英语人>词典>汉英 : 田界 的英文翻译,例句
田界 的英文翻译、例句


boundary strip
更多网络例句与田界相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results shows:most periodical is bimonthly and there are only 4 semimonthly publications;the start publication time is centralized in 80 decade,20 century;publication area of the most periodical is Beijing city and the other periodical is in Jiangsu,Liaoning,Shanxi,Heilongjiang,Henan,Hubei and Zhejiang province;most periodical join in network with pe- riodicals network and there are few independence web site;there are 19 forestry kernel periodicals is summed up to agri- cultural key periodical.


A is for Apple B is for Ball C Candle D is for Door E is for Egg F is for Fall G is for Grass H is for Hall I is for Ice J is for Jam K is for Kite L is for Lamb Mmmmmmmmm M Moonlight N Night O Orange P is for Pie Q is for Queen R is for Rain S is for Smile T is for Train Mmmmmmmmm U Umbrella V is for Vell W is for Whale X X-ray Y Yo yo Z is for Zero Mmmmmmmmm 持田香织是日本当红组合ELTEvery Little Thing


Tian Yali is a paper-cut circles with big women in Shaanxi.


In recent years, there are more than 200 power stations we supplied assemblies for. And our company is the first one to supply for Wind Power Generate Electricity ——Green Energy Project. There are some projects as follow:Shenzhen Mawan Electric Plant; Neimenggu Dalate Banner Electric Plant; Neimenggu Tuoketuo Electric Plant; Shanxi Wangqu Electric Plant; Ningbo Beilun Harbor Electric Plant; Tianjin Yangliuqing Electric Plant; Guangxi Laibin Electric Plant; Neimeng Datang Tuoketuo Electric Plant; Shandong Luneng ElectricPlant; Liaoning Shuangliao Electric Plant; Wuhan Qingshan Electric Plant; Guangdong Zhuhan Electric Plant; Guangdong Shantou Electric Plant; Qitaihe Electric Plant; Laibin Electric Plant; Tianjin Panshan Electric Plant; Zhengzhou Yuzhou Electric Plant; Hunan Yiyang Electric Plant; Jiangxi Fenyi ElectricPlant; Guizhou Nayong Electric Plant; Gansu Jiugang Electric Plant; Shandong Zibo Nanding Electric Plant; Baiyanhe Electric Plant; Malaysia Kuching Electric Plant; Shanxi Gujiao Electric Plant; Liaoning Fushun Electric Plant; Yulin Electric Plant; E'erduosi Electric Plant; Xinhua Electric Plant; HejinElectric Plant; India Electric Plant; Vietnam Gaoan Electric Plant; Jiangsu Changshu Electric Plant; Wuhan Yangluo Electric Plant; Xiamen Songyu Electric Plant; Qinghuangdao Electric Plant; Anhui Tianjiaan Electric Plant; Pakistan Electric Plant; Indonesia Electric Plant; Wujing Electric Plant; JinggangshanElectric Plant; Laicheng Electric Plant; Xutang Electric Plant; Liyan Electric Plant; Jining Electric Plant; Nayong Electric Plant; Jiaxiing Electric Plant; Taicang Electric Plant; Taishan Electric Plant; Ninhai Electric Plant; Dingzhou Electric Plant; Hebei Shachenzi Electric Plant; Henan Sanmen Electric


更多网络解释与田界相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

boundary strip:边界地带,田界

boundary stress 边缘应力 | boundary strip 边界地带,田界 | boundary surface 边界面


修罗(Shura) 日本漫画家车田正美代表作>中的人物 魔羯座(Capricornus)的黄金圣斗士 镇守黄道十二宫的第十宫 山羊宫. [修罗]:原为梵文Sura 古印度神话中天神. 该词起源于梵语Swar 意指"天界".

Detonator Orgun:风暴战士 大张正己

Demon Hunter Yohko---------------魔界妖子 山田胜久 | Detonator Orgun ------ ---------风暴战士 大张正己 | Devilman-----------恶魔人 永井豪

Detonator Orgun:凤暴兵士 大张正己

Demon Hunter Yohko 界妖子 山田胜久 | Detonator Orgun 凤暴兵士 大张正己 | Devilman 恶 永井豪


本 修行地:希腊圣域 师从:天鹰座白银圣斗士魔铃(MARIN) 擅长斗技: ----天马流星拳 ----天马彗星拳 ----天马回旋碎击 TV版声优: ----古谷彻 ----江森浩子(幼年) ----森田成一(冥界篇) 人物简介: 中国>云:马成之山,




印度尼西亚创价学会第2届全国青年部研修会1月11日、12日在西爪哇州万隆市(Bandung)近郊盛大举行,男子部、女子部、学生部、未来部代表240人参加. 研修会以「战胜人生」为主体,钻研「十界论」等基本佛学用语以及池田SGI会长著作的<<青春对话>>.


本 修行地:希腊圣域 师从:天鹰座白银圣斗士魔铃(MARIN) 擅长斗技: ----天马流星拳 ----天马彗星拳 ----天马回旋碎击 TV版声优: ----古谷彻 ----江森浩子(幼年) ----森田成一(冥界篇) 人物简介: 中国<<山海经>>云:马成之山,