英语人>词典>汉英 : 由来已久的 的英文翻译,例句
由来已久的 的英文翻译、例句


of long standing · time-honoured
更多网络例句与由来已久的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My interest in the field is long-standing.


LISA MILLAR: So are you suggesting that it's old news I think as you said in the book, that China runs the world economy, but will it one day run the world's politics?


This is a very ancient superstition which seems to originate in the 1580s.


Researching of aggression by the Rorschach test has begun for a long time.


But Chinese money is perhaps the most desirable, largely because of the centuries-old siren song of the Chinese market.


In time-honoured tradition, a bottle of champagne was smashed on the ship.


Afernoon tea in England is still a time-honoured tradition.


BEIJING - China and India have taken a vituperative war of words and diplomatic外交上的 barbs to an unusual level of tension in recent days, prompting fears that the traditional rivalry between the two Asian giants could spin out of control.


Due to the backward economy and long-existing scarcity of average tillable land resource in rural area, it leads to great redundancy of agricultural labor.


But in India as well , the old inferiority complex towards the US is eroding .


更多网络解释与由来已久的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


[由来已久]在古英语中是"高贵"(noble)的意思. Adelaide的缩写. [由来已久]在拉丁语中意为"阿普里尔",蕴涵有"开始"(begin)的意思.

ugly ducking:由庸俗难看的小孩子长成才貌出众的人

由来已久的争吵/ancient quarrel | 由庸俗难看的小孩子长成才貌出众的人/ugly ducking | 邮递员敲门游戏/postman's knock;post office

Harvard Report:哈佛报告

前线医护人员frontline medical workers | 哈佛报告Harvard Report | 是由来已久的问题has been a long-standing problem

longstanding problem:长期(由来已久)的问题

9:at stake在危险中(处于成败关头) | 10:longstanding problem长期(由来已久)的问题 | 1: can't/couldn't help doing情不自禁的要做-----

of long standing:多年的, 长久的, 由来已久的

(17)inner nature:内在气质、内在品质. | (18)of long standing:多年的, 长久的, 由来已久的. | (19)chronic:慢性的, 延续很长的.

well posed:适定的

数学和物理上的反问题的研究由来已久,法国数学家阿达马早在19世纪就提出了不适定问题的概念:称一个数学物理定解问题的解存在、唯一并且稳定的则称该问题是适定的(Well Posed).如果不满足适定性概念中的上述判据中的一条或几条,

What's your nationality, sir:先生, 你的国籍

10. this custom has a long tradition.这一风俗由来已久. | 11. what's your nationality, sir? 先生, 你的国籍? | 12. it's not necessary to do this job. 没必要做这件工作 / 做这个工作没有必要

Nullable Type:可空类型

但是这种方法不是很适合参数和返回值. 第三种方法是使用一组用户定义的可空类型,但是这仅适用于属于闭集的类型集合. C# 的可空类型 (nullable type) 通过为所有值类型的可空形式提供完整和集成的支持,解决了这个由来已久的问题.

Wedded me for love of gold:她与我结合是因为对金子的渴求

She I loved in days of old我对她的爱由来已久 | Wedded me for love of gold.她与我结合是因为对金子的渴求 | If I dreamed her heart was mine,如果我幻想她的心灵归我所有


然而在其他土耳其城市,如哈卡里(Hakkari)、乌尔法(Urfa)和希尔特(Siirt),瑙鲁兹节被禁止是由来已久的事情. 库尔德人已经采取了几项前期准备措施,例如把成千上万库尔德人重新安置到基尔库克,以增加该市的库尔德人比例;