Torticollis (落枕, Lao Zhen)

flaccidity of lower limbs:脚弱

flaccidity of limbs due to deficiency of blood 血虚 | flaccidity of lower limbs 脚弱 | flaccidity of tendon and muscle 筋弛,筋纵

atrophic rhinitis:痿缩性鼻炎

10钩端螺旋体病Leptospira | 10缩性鼻炎Atrophic rhinitis | 10-12多杀性巴氏杆菌病P.multocida

sway back:腰痿

\\"天鹅\\",\\"swan\\" | \\"腰\\",\\"sway back\\" | \\"汗,汗液,出汗\\",\\"sweat\\"


syrinx ,管 | syringes 复数,,管 | syringe 注射器


syringoid 管样的 | syringotomy 管切开术 | 86 室 ventricul

prednisone acetate:瘫痿胶囊

乙酸乙酯:ethyl acetate | 瘫胶囊:Prednisone acetate | 醋酸丁酯:n-butyl acetate